DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : XI, December - 2015


Chhaya Tongale, Shobha R. Sulsule

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The woman’s of Marathawada are not awakened for their own right and duties due to lock of education. Total literacy of Maharashtra State is 82.9% among which literate Men are 584 lakh and women 540 lakh <2011>. It is because of the social, economic and cultural backward- ness and also improper implemen- tation of Government planning. This paper assesses social, economic and domestic causes of low literacy in women. Due to illiteracy of women many problems occur in society. Such as, devoted wife system, dowry system, women’s sexual, abuse child labour, infant mortality, child marriage etc. Due to, this woman’s life has become very complicated. Due to education woman becomes powerful, socially, economically and psychologically and it happens only because of literacy, therefore she should be given education. A few suggestions are given the social and economic development of a region. A few suggestions are also enlisted to enhance literacy in woman of Maharashtra State.

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    Cite This Article :

    Chhaya Tongale, Shobha R. Sulsule(2015). “THE VARIATION IN FEMALE LITERACY - A CASE STUDY OF MAHARASHTRA STATE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MARATHAWADA”. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. XI, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

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    10. Ramatra K.C. 2001 – Literacy and educational attainment in relega siddhi; An Coppraisal, The Deccan Geographers Vol. 38
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    12. Gosal G.S. 1967, Regional Aspects of rural literacy in India. Presidential Address. Transaction of the Indians council of Geographers, Vol.4 Page 1-15
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    21. Gosal G.S. 1964, literacy in India, An interpretative study, Rural sociology, Vol.9 Page 264-277
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    24. Gosal G.S. 1964, literacy in India, An interpretative study, Rural sociology, Vol.9 Page 264-277
    25. Socio-Economic review of district wise

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