DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : VI, Issue : III, April - 2016


Vinayak B. Patil, -

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Due to high and tough competition, hectic schedule, complex job profiles, performance oriented promotions and pays, the employees of various organizations are facing various issues in their work-life balance. The opposite demands of work

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    Vinayak B. Patil, -(2016). WORK -LIFE BALANCE: A REVIEW OF LITERATURE. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. VI, Issue. III, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

    1. .Dr. Rajashree Gujarathi and Milind A. Peshave (ISSN- 0976- 495X/March 2014) -An Analysis of Work- Life Balance (WLB) Situation of Employees and its Impact on Employee Productivity with Special
    2. S. Sujatha Gopinath and K. Santhana Lakshmi ( ISSN – 2320-0073/ March2013) -work life balance of women employees – with reference to teaching faculties
    3. S. Sujatha Gopinath and K. Santhana Lakshmi ( ISSN – 2320-0073/ March2013) -work life balance of women employees – with reference to teaching faculties
    4. S. Sujatha Gopinath and K. Santhana Lakshmi ( ISSN – 2320-0073/ March2013) -work life balance of women employees – with reference to teaching faculties
    5. Reference to the Indian Hotel Industry
    6. .Dr. Rajashree Gujarathi and Milind A. Peshave (ISSN- 0976- 495X/March 2014) -An Analysis of Work- Life Balance (WLB) Situation of Employees and its Impact on Employee Productivity with Special
    7. Reference to the Indian Hotel Industry
    8. .Dr. Rajashree Gujarathi and Milind A. Peshave (ISSN- 0976- 495X/March 2014) -An Analysis of Work- Life Balance (WLB) Situation of Employees and its Impact on Employee Productivity with Special
    9. S. Sujatha Gopinath and K. Santhana Lakshmi ( ISSN – 2320-0073/ March2013) -work life balance of women employees – with reference to teaching faculties
    10. S. Sujatha Gopinath and K. Santhana Lakshmi ( ISSN – 2320-0073/ March2013) -work life balance of women employees – with reference to teaching faculties
    11. .Dr. Rajashree Gujarathi and Milind A. Peshave (ISSN- 0976- 495X/March 2014) -An Analysis of Work- Life Balance (WLB) Situation of Employees and its Impact on Employee Productivity with Special
    12. Reference to the Indian Hotel Industry
    13. Reference to the Indian Hotel Industry
    14. Reference to the Indian Hotel Industry
    15. Reference to the Indian Hotel Industry
    16. Reference to the Indian Hotel Industry
    17. Reference to the Indian Hotel Industry
    18. .Dr. Rajashree Gujarathi and Milind A. Peshave (ISSN- 0976- 495X/March 2014) -An Analysis of Work- Life Balance (WLB) Situation of Employees and its Impact on Employee Productivity with Special
    19. S. Sujatha Gopinath and K. Santhana Lakshmi ( ISSN – 2320-0073/ March2013) -work life balance of women employees – with reference to teaching faculties
    20. .Dr. Rajashree Gujarathi and Milind A. Peshave (ISSN- 0976- 495X/March 2014) -An Analysis of Work- Life Balance (WLB) Situation of Employees and its Impact on Employee Productivity with Special

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