DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : X, November - 2015


Suchitra D. Patankar, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Every person experience stress. Stress is the term which has become part of everybody’s life. It occur automatically in every human being but its level may be mild, moderate or high. During stress several physical and emotional changes takes place. It affect on cognitive functioning also. It can produce chronic physiological and psychological disorders. The present paper throws light on nature of stress, reactions to stress, effects of stress, stress management and techniques that are useful for stress reduction.

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    Suchitra D. Patankar, None(2015). STRESS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. X, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

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    2. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    3. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    4. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.
    5. Wagne, W. L. and Toyd, M. A., (2007), Psychology Applied to Modern Life : 8th Edition, Thomson Publication.
    6. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    7. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    8. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.
    9. Wagne, W. L. and Toyd, M. A., (2007), Psychology Applied to Modern Life : 8th Edition, Thomson Publication.
    10. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    11. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    12. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.
    13. Wagne, W. L. and Toyd, M. A., (2007), Psychology Applied to Modern Life : 8th Edition, Thomson Publication.
    14. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    15. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    16. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.
    17. Wagne, W. L. and Toyd, M. A., (2007), Psychology Applied to Modern Life : 8th Edition, Thomson Publication.
    18. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    19. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    20. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.
    21. Wagne, W. L. and Toyd, M. A., (2007), Psychology Applied to Modern Life : 8th Edition, Thomson Publication.
    22. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    23. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    24. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.
    25. Wagne, W. L. and Toyd, M. A., (2007), Psychology Applied to Modern Life : 8th Edition, Thomson Publication.
    26. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    27. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    28. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.
    29. Wagne, W. L. and Toyd, M. A., (2007), Psychology Applied to Modern Life : 8th Edition, Thomson Publication.
    30. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    31. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    32. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.
    33. Wagne, W. L. and Toyd, M. A., (2007), Psychology Applied to Modern Life : 8th Edition, Thomson Publication.
    34. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    35. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    36. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.
    37. Wagne, W. L. and Toyd, M. A., (2007), Psychology Applied to Modern Life : 8th Edition, Thomson Publication.
    38. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    39. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    40. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.
    41. Wagne, W. L. and Toyd, M. A., (2007), Psychology Applied to Modern Life : 8th Edition, Thomson Publication.
    42. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    43. Wagne, W. L. and Toyd, M. A., (2007), Psychology Applied to Modern Life : 8th Edition, Thomson Publication.
    44. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    45. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    46. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.
    47. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    48. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.
    49. Wagne, W. L. and Toyd, M. A., (2007), Psychology Applied to Modern Life : 8th Edition, Thomson Publication.
    50. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    51. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    52. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.
    53. Wagne, W. L. and Toyd, M. A., (2007), Psychology Applied to Modern Life : 8th Edition, Thomson Publication.
    54. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    55. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    56. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.
    57. Wagne, W. L. and Toyd, M. A., (2007), Psychology Applied to Modern Life : 8th Edition, Thomson Publication.
    58. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    59. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    60. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.
    61. Wagne, W. L. and Toyd, M. A., (2007), Psychology Applied to Modern Life : 8th Edition, Thomson Publication.
    62. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    63. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    64. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.
    65. Wagne, W. L. and Toyd, M. A., (2007), Psychology Applied to Modern Life : 8th Edition, Thomson Publication.
    66. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    67. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    68. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.
    69. Wagne, W. L. and Toyd, M. A., (2007), Psychology Applied to Modern Life : 8th Edition, Thomson Publication.
    70. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    71. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    72. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.
    73. Wagne, W. L. and Toyd, M. A., (2007), Psychology Applied to Modern Life : 8th Edition, Thomson Publication.
    74. Atwater, E. and Duffy, K. G., (1999), Psychology for Living : Adjustment, Growth, Behavior Today, Prentice Hall.
    75. Baurngardner, S. R. and Crothers, M. K., (2009), Positive Psychology : 1st Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
    76. Sarafino, E. P. and Smith, T. W., (2012), Health Psychology : 7th Edition, Wiley, India.

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