DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : XII, January - 2016


Krishna Kumar, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The act of defining and delineating the boundaries of a region can take many forms, from the accumulation of community visions and perceptions, to historical precedence, to data-driven methods based on economic and urban theories. It can be based on the basis of homogeneity, functional activity, fast movement of goods and people. Before delineating highway corridor zone it is very important to understand that what is highway corridor. Highway corridors are defined as a “strip of land between two termini, over which traffic, topography environment and other characteristics are evaluated for transportation purposes” (Ministry of Transportation and Highways, Planning Department, Thompsod/Okanagan Region, 1997). How a corridor is delineated depends on what is being analyzed. “Corridor” plans usually address relatively small sections of highway in a great amount of detail. Highway planning is concerned with Corridor performance at a higher level and uses a length equivalent to a long distance trip taking several hours or more to make.

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Krishna Kumar, None(2016). DELINEATING ZONES ALONG HIGHWAY CORRIDOR FOR EXAMINING THE LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. XII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. The European Union Road Federation (2006b): “The Socio-Economic Benefits of Roads in Europe”. Brussels: ERF.
  2. NCR planning board (2001)
  3. Banister, David and Berechman, Joseph (2000): "Transport Investment and Economic Development". London: UCL Press.
  4. The European Union Road Federation (2006b): “The Socio-Economic Benefits of Roads in Europe”. Brussels: ERF.
  5. NCR planning board (2001)
  6. Banister, David and Berechman, Joseph (2000): "Transport Investment and Economic Development". London: UCL Press.
  7. The European Union Road Federation (2006b): “The Socio-Economic Benefits of Roads in Europe”. Brussels: ERF.
  8. NCR planning board (2001)
  9. Banister, David and Berechman, Joseph (2000): "Transport Investment and Economic Development". London: UCL Press.
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  11. The European Union Road Federation (2006b): “The Socio-Economic Benefits of Roads in Europe”. Brussels: ERF.
  12. The European Union Road Federation (2006b): “The Socio-Economic Benefits of Roads in Europe”. Brussels: ERF.
  13. NCR planning board (2001)
  14. Banister, David and Berechman, Joseph (2000): "Transport Investment and Economic Development". London: UCL Press.
  15. NCR planning board (2001)
  16. Banister, David and Berechman, Joseph (2000): "Transport Investment and Economic Development". London: UCL Press.
  17. Ministry of Transportation and Highways, Planning Department, Thompsod /Okanagan Region, (1997)
  18. Judge, Eamonn (1998): "Transport Investment and Local and Regional Development: Perspectives on the Emerging Motorway System in Poland". Proceedings from the 38th Congress of the European Regional Science Association "Europe Quo Vadis? – Regional Questions at the Turn of the Century", Vienna, August 28th - September 1st 1998. Wien: Vienna University of Economics
  19. Ministry of Transportation and Highways, Planning Department, Thompsod /Okanagan Region, (1997)
  20. The European Union Road Federation (2006b): “The Socio-Economic Benefits of Roads in Europe”. Brussels: ERF.
  21. The European Union Road Federation (2006b): “The Socio-Economic Benefits of Roads in Europe”. Brussels: ERF.
  22. NCR planning board (2001)
  23. Banister, David and Berechman, Joseph (2000): "Transport Investment and Economic Development". London: UCL Press.
  24. Ministry of Transportation and Highways, Planning Department, Thompsod /Okanagan Region, (1997)
  25. Judge, Eamonn (1998): "Transport Investment and Local and Regional Development: Perspectives on the Emerging Motorway System in Poland". Proceedings from the 38th Congress of the European Regional Science Association "Europe Quo Vadis? – Regional Questions at the Turn of the Century", Vienna, August 28th - September 1st 1998. Wien: Vienna University of Economics
  26. Ministry of Transportation and Highways, Planning Department, Thompsod /Okanagan Region, (1997)
  27. Judge, Eamonn (1998): "Transport Investment and Local and Regional Development: Perspectives on the Emerging Motorway System in Poland". Proceedings from the 38th Congress of the European Regional Science Association "Europe Quo Vadis? – Regional Questions at the Turn of the Century", Vienna, August 28th - September 1st 1998. Wien: Vienna University of Economics
  28. NCR planning board (2001)
  29. Banister, David and Berechman, Joseph (2000): "Transport Investment and Economic Development". London: UCL Press.
  30. Ministry of Transportation and Highways, Planning Department, Thompsod /Okanagan Region, (1997)
  31. Judge, Eamonn (1998): "Transport Investment and Local and Regional Development: Perspectives on the Emerging Motorway System in Poland". Proceedings from the 38th Congress of the European Regional Science Association "Europe Quo Vadis? – Regional Questions at the Turn of the Century", Vienna, August 28th - September 1st 1998. Wien: Vienna University of Economics
  32. The European Union Road Federation (2006b): “The Socio-Economic Benefits of Roads in Europe”. Brussels: ERF.
  33. NCR planning board (2001)
  34. Banister, David and Berechman, Joseph (2000): "Transport Investment and Economic Development". London: UCL Press.
  35. NCR planning board (2001)
  36. Banister, David and Berechman, Joseph (2000): "Transport Investment and Economic Development". London: UCL Press.
  37. Ministry of Transportation and Highways, Planning Department, Thompsod /Okanagan Region, (1997)
  38. Judge, Eamonn (1998): "Transport Investment and Local and Regional Development: Perspectives on the Emerging Motorway System in Poland". Proceedings from the 38th Congress of the European Regional Science Association "Europe Quo Vadis? – Regional Questions at the Turn of the Century", Vienna, August 28th - September 1st 1998. Wien: Vienna University of Economics
  39. Judge, Eamonn (1998): "Transport Investment and Local and Regional Development: Perspectives on the Emerging Motorway System in Poland". Proceedings from the 38th Congress of the European Regional Science Association "Europe Quo Vadis? – Regional Questions at the Turn of the Century", Vienna, August 28th - September 1st 1998. Wien: Vienna University of Economics
  40. The European Union Road Federation (2006b): “The Socio-Economic Benefits of Roads in Europe”. Brussels: ERF.
  41. Ministry of Transportation and Highways, Planning Department, Thompsod /Okanagan Region, (1997)
  42. Ministry of Transportation and Highways, Planning Department, Thompsod /Okanagan Region, (1997)
  43. Judge, Eamonn (1998): "Transport Investment and Local and Regional Development: Perspectives on the Emerging Motorway System in Poland". Proceedings from the 38th Congress of the European Regional Science Association "Europe Quo Vadis? – Regional Questions at the Turn of the Century", Vienna, August 28th - September 1st 1998. Wien: Vienna University of Economics
  44. Ministry of Transportation and Highways, Planning Department, Thompsod /Okanagan Region, (1997)
  45. Judge, Eamonn (1998): "Transport Investment and Local and Regional Development: Perspectives on the Emerging Motorway System in Poland". Proceedings from the 38th Congress of the European Regional Science Association "Europe Quo Vadis? – Regional Questions at the Turn of the Century", Vienna, August 28th - September 1st 1998. Wien: Vienna University of Economics

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