DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : VIII, September - 2015


Tawfeeq Majeed Ahmed, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Each sentence, regardless of its type , consists of general constituents . Every constituent carries some information. A combination of these constituents' meanings gives the complete meaning of the sentence or the idea behind an utterance . Not all the sentence constituents have the same importance in relation to the whole meaning of the sentence . Almost every sentence can be organized in several ways to give a special attention to a particular element. Thus Fronting, exraposittion, existential, inversion and clefting are styles of sentence structure to introduce the sentence with a different meaning. The present essay attempts an analytical study of English cleft sentence. The sentence to be cleft should be organized in a way that emphasizes one of its elements . Punctuation marks would be a helpful factor in this respect . This is so if it is written language ; for the spoken one, intonation, stress, pause, and prominence are significant features that reflect the importance of an utterance . The various sections here deal in detail with cleft sentences and the related aspect. It is important to mention that the word ' cleft ' relates to Gaelic influence on English sentence.

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    Tawfeeq Majeed Ahmed, None(2015). AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF CLEFT SENTENCES WITH REFERENCE TO BRITISH, AMERICAN, AND INDIAN NEWSPAPERS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. VIII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

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    2. Aarts Flor and Jan Aarts . English Syntactic Structure:Functions and categories in Sentence Analysis. NewYork : NewYork U P, 2001.
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    4. Aarts Flor and Jan Aarts . English Syntactic Structure:Functions and categories in Sentence Analysis. NewYork : NewYork U P, 2001.
    5. Aarts Flor and Jan Aarts . English Syntactic Structure:Functions and categories in Sentence Analysis. NewYork : NewYork U P, 2001.
    6. Aarts Flor and Jan Aarts . English Syntactic Structure:Functions and categories in Sentence Analysis. NewYork : NewYork U P, 2001.
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    9. Aarts Flor and Jan Aarts . English Syntactic Structure:Functions and categories in Sentence Analysis. NewYork : NewYork U P, 2001.
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    11. Aarts Flor and Jan Aarts . English Syntactic Structure:Functions and categories in Sentence Analysis. NewYork : NewYork U P, 2001.
    12. Aarts Flor and Jan Aarts . English Syntactic Structure:Functions and categories in Sentence Analysis. NewYork : NewYork U P, 2001.
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    14. Aarts Flor and Jan Aarts . English Syntactic Structure:Functions and categories in Sentence Analysis. NewYork : NewYork U P, 2001.
    15. Aarts Flor and Jan Aarts . English Syntactic Structure:Functions and categories in Sentence Analysis. NewYork : NewYork U P, 2001.
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    17. Aarts Flor and Jan Aarts . English Syntactic Structure:Functions and categories in Sentence Analysis. NewYork : NewYork U P, 2001.
    18. Aarts Flor and Jan Aarts . English Syntactic Structure:Functions and categories in Sentence Analysis. NewYork : NewYork U P, 2001.

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