DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : VI, Issue : II, March - 2016


V. Jaykumar, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

"Don't take them too seriously.”Make a list of schools that seem interesting and seem to focus on the things you are interested in, and go from there," says Avi Zenilman. He warns college-bound students that the difference between No. 1 and No. 50 on a list of colleges can be smaller than it appears on the printed page. Formulas for calculating these things can be funky. Rankings capture general trends, not the specifics of even individual school

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V. Jaykumar, None(2016). RANKING HOTEL MANAGEMENT COLLEGES IN INDIA- A SKEWED LACUNAE. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. VI, Issue. II, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Guttenplan, D. D. (2014, Jun 02). Re-evaluating the college rankings game. International New York Times
  2. College rankings tell us very little. (2014, Aug 17). Portland Press Herald
  3. Gallagher, K. S. (2004, May 20). College rankings get failing grade in measuring quality. USA TODAY
  4. Ford, R. C., & LeBruto, S. M. (1995). How much practical hotel management education is necessary? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 7(5), 4
  5. DiMaria, F. (2007, Jul 16). The college-rankings game. The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education, 17, 16-18
  6. Do college rankings offer insight? Yes: Status can be a part of the search for good schools. (2014, Sep 16). South Florida Sun – Sentinel
  7. Cramer, K. M., & Page, S. (2007). Calibrating canadian universities: Rankings for sale once again. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 22(1), 4-13.
  8. McMahon, U., & Quinn, U. (1995). Maximizing the hospitality management student work placement experience: A case study. Education & Training, 37(4), 13.
  9. Ineson, E. M., Rhoden, S., & Alexieva, I. (2011). Success in hotel management: Implications for M-level course design in bulgaria. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education (Pre-2012), 10(2), 30-49.
  10. College rankings tell us very little. (2014, Aug 17). Portland Press Herald
  11. Hotel management a professional career, in indian context - dr J K mangaraj, principal, IHM ahmedabad. (2013, Mar 13). HospitalityBiz,
  12. Guttenplan, D. D. (2014, Jun 02). Re-evaluating the college rankings game. International New York Times
  13. Gallagher, K. S. (2004, May 20). College rankings get failing grade in measuring quality. USA TODAY
  14. Ford, R. C., & LeBruto, S. M. (1995). How much practical hotel management education is necessary? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 7(5), 4
  15. DiMaria, F. (2007, Jul 16). The college-rankings game. The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education, 17, 16-18
  16. Do college rankings offer insight? Yes: Status can be a part of the search for good schools. (2014, Sep 16). South Florida Sun – Sentinel
  17. Cramer, K. M., & Page, S. (2007). Calibrating canadian universities: Rankings for sale once again. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 22(1), 4-13.
  18. Hotel management a professional career, in indian context - dr J K mangaraj, principal, IHM ahmedabad. (2013, Mar 13). HospitalityBiz,
  19. McMahon, U., & Quinn, U. (1995). Maximizing the hospitality management student work placement experience: A case study. Education & Training, 37(4), 13.
  20. Ineson, E. M., Rhoden, S., & Alexieva, I. (2011). Success in hotel management: Implications for M-level course design in bulgaria. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education (Pre-2012), 10(2), 30-49.
  21. Guttenplan, D. D. (2014, Jun 02). Re-evaluating the college rankings game. International New York Times
  22. College rankings tell us very little. (2014, Aug 17). Portland Press Herald
  23. Gallagher, K. S. (2004, May 20). College rankings get failing grade in measuring quality. USA TODAY
  24. Ford, R. C., & LeBruto, S. M. (1995). How much practical hotel management education is necessary? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 7(5), 4
  25. DiMaria, F. (2007, Jul 16). The college-rankings game. The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education, 17, 16-18
  26. Do college rankings offer insight? Yes: Status can be a part of the search for good schools. (2014, Sep 16). South Florida Sun – Sentinel
  27. Cramer, K. M., & Page, S. (2007). Calibrating canadian universities: Rankings for sale once again. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 22(1), 4-13.
  28. Hotel management a professional career, in indian context - dr J K mangaraj, principal, IHM ahmedabad. (2013, Mar 13). HospitalityBiz,
  29. McMahon, U., & Quinn, U. (1995). Maximizing the hospitality management student work placement experience: A case study. Education & Training, 37(4), 13.
  30. Ineson, E. M., Rhoden, S., & Alexieva, I. (2011). Success in hotel management: Implications for M-level course design in bulgaria. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education (Pre-2012), 10(2), 30-49.
  31. College rankings tell us very little. (2014, Aug 17). Portland Press Herald
  32. Gallagher, K. S. (2004, May 20). College rankings get failing grade in measuring quality. USA TODAY
  33. Ford, R. C., & LeBruto, S. M. (1995). How much practical hotel management education is necessary? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 7(5), 4
  34. Guttenplan, D. D. (2014, Jun 02). Re-evaluating the college rankings game. International New York Times
  35. DiMaria, F. (2007, Jul 16). The college-rankings game. The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education, 17, 16-18
  36. Do college rankings offer insight? Yes: Status can be a part of the search for good schools. (2014, Sep 16). South Florida Sun – Sentinel
  37. Hotel management a professional career, in indian context - dr J K mangaraj, principal, IHM ahmedabad. (2013, Mar 13). HospitalityBiz,
  38. Cramer, K. M., & Page, S. (2007). Calibrating canadian universities: Rankings for sale once again. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 22(1), 4-13.
  39. McMahon, U., & Quinn, U. (1995). Maximizing the hospitality management student work placement experience: A case study. Education & Training, 37(4), 13.
  40. Ineson, E. M., Rhoden, S., & Alexieva, I. (2011). Success in hotel management: Implications for M-level course design in bulgaria. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sports and Tourism Education (Pre-2012), 10(2), 30-49.

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