DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : XII, January - 2016


Sunil Kumar Singh A, Lopita Pal, Madha Suresh V

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), as the word suggests, is a process that has to be carried out before any project or major activity is carried out in order ensure that it will not in any way harm the environment on a short term and long term basis (Wathern, 1988; Aruna Murthy et al., 2005). The main purpose of the EIA process was to identify and evaluate the potential benefits and adverse impacts of projects on the environment, taking in account the environmental, social, cultural and aesthetic aspects. All these aspects are considered critical, while determining the viability of the project. The EIA also looks into the impact the project will have on the people, their homeland, livelihood and other development activities (Murthy and Patra, 2005). The EIA also suggests measures to minimize the impacts and suggest ways to improve the project viability. The ultimate aim of EIA is to ensure that potential impacts are identified and addressed at an early stage in the project planning and design (Murthy and Patra, 2005).

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    Sunil Kumar Singh A, Lopita Pal, Madha Suresh V(2016). ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT A REVIEW. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. XII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

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    13. Buckley R.C (1991). ‘How accurate are environmental impact predictions?’, AmbiDxx, 3, pp. 161-162.
    14. Achieng Ogola F. Pacifica (2007). ‘Environmental Impact Assessment General Procedures’, Presented at Short Course II on Surface Exploration for Geothermal Resources, Lake Naivasha, Kenya: UNU-GTP and Ken Gen.
    15. Buckley R.C (1991). ‘How accurate are environmental impact predictions?’, AmbiDxx, 3, pp. 161-162.
    16. Bowers J (1997). Sustainability and Economics: An Alternative Text, UK: Longman.
    17. Beattie B. Robert (1995). ‘Everything you already know about EIA’, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 15, pp .109-114.
    18. Asian Development Bank (1991). ‘Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems for Natural Resource Management’, Asian Development Bank Environmental Paper No. 9, pp. 202.
    19. Achieng Ogola F. Pacifica (2007). ‘Environmental Impact Assessment General Procedures’, Presented at Short Course II on Surface Exploration for Geothermal Resources, Lake Naivasha, Kenya: UNU-GTP and Ken Gen.
    20. Bowers J (1997). Sustainability and Economics: An Alternative Text, UK: Longman.
    21. Beattie B. Robert (1995). ‘Everything you already know about EIA’, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 15, pp .109-114.
    22. 3)Anjaneyulu Y and Valli Manickam, ed. (2010). Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies, Hyderabad: BS Publications.
    23. 2)Ahmad Y. J. and G. K. Sammy (1987). ‘Guidelines to Environmental Impact Assessment in Developing Countries’ UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies.
    24. 2)Ahmad Y. J. and G. K. Sammy (1987). ‘Guidelines to Environmental Impact Assessment in Developing Countries’ UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies.
    25. Asian Development Bank (1991). ‘Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems for Natural Resource Management’, Asian Development Bank Environmental Paper No. 9, pp. 202.
    26. 2)Ahmad Y. J. and G. K. Sammy (1987). ‘Guidelines to Environmental Impact Assessment in Developing Countries’ UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies.
    27. 4)Arts J, P. Caldwell and A. Morrison-Saunders (2001). ‘Environmental impact assessment follow-up: good practice and future directions’, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 19, pp.175-185.
    28. 5)Aruna Murthy and Himansu Sekhar Patra (2005). Environmental Impact Assessment Process in India and the Draw Backs, Bhubaneshwar, in http://w w w free w ebs .c om/ epg oriss a/EN VIR ON MEN T%2 0IMPACT%20ASSESS ME %20 PROCE SS%20 IN%20 INDIA%20 AND%20T HE%20DRAWBACKS- 1.pdf retrieved on 7/1/13.
    29. Asian Development Bank (1991). ‘Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems for Natural Resource Management’, Asian Development Bank Environmental Paper No. 9, pp. 202.
    30. 3)Anjaneyulu Y and Valli Manickam, ed. (2010). Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies, Hyderabad: BS Publications.
    31. Asian Development Bank (1991). ‘Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems for Natural Resource Management’, Asian Development Bank Environmental Paper No. 9, pp. 202.
    32. Buckley R.C (1991). ‘How accurate are environmental impact predictions?’, AmbiDxx, 3, pp. 161-162.
    33. Bowers J (1997). Sustainability and Economics: An Alternative Text, UK: Longman.
    34. Beattie B. Robert (1995). ‘Everything you already know about EIA’, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 15, pp .109-114.
    35. Achieng Ogola F. Pacifica (2007). ‘Environmental Impact Assessment General Procedures’, Presented at Short Course II on Surface Exploration for Geothermal Resources, Lake Naivasha, Kenya: UNU-GTP and Ken Gen.
    36. 3)Anjaneyulu Y and Valli Manickam, ed. (2010). Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies, Hyderabad: BS Publications.
    37. Buckley R.C (1991). ‘How accurate are environmental impact predictions?’, AmbiDxx, 3, pp. 161-162.
    38. Bowers J (1997). Sustainability and Economics: An Alternative Text, UK: Longman.
    39. Beattie B. Robert (1995). ‘Everything you already know about EIA’, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 15, pp .109-114.
    40. Achieng Ogola F. Pacifica (2007). ‘Environmental Impact Assessment General Procedures’, Presented at Short Course II on Surface Exploration for Geothermal Resources, Lake Naivasha, Kenya: UNU-GTP and Ken Gen.
    41. 2)Ahmad Y. J. and G. K. Sammy (1987). ‘Guidelines to Environmental Impact Assessment in Developing Countries’ UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies.
    42. 4)Arts J, P. Caldwell and A. Morrison-Saunders (2001). ‘Environmental impact assessment follow-up: good practice and future directions’, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 19, pp.175-185.
    43. 5)Aruna Murthy and Himansu Sekhar Patra (2005). Environmental Impact Assessment Process in India and the Draw Backs, Bhubaneshwar, in http://w w w free w ebs .c om/ epg oriss a/EN VIR ON MEN T%2 0IMPACT%20ASSESS ME %20 PROCE SS%20 IN%20 INDIA%20 AND%20T HE%20DRAWBACKS- 1.pdf retrieved on 7/1/13.

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