DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : VI, Issue : I, February - 2016


Preeti M. Gadag, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

India, being such a vast country, presents wide variations in agro climatic conditions. Such variations have led to the evolution of regional niches for various crops. In agricultural development, ‘Diversification’, is one of the most commonly used term in the recent years. By tradition, diversification was used more in the context of a subsistence kind of farming and the farmers grew many crops on their farm. The household level food security as also risk was an important consideration in diversification. Crop diversification refers to a shift from traditionally grown less remunerative crops. Diversification of agriculture is a shift from the regional dominance of one crop to regional production of a number of crops, to meet ever increasing demand for cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, fodder, fuel, etc. It aims to improve soil health and a dynamic equilibrium of the agro-ecosystem. The cropping pattern of an area has important implications for its agricultural growth in general and livelihood of millions of Indian farmers. Apart from agro-ecological conditions and different socio-economic, infrastructure and institutional factors, the cropping pattern decision of the farmers is largely influenced by their exposure to risks arising out of various sources. The paper tries to study the crop production and economics scenario. It attempts to recognize Indian perspective of crop diversification and also examine pattern of crop diversification in India.

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Preeti M. Gadag, None(2016). DIVERSIFICATION OF CROPPING PATTERN IN INDIA. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. VI, Issue. I, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

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  7. Saraswati Poudel Acharya, H. Basavaraja, L.B. Kunnal, S.B. Mahajanashetti and A.R.S Bhat. Crop Diversification in Karnataka: An Economic Analysis. Agricultural Economics Research Review. Vol. 24 July-December 2011 pp 351-357
  8. GOI. (2013). Agricultural Situation in India. Directorate of Economics and Statistics Department of Agriculture and Co-Operation Ministry of Agriculture. Government of India. C-1, Hutments, Dalhousie Road, New Delhi-110011.
  9. World Bank (1988): Diversification in Rural Asia. Working paper series no. 98, Agriculture and Rural Development Department, The World Bank, Washington DC
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  11. Saraswati Poudel Acharya, H. Basavaraja, L.B. Kunnal, S.B. Mahajanashetti and A.R.S Bhat. Crop Diversification in Karnataka: An Economic Analysis. Agricultural Economics Research Review. Vol. 24 July-December 2011 pp 351-357
  12. Bhalla, G.S and Singh, Gurmail. (2001) Indian Agriculture: Four Decades of Development, New Delhi, Sage Publications.
  13. Bhalla, G.S and Singh, Gurmail. (2001) Indian Agriculture: Four Decades of Development, New Delhi, Sage Publications.
  14. Bhalla, G.S and Singh, Gurmail. (2001) Indian Agriculture: Four Decades of Development, New Delhi, Sage Publications.
  15. GOI. (2013). Agricultural Situation in India. Directorate of Economics and Statistics Department of Agriculture and Co-Operation Ministry of Agriculture. Government of India. C-1, Hutments, Dalhousie Road, New Delhi-110011.
  16. World Bank (1988): Diversification in Rural Asia. Working paper series no. 98, Agriculture and Rural Development Department, The World Bank, Washington DC
  17. Bhalla, G.S and Singh, Gurmail. (2001) Indian Agriculture: Four Decades of Development, New Delhi, Sage Publications.
  18. Saraswati Poudel Acharya, H. Basavaraja, L.B. Kunnal, S.B. Mahajanashetti and A.R.S Bhat. Crop Diversification in Karnataka: An Economic Analysis. Agricultural Economics Research Review. Vol. 24 July-December 2011 pp 351-357

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