DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : IX, October - 2015


Krishna Dhar, Kalpana Deshmukh and Devashish Dhar

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Settlement patterns and shapes provide information on current economic and social aspects of human existence and a historical record of the past settlement patterns and processes as well. The shapes of settlements indicate the external factors that influence the deviation from a natural shape that a settlement would tend to form i.e. close to a circle. The analytical study of rural settlements in respect of shapes of settlements has great significance since any scheme of regional development and planning should include and consider rural settlement as the place of residence, concentration of services, nodes of transportation line on growth points, growth centers as well as spatial integrated planning.

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Krishna Dhar, Kalpana Deshmukh and Devashish Dhar(2015). A QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF RURAL SETTLEMENT SHAPES IN HINGNA TALUKA OF NAGPUR DISTRICT- A REMOTE SENSING AND GIS APPROACH.. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. IX, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Kim, S., J. Kim, S. Kim and M. Kim (2002). Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’02), 2002.
  2. Meynen E, (1972). Universal Decimal Classification for Settlements, in Selected Papers Vol– IV, ibid, pp 398 – 400.
  3. Turner, M.G. & R.H.Gardner, (ed.). (1991). Quantitative methods in landscape ecology: the analysis and interpretaton of landscape heterogeneity. Springer, New York.
  4. Attneave, F. and M.D. Arnoult (1956). The quantitative study of shape and pattern perception. Psychological Bulletin, 53(6), pp. 452–47.
  5. Costa L. F. and R. M. Cesar (2000). Shape Analysis and Classification: Theory and Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,USA,
  6. Hudson John C (1969). A Location Theory for Rural Settlement, Ann. Assoc. Am. Geog., Vol – 59, No. 2, June 1969, pp365 – 381.
  7. Pan, H.Y., H. Men, M.X. Xu, and Y.P. Zhou (2007). Study on Spatial Expansion Pattern of Industrial Land in Tangshan Based on RS and GIS. China Land Science, 21(1), pp.48-52.
  8. Wojnar L. &. Kurzydłowski K.J, et al., 2000, Practical Guide to Image Analysis, ASM International, , p 157-160, ISBN 0-87170-688-1.
  9. Worthington B D R and R. Gant (1975). Techniques in Map Analysis, Macmillan Education Ltd., London.
  10. Wu, J., Jelinski, E. J., Luck, M., & Tueller, P. T., 2000: Multiscale analysis of landscape heterogeneity: scale variance and pattern metrics. Geographic Information Sciences, 6(1), pp. 6–16.
  11. Bogaert, J, R.Rousseau, P. Van Hecke and I. Impens (2000). Alternative area-perimeter ratios for measurement of 2d shape compactness of habitats. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 111(1), pp. 71–85.
  12. Bogaert, J, R.Rousseau, P. Van Hecke and I. Impens (2000). Alternative area-perimeter ratios for measurement of 2d shape compactness of habitats. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 111(1), pp. 71–85.
  13. Turner, M.G. & R.H.Gardner, (ed.). (1991). Quantitative methods in landscape ecology: the analysis and interpretaton of landscape heterogeneity. Springer, New York.
  14. Kim, S., J. Kim, S. Kim and M. Kim (2002). Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’02), 2002.
  15. Meynen E, (1972). Universal Decimal Classification for Settlements, in Selected Papers Vol– IV, ibid, pp 398 – 400.
  16. Turner, M.G. & R.H.Gardner, (ed.). (1991). Quantitative methods in landscape ecology: the analysis and interpretaton of landscape heterogeneity. Springer, New York.
  17. Turner, M.G. & R.H.Gardner, (ed.). (1991). Quantitative methods in landscape ecology: the analysis and interpretaton of landscape heterogeneity. Springer, New York.
  18. Kim, S., J. Kim, S. Kim and M. Kim (2002). Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’02), 2002.
  19. Meynen E, (1972). Universal Decimal Classification for Settlements, in Selected Papers Vol– IV, ibid, pp 398 – 400.
  20. Kim, S., J. Kim, S. Kim and M. Kim (2002). Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’02), 2002.
  21. Meynen E, (1972). Universal Decimal Classification for Settlements, in Selected Papers Vol– IV, ibid, pp 398 – 400.
  22. Attneave, F. and M.D. Arnoult (1956). The quantitative study of shape and pattern perception. Psychological Bulletin, 53(6), pp. 452–47.
  23. Costa L. F. and R. M. Cesar (2000). Shape Analysis and Classification: Theory and Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,USA,
  24. Hudson John C (1969). A Location Theory for Rural Settlement, Ann. Assoc. Am. Geog., Vol – 59, No. 2, June 1969, pp365 – 381.
  25. Pan, H.Y., H. Men, M.X. Xu, and Y.P. Zhou (2007). Study on Spatial Expansion Pattern of Industrial Land in Tangshan Based on RS and GIS. China Land Science, 21(1), pp.48-52.
  26. Wojnar L. &. Kurzydłowski K.J, et al., 2000, Practical Guide to Image Analysis, ASM International, , p 157-160, ISBN 0-87170-688-1.
  27. Worthington B D R and R. Gant (1975). Techniques in Map Analysis, Macmillan Education Ltd., London.
  28. Wu, J., Jelinski, E. J., Luck, M., & Tueller, P. T., 2000: Multiscale analysis of landscape heterogeneity: scale variance and pattern metrics. Geographic Information Sciences, 6(1), pp. 6–16.
  29. Bogaert, J, R.Rousseau, P. Van Hecke and I. Impens (2000). Alternative area-perimeter ratios for measurement of 2d shape compactness of habitats. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 111(1), pp. 71–85.
  30. Turner, M.G. & R.H.Gardner, (ed.). (1991). Quantitative methods in landscape ecology: the analysis and interpretaton of landscape heterogeneity. Springer, New York.
  31. Costa L. F. and R. M. Cesar (2000). Shape Analysis and Classification: Theory and Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,USA,
  32. Hudson John C (1969). A Location Theory for Rural Settlement, Ann. Assoc. Am. Geog., Vol – 59, No. 2, June 1969, pp365 – 381.
  33. Pan, H.Y., H. Men, M.X. Xu, and Y.P. Zhou (2007). Study on Spatial Expansion Pattern of Industrial Land in Tangshan Based on RS and GIS. China Land Science, 21(1), pp.48-52.
  34. Wojnar L. &. Kurzydłowski K.J, et al., 2000, Practical Guide to Image Analysis, ASM International, , p 157-160, ISBN 0-87170-688-1.
  35. Worthington B D R and R. Gant (1975). Techniques in Map Analysis, Macmillan Education Ltd., London.
  36. Wu, J., Jelinski, E. J., Luck, M., & Tueller, P. T., 2000: Multiscale analysis of landscape heterogeneity: scale variance and pattern metrics. Geographic Information Sciences, 6(1), pp. 6–16.
  37. Turner, M.G. & R.H.Gardner, (ed.). (1991). Quantitative methods in landscape ecology: the analysis and interpretaton of landscape heterogeneity. Springer, New York.
  38. Kim, S., J. Kim, S. Kim and M. Kim (2002). Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’02), 2002.
  39. Meynen E, (1972). Universal Decimal Classification for Settlements, in Selected Papers Vol– IV, ibid, pp 398 – 400.
  40. Kim, S., J. Kim, S. Kim and M. Kim (2002). Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’02), 2002.
  41. Meynen E, (1972). Universal Decimal Classification for Settlements, in Selected Papers Vol– IV, ibid, pp 398 – 400.
  42. Attneave, F. and M.D. Arnoult (1956). The quantitative study of shape and pattern perception. Psychological Bulletin, 53(6), pp. 452–47.
  43. Bogaert, J, R.Rousseau, P. Van Hecke and I. Impens (2000). Alternative area-perimeter ratios for measurement of 2d shape compactness of habitats. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 111(1), pp. 71–85.
  44. Attneave, F. and M.D. Arnoult (1956). The quantitative study of shape and pattern perception. Psychological Bulletin, 53(6), pp. 452–47.
  45. Costa L. F. and R. M. Cesar (2000). Shape Analysis and Classification: Theory and Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,USA,
  46. Hudson John C (1969). A Location Theory for Rural Settlement, Ann. Assoc. Am. Geog., Vol – 59, No. 2, June 1969, pp365 – 381.
  47. Pan, H.Y., H. Men, M.X. Xu, and Y.P. Zhou (2007). Study on Spatial Expansion Pattern of Industrial Land in Tangshan Based on RS and GIS. China Land Science, 21(1), pp.48-52.
  48. Wojnar L. &. Kurzydłowski K.J, et al., 2000, Practical Guide to Image Analysis, ASM International, , p 157-160, ISBN 0-87170-688-1.
  49. Worthington B D R and R. Gant (1975). Techniques in Map Analysis, Macmillan Education Ltd., London.
  50. Wu, J., Jelinski, E. J., Luck, M., & Tueller, P. T., 2000: Multiscale analysis of landscape heterogeneity: scale variance and pattern metrics. Geographic Information Sciences, 6(1), pp. 6–16.
  51. Bogaert, J, R.Rousseau, P. Van Hecke and I. Impens (2000). Alternative area-perimeter ratios for measurement of 2d shape compactness of habitats. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 111(1), pp. 71–85.
  52. Turner, M.G. & R.H.Gardner, (ed.). (1991). Quantitative methods in landscape ecology: the analysis and interpretaton of landscape heterogeneity. Springer, New York.
  53. Kim, S., J. Kim, S. Kim and M. Kim (2002). Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’02), 2002.
  54. Meynen E, (1972). Universal Decimal Classification for Settlements, in Selected Papers Vol– IV, ibid, pp 398 – 400.
  55. Attneave, F. and M.D. Arnoult (1956). The quantitative study of shape and pattern perception. Psychological Bulletin, 53(6), pp. 452–47.
  56. Costa L. F. and R. M. Cesar (2000). Shape Analysis and Classification: Theory and Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,USA,
  57. Hudson John C (1969). A Location Theory for Rural Settlement, Ann. Assoc. Am. Geog., Vol – 59, No. 2, June 1969, pp365 – 381.
  58. Pan, H.Y., H. Men, M.X. Xu, and Y.P. Zhou (2007). Study on Spatial Expansion Pattern of Industrial Land in Tangshan Based on RS and GIS. China Land Science, 21(1), pp.48-52.
  59. Wojnar L. &. Kurzydłowski K.J, et al., 2000, Practical Guide to Image Analysis, ASM International, , p 157-160, ISBN 0-87170-688-1.
  60. Worthington B D R and R. Gant (1975). Techniques in Map Analysis, Macmillan Education Ltd., London.
  61. Wu, J., Jelinski, E. J., Luck, M., & Tueller, P. T., 2000: Multiscale analysis of landscape heterogeneity: scale variance and pattern metrics. Geographic Information Sciences, 6(1), pp. 6–16.
  62. Turner, M.G. & R.H.Gardner, (ed.). (1991). Quantitative methods in landscape ecology: the analysis and interpretaton of landscape heterogeneity. Springer, New York.
  63. Kim, S., J. Kim, S. Kim and M. Kim (2002). Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’02), 2002.
  64. Meynen E, (1972). Universal Decimal Classification for Settlements, in Selected Papers Vol– IV, ibid, pp 398 – 400.
  65. Attneave, F. and M.D. Arnoult (1956). The quantitative study of shape and pattern perception. Psychological Bulletin, 53(6), pp. 452–47.
  66. Costa L. F. and R. M. Cesar (2000). Shape Analysis and Classification: Theory and Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,USA,
  67. Hudson John C (1969). A Location Theory for Rural Settlement, Ann. Assoc. Am. Geog., Vol – 59, No. 2, June 1969, pp365 – 381.
  68. Pan, H.Y., H. Men, M.X. Xu, and Y.P. Zhou (2007). Study on Spatial Expansion Pattern of Industrial Land in Tangshan Based on RS and GIS. China Land Science, 21(1), pp.48-52.
  69. Wojnar L. &. Kurzydłowski K.J, et al., 2000, Practical Guide to Image Analysis, ASM International, , p 157-160, ISBN 0-87170-688-1.
  70. Worthington B D R and R. Gant (1975). Techniques in Map Analysis, Macmillan Education Ltd., London.
  71. Wu, J., Jelinski, E. J., Luck, M., & Tueller, P. T., 2000: Multiscale analysis of landscape heterogeneity: scale variance and pattern metrics. Geographic Information Sciences, 6(1), pp. 6–16.
  72. Bogaert, J, R.Rousseau, P. Van Hecke and I. Impens (2000). Alternative area-perimeter ratios for measurement of 2d shape compactness of habitats. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 111(1), pp. 71–85.
  73. Attneave, F. and M.D. Arnoult (1956). The quantitative study of shape and pattern perception. Psychological Bulletin, 53(6), pp. 452–47.
  74. Costa L. F. and R. M. Cesar (2000). Shape Analysis and Classification: Theory and Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,USA,
  75. Hudson John C (1969). A Location Theory for Rural Settlement, Ann. Assoc. Am. Geog., Vol – 59, No. 2, June 1969, pp365 – 381.
  76. Pan, H.Y., H. Men, M.X. Xu, and Y.P. Zhou (2007). Study on Spatial Expansion Pattern of Industrial Land in Tangshan Based on RS and GIS. China Land Science, 21(1), pp.48-52.
  77. Wojnar L. &. Kurzydłowski K.J, et al., 2000, Practical Guide to Image Analysis, ASM International, , p 157-160, ISBN 0-87170-688-1.
  78. Worthington B D R and R. Gant (1975). Techniques in Map Analysis, Macmillan Education Ltd., London.
  79. Wu, J., Jelinski, E. J., Luck, M., & Tueller, P. T., 2000: Multiscale analysis of landscape heterogeneity: scale variance and pattern metrics. Geographic Information Sciences, 6(1), pp. 6–16.
  80. Bogaert, J, R.Rousseau, P. Van Hecke and I. Impens (2000). Alternative area-perimeter ratios for measurement of 2d shape compactness of habitats. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 111(1), pp. 71–85.
  81. Attneave, F. and M.D. Arnoult (1956). The quantitative study of shape and pattern perception. Psychological Bulletin, 53(6), pp. 452–47.
  82. Costa L. F. and R. M. Cesar (2000). Shape Analysis and Classification: Theory and Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,USA,
  83. Hudson John C (1969). A Location Theory for Rural Settlement, Ann. Assoc. Am. Geog., Vol – 59, No. 2, June 1969, pp365 – 381.
  84. Pan, H.Y., H. Men, M.X. Xu, and Y.P. Zhou (2007). Study on Spatial Expansion Pattern of Industrial Land in Tangshan Based on RS and GIS. China Land Science, 21(1), pp.48-52.
  85. Wojnar L. &. Kurzydłowski K.J, et al., 2000, Practical Guide to Image Analysis, ASM International, , p 157-160, ISBN 0-87170-688-1.
  86. Worthington B D R and R. Gant (1975). Techniques in Map Analysis, Macmillan Education Ltd., London.
  87. Wu, J., Jelinski, E. J., Luck, M., & Tueller, P. T., 2000: Multiscale analysis of landscape heterogeneity: scale variance and pattern metrics. Geographic Information Sciences, 6(1), pp. 6–16.
  88. Turner, M.G. & R.H.Gardner, (ed.). (1991). Quantitative methods in landscape ecology: the analysis and interpretaton of landscape heterogeneity. Springer, New York.
  89. Bogaert, J, R.Rousseau, P. Van Hecke and I. Impens (2000). Alternative area-perimeter ratios for measurement of 2d shape compactness of habitats. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 111(1), pp. 71–85.
  90. Kim, S., J. Kim, S. Kim and M. Kim (2002). Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’02), 2002.
  91. Meynen E, (1972). Universal Decimal Classification for Settlements, in Selected Papers Vol– IV, ibid, pp 398 – 400.
  92. Attneave, F. and M.D. Arnoult (1956). The quantitative study of shape and pattern perception. Psychological Bulletin, 53(6), pp. 452–47.
  93. Costa L. F. and R. M. Cesar (2000). Shape Analysis and Classification: Theory and Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,USA,
  94. Hudson John C (1969). A Location Theory for Rural Settlement, Ann. Assoc. Am. Geog., Vol – 59, No. 2, June 1969, pp365 – 381.
  95. Pan, H.Y., H. Men, M.X. Xu, and Y.P. Zhou (2007). Study on Spatial Expansion Pattern of Industrial Land in Tangshan Based on RS and GIS. China Land Science, 21(1), pp.48-52.
  96. Wojnar L. &. Kurzydłowski K.J, et al., 2000, Practical Guide to Image Analysis, ASM International, , p 157-160, ISBN 0-87170-688-1.
  97. Worthington B D R and R. Gant (1975). Techniques in Map Analysis, Macmillan Education Ltd., London.
  98. Wu, J., Jelinski, E. J., Luck, M., & Tueller, P. T., 2000: Multiscale analysis of landscape heterogeneity: scale variance and pattern metrics. Geographic Information Sciences, 6(1), pp. 6–16.
  99. Bogaert, J, R.Rousseau, P. Van Hecke and I. Impens (2000). Alternative area-perimeter ratios for measurement of 2d shape compactness of habitats. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 111(1), pp. 71–85.
  100. Turner, M.G. & R.H.Gardner, (ed.). (1991). Quantitative methods in landscape ecology: the analysis and interpretaton of landscape heterogeneity. Springer, New York.
  101. Kim, S., J. Kim, S. Kim and M. Kim (2002). Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’02), 2002.
  102. Meynen E, (1972). Universal Decimal Classification for Settlements, in Selected Papers Vol– IV, ibid, pp 398 – 400.
  103. Attneave, F. and M.D. Arnoult (1956). The quantitative study of shape and pattern perception. Psychological Bulletin, 53(6), pp. 452–47.
  104. Costa L. F. and R. M. Cesar (2000). Shape Analysis and Classification: Theory and Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,USA,
  105. Hudson John C (1969). A Location Theory for Rural Settlement, Ann. Assoc. Am. Geog., Vol – 59, No. 2, June 1969, pp365 – 381.
  106. Pan, H.Y., H. Men, M.X. Xu, and Y.P. Zhou (2007). Study on Spatial Expansion Pattern of Industrial Land in Tangshan Based on RS and GIS. China Land Science, 21(1), pp.48-52.
  107. Hudson John C (1969). A Location Theory for Rural Settlement, Ann. Assoc. Am. Geog., Vol – 59, No. 2, June 1969, pp365 – 381.
  108. Pan, H.Y., H. Men, M.X. Xu, and Y.P. Zhou (2007). Study on Spatial Expansion Pattern of Industrial Land in Tangshan Based on RS and GIS. China Land Science, 21(1), pp.48-52.
  109. Wojnar L. &. Kurzydłowski K.J, et al., 2000, Practical Guide to Image Analysis, ASM International, , p 157-160, ISBN 0-87170-688-1.
  110. Worthington B D R and R. Gant (1975). Techniques in Map Analysis, Macmillan Education Ltd., London.
  111. Wu, J., Jelinski, E. J., Luck, M., & Tueller, P. T., 2000: Multiscale analysis of landscape heterogeneity: scale variance and pattern metrics. Geographic Information Sciences, 6(1), pp. 6–16.
  112. Attneave, F. and M.D. Arnoult (1956). The quantitative study of shape and pattern perception. Psychological Bulletin, 53(6), pp. 452–47.
  113. Bogaert, J, R.Rousseau, P. Van Hecke and I. Impens (2000). Alternative area-perimeter ratios for measurement of 2d shape compactness of habitats. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 111(1), pp. 71–85.
  114. Wojnar L. &. Kurzydłowski K.J, et al., 2000, Practical Guide to Image Analysis, ASM International, , p 157-160, ISBN 0-87170-688-1.
  115. Worthington B D R and R. Gant (1975). Techniques in Map Analysis, Macmillan Education Ltd., London.
  116. Wu, J., Jelinski, E. J., Luck, M., & Tueller, P. T., 2000: Multiscale analysis of landscape heterogeneity: scale variance and pattern metrics. Geographic Information Sciences, 6(1), pp. 6–16.
  117. Costa L. F. and R. M. Cesar (2000). Shape Analysis and Classification: Theory and Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,USA,
  118. Bogaert, J, R.Rousseau, P. Van Hecke and I. Impens (2000). Alternative area-perimeter ratios for measurement of 2d shape compactness of habitats. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 111(1), pp. 71–85.
  119. Attneave, F. and M.D. Arnoult (1956). The quantitative study of shape and pattern perception. Psychological Bulletin, 53(6), pp. 452–47.
  120. Costa L. F. and R. M. Cesar (2000). Shape Analysis and Classification: Theory and Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,USA,
  121. Hudson John C (1969). A Location Theory for Rural Settlement, Ann. Assoc. Am. Geog., Vol – 59, No. 2, June 1969, pp365 – 381.
  122. Pan, H.Y., H. Men, M.X. Xu, and Y.P. Zhou (2007). Study on Spatial Expansion Pattern of Industrial Land in Tangshan Based on RS and GIS. China Land Science, 21(1), pp.48-52.
  123. Wojnar L. &. Kurzydłowski K.J, et al., 2000, Practical Guide to Image Analysis, ASM International, , p 157-160, ISBN 0-87170-688-1.
  124. Worthington B D R and R. Gant (1975). Techniques in Map Analysis, Macmillan Education Ltd., London.
  125. Wu, J., Jelinski, E. J., Luck, M., & Tueller, P. T., 2000: Multiscale analysis of landscape heterogeneity: scale variance and pattern metrics. Geographic Information Sciences, 6(1), pp. 6–16.
  126. Bogaert, J, R.Rousseau, P. Van Hecke and I. Impens (2000). Alternative area-perimeter ratios for measurement of 2d shape compactness of habitats. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 111(1), pp. 71–85.
  127. Turner, M.G. & R.H.Gardner, (ed.). (1991). Quantitative methods in landscape ecology: the analysis and interpretaton of landscape heterogeneity. Springer, New York.
  128. Kim, S., J. Kim, S. Kim and M. Kim (2002). Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’02), 2002.
  129. Meynen E, (1972). Universal Decimal Classification for Settlements, in Selected Papers Vol– IV, ibid, pp 398 – 400.
  130. Turner, M.G. & R.H.Gardner, (ed.). (1991). Quantitative methods in landscape ecology: the analysis and interpretaton of landscape heterogeneity. Springer, New York.
  131. Attneave, F. and M.D. Arnoult (1956). The quantitative study of shape and pattern perception. Psychological Bulletin, 53(6), pp. 452–47.
  132. Costa L. F. and R. M. Cesar (2000). Shape Analysis and Classification: Theory and Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,USA,
  133. Hudson John C (1969). A Location Theory for Rural Settlement, Ann. Assoc. Am. Geog., Vol – 59, No. 2, June 1969, pp365 – 381.
  134. Pan, H.Y., H. Men, M.X. Xu, and Y.P. Zhou (2007). Study on Spatial Expansion Pattern of Industrial Land in Tangshan Based on RS and GIS. China Land Science, 21(1), pp.48-52.
  135. Wojnar L. &. Kurzydłowski K.J, et al., 2000, Practical Guide to Image Analysis, ASM International, , p 157-160, ISBN 0-87170-688-1.
  136. Worthington B D R and R. Gant (1975). Techniques in Map Analysis, Macmillan Education Ltd., London.
  137. Wu, J., Jelinski, E. J., Luck, M., & Tueller, P. T., 2000: Multiscale analysis of landscape heterogeneity: scale variance and pattern metrics. Geographic Information Sciences, 6(1), pp. 6–16.
  138. Bogaert, J, R.Rousseau, P. Van Hecke and I. Impens (2000). Alternative area-perimeter ratios for measurement of 2d shape compactness of habitats. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 111(1), pp. 71–85.
  139. Attneave, F. and M.D. Arnoult (1956). The quantitative study of shape and pattern perception. Psychological Bulletin, 53(6), pp. 452–47.
  140. Costa L. F. and R. M. Cesar (2000). Shape Analysis and Classification: Theory and Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,USA,
  141. Hudson John C (1969). A Location Theory for Rural Settlement, Ann. Assoc. Am. Geog., Vol – 59, No. 2, June 1969, pp365 – 381.
  142. Pan, H.Y., H. Men, M.X. Xu, and Y.P. Zhou (2007). Study on Spatial Expansion Pattern of Industrial Land in Tangshan Based on RS and GIS. China Land Science, 21(1), pp.48-52.
  143. Wojnar L. &. Kurzydłowski K.J, et al., 2000, Practical Guide to Image Analysis, ASM International, , p 157-160, ISBN 0-87170-688-1.
  144. Worthington B D R and R. Gant (1975). Techniques in Map Analysis, Macmillan Education Ltd., London.
  145. Wu, J., Jelinski, E. J., Luck, M., & Tueller, P. T., 2000: Multiscale analysis of landscape heterogeneity: scale variance and pattern metrics. Geographic Information Sciences, 6(1), pp. 6–16.
  146. Bogaert, J, R.Rousseau, P. Van Hecke and I. Impens (2000). Alternative area-perimeter ratios for measurement of 2d shape compactness of habitats. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 111(1), pp. 71–85.
  147. Turner, M.G. & R.H.Gardner, (ed.). (1991). Quantitative methods in landscape ecology: the analysis and interpretaton of landscape heterogeneity. Springer, New York.
  148. Kim, S., J. Kim, S. Kim and M. Kim (2002). Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’02), 2002.
  149. Meynen E, (1972). Universal Decimal Classification for Settlements, in Selected Papers Vol– IV, ibid, pp 398 – 400.
  150. Turner, M.G. & R.H.Gardner, (ed.). (1991). Quantitative methods in landscape ecology: the analysis and interpretaton of landscape heterogeneity. Springer, New York.
  151. Kim, S., J. Kim, S. Kim and M. Kim (2002). Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’02), 2002.
  152. Meynen E, (1972). Universal Decimal Classification for Settlements, in Selected Papers Vol– IV, ibid, pp 398 – 400.
  153. Turner, M.G. & R.H.Gardner, (ed.). (1991). Quantitative methods in landscape ecology: the analysis and interpretaton of landscape heterogeneity. Springer, New York.
  154. Kim, S., J. Kim, S. Kim and M. Kim (2002). Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’02), 2002.
  155. Meynen E, (1972). Universal Decimal Classification for Settlements, in Selected Papers Vol– IV, ibid, pp 398 – 400.
  156. Kim, S., J. Kim, S. Kim and M. Kim (2002). Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’02), 2002.
  157. Meynen E, (1972). Universal Decimal Classification for Settlements, in Selected Papers Vol– IV, ibid, pp 398 – 400.
  158. Turner, M.G. & R.H.Gardner, (ed.). (1991). Quantitative methods in landscape ecology: the analysis and interpretaton of landscape heterogeneity. Springer, New York.
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  160. Meynen E, (1972). Universal Decimal Classification for Settlements, in Selected Papers Vol– IV, ibid, pp 398 – 400.
  161. Bogaert, J, R.Rousseau, P. Van Hecke and I. Impens (2000). Alternative area-perimeter ratios for measurement of 2d shape compactness of habitats. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 111(1), pp. 71–85.
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  165. Pan, H.Y., H. Men, M.X. Xu, and Y.P. Zhou (2007). Study on Spatial Expansion Pattern of Industrial Land in Tangshan Based on RS and GIS. China Land Science, 21(1), pp.48-52.
  166. Wojnar L. &. Kurzydłowski K.J, et al., 2000, Practical Guide to Image Analysis, ASM International, , p 157-160, ISBN 0-87170-688-1.
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  168. Wu, J., Jelinski, E. J., Luck, M., & Tueller, P. T., 2000: Multiscale analysis of landscape heterogeneity: scale variance and pattern metrics. Geographic Information Sciences, 6(1), pp. 6–16.
  169. Attneave, F. and M.D. Arnoult (1956). The quantitative study of shape and pattern perception. Psychological Bulletin, 53(6), pp. 452–47.
  170. Bogaert, J, R.Rousseau, P. Van Hecke and I. Impens (2000). Alternative area-perimeter ratios for measurement of 2d shape compactness of habitats. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 111(1), pp. 71–85.
  171. Turner, M.G. & R.H.Gardner, (ed.). (1991). Quantitative methods in landscape ecology: the analysis and interpretaton of landscape heterogeneity. Springer, New York.
  172. Costa L. F. and R. M. Cesar (2000). Shape Analysis and Classification: Theory and Practice. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida,USA,
  173. Hudson John C (1969). A Location Theory for Rural Settlement, Ann. Assoc. Am. Geog., Vol – 59, No. 2, June 1969, pp365 – 381.
  174. Pan, H.Y., H. Men, M.X. Xu, and Y.P. Zhou (2007). Study on Spatial Expansion Pattern of Industrial Land in Tangshan Based on RS and GIS. China Land Science, 21(1), pp.48-52.
  175. Wojnar L. &. Kurzydłowski K.J, et al., 2000, Practical Guide to Image Analysis, ASM International, , p 157-160, ISBN 0-87170-688-1.
  176. Worthington B D R and R. Gant (1975). Techniques in Map Analysis, Macmillan Education Ltd., London.
  177. Wu, J., Jelinski, E. J., Luck, M., & Tueller, P. T., 2000: Multiscale analysis of landscape heterogeneity: scale variance and pattern metrics. Geographic Information Sciences, 6(1), pp. 6–16.
  178. Kim, S., J. Kim, S. Kim and M. Kim (2002). Usefulness of Boundary Sequences in Computing Shape Features for Arbitrary Shaped Regions. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’02), 2002.
  179. Meynen E, (1972). Universal Decimal Classification for Settlements, in Selected Papers Vol– IV, ibid, pp 398 – 400.
  180. Bogaert, J, R.Rousseau, P. Van Hecke and I. Impens (2000). Alternative area-perimeter ratios for measurement of 2d shape compactness of habitats. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 111(1), pp. 71–85.

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