DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : VI, Issue : III, April - 2016


Sandeep K. Raval, -

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Sangli–Miraj–Kupwad Municipal Corporation attempts to impose taxes on various properties registered in Corporation area. In the era of economic reforms also, we observe growing expectations of the people from the government to speed up development, which helps in improving standard of living of the people coupled with social welfare maximization.

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    Sandeep K. Raval, -(2016). DUES PROBLEMS OF SANGLI–MIRAJ–KUPWAD MUNICIPAL CORPORATION (SMKMC). Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. VI, Issue. III, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

    1. Kitchen, Harry (2005), Property Taxation: Issue in Implementation, Working Paper IIGR, Queens University,
    2. Kamble, P. S. (2001), Finances of Kolhapur Municipal Corporation, Ph. D. thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    3. Rode Sanjay (2010), Drinking Water Supply Management in Municipal Corporation of Maharashtra, Global Journal of Management and Business Research, Vol. 10, Issue 6.
    4. Kitchen, Harry (2005), Property Taxation: Issue in Implementation, Working Paper IIGR, Queens University,
    5. Kamble, P. S. (2001), Finances of Kolhapur Municipal Corporation, Ph. D. thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    6. SMKMC (2013-14), Official Record of Water supply Department, Sangli–Miraj–Kupwad Municipal Corporation.
    7. Mahamuni, V. V. (1987), ‘A Study of Municipal Taxation with Reference to Octroi in Kolhapur City’, M. Phil. dissertation submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    8. Kamble Sachin (2010), ‘The Costs of Panchganga River Water Pollution on Kolhapur City’ Ph. D. thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    9. Kitchen, Harry (2005), Property Taxation: Issue in Implementation, Working Paper IIGR, Queens University,
    10. Kamble, P. S. (2001), Finances of Kolhapur Municipal Corporation, Ph. D. thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    11. Kitchen, Harry (2005), Property Taxation: Issue in Implementation, Working Paper IIGR, Queens University,
    12. Kamble, P. S. (2001), Finances of Kolhapur Municipal Corporation, Ph. D. thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    13. Mahamuni, V. V. (1987), ‘A Study of Municipal Taxation with Reference to Octroi in Kolhapur City’, M. Phil. dissertation submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    14. Kamble Sachin (2010), ‘The Costs of Panchganga River Water Pollution on Kolhapur City’ Ph. D. thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    15. Rode Sanjay (2010), Drinking Water Supply Management in Municipal Corporation of Maharashtra, Global Journal of Management and Business Research, Vol. 10, Issue 6.
    16. Kitchen, Harry (2005), Property Taxation: Issue in Implementation, Working Paper IIGR, Queens University,
    17. Kamble, P. S. (2001), Finances of Kolhapur Municipal Corporation, Ph. D. thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    18. Rode Sanjay (2010), Drinking Water Supply Management in Municipal Corporation of Maharashtra, Global Journal of Management and Business Research, Vol. 10, Issue 6.
    19. Mahamuni, V. V. (1987), ‘A Study of Municipal Taxation with Reference to Octroi in Kolhapur City’, M. Phil. dissertation submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    20. Kamble Sachin (2010), ‘The Costs of Panchganga River Water Pollution on Kolhapur City’ Ph. D. thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    21. SMKMC (2013-14), Official Record of Water supply Department, Sangli–Miraj–Kupwad Municipal Corporation.
    22. Mahamuni, V. V. (1987), ‘A Study of Municipal Taxation with Reference to Octroi in Kolhapur City’, M. Phil. dissertation submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    23. Kamble Sachin (2010), ‘The Costs of Panchganga River Water Pollution on Kolhapur City’ Ph. D. thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    24. Rode Sanjay (2010), Drinking Water Supply Management in Municipal Corporation of Maharashtra, Global Journal of Management and Business Research, Vol. 10, Issue 6.
    25. Mahamuni, V. V. (1987), ‘A Study of Municipal Taxation with Reference to Octroi in Kolhapur City’, M. Phil. dissertation submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    26. Kamble Sachin (2010), ‘The Costs of Panchganga River Water Pollution on Kolhapur City’ Ph. D. thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    27. Rode Sanjay (2010), Drinking Water Supply Management in Municipal Corporation of Maharashtra, Global Journal of Management and Business Research, Vol. 10, Issue 6.
    28. SMKMC (2013-14), Official Record of Water supply Department, Sangli–Miraj–Kupwad Municipal Corporation.
    29. SMKMC (2013-14), Official Record of Water supply Department, Sangli–Miraj–Kupwad Municipal Corporation.
    30. Mahamuni, V. V. (1987), ‘A Study of Municipal Taxation with Reference to Octroi in Kolhapur City’, M. Phil. dissertation submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    31. Kamble Sachin (2010), ‘The Costs of Panchganga River Water Pollution on Kolhapur City’ Ph. D. thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
    32. Rode Sanjay (2010), Drinking Water Supply Management in Municipal Corporation of Maharashtra, Global Journal of Management and Business Research, Vol. 10, Issue 6.
    33. Kitchen, Harry (2005), Property Taxation: Issue in Implementation, Working Paper IIGR, Queens University,
    34. Kamble, P. S. (2001), Finances of Kolhapur Municipal Corporation, Ph. D. thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur.

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