DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : IX, October - 2015


Sanjivani P. Kadam-Lugade, Vijaykumar A. Gadagade and P. B. Kadam-Lugade

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

An intelligence and creativity are the major Psychological aspects of individual. Development of creative and intellectual ability is depending on how we give a chance to students to think in creative and intellectual ways. Some schools take special efforts to develop these inborn abilities and some schools does not take the efforts. So researchers decided to conduct a survey to find out, is there any difference in creativity and intelligence on the basis of gender & types of schools and the interactive affect of these parameters on the achievement score of students? For this research, researchers took 60 students from Sangli city. After collecting and analyzing the data it was concluded that there is a significant difference between the mean scores of creativity of grantable and non grantable school students. There is no significant difference between the mean scores of intelligences as well as academic achievement with reference to gender and school types.

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Sanjivani P. Kadam-Lugade, Vijaykumar A. Gadagade and P. B. Kadam-Lugade(2015). A CORRELATION OF CREATIVITY, INTELLIGENCE AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF 9th Std. STUDENTS - A STUDY. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. IX, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

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  5. Garrett, H. G. (2008) Statistics in Psychology and Education. Delhi – Surjeet publications.
  6. Pandey R. S. (2008) Advanced Educational Psychology. Meerut : K Lal Book Depot.
  7. Garrett, H. G. (2008) Statistics in Psychology and Education. Delhi – Surjeet publications.
  8. Best J.W. & Kahn, J. V (2009, Research in education (10 ed) New Delhi Prentice Hall of India.
  9. Best J.W. & Kahn, J. V (2009, Research in education (10 ed) New Delhi Prentice Hall of India.
  10. Garrett, H. G. (2008) Statistics in Psychology and Education. Delhi – Surjeet publications.
  11. Pandey R. S. (2008) Advanced Educational Psychology. Meerut : K Lal Book Depot.
  12. Garrett, H. G. (2008) Statistics in Psychology and Education. Delhi – Surjeet publications.
  13. Best J.W. & Kahn, J. V (2009, Research in education (10 ed) New Delhi Prentice Hall of India.
  14. Best J.W. & Kahn, J. V (2009, Research in education (10 ed) New Delhi Prentice Hall of India.
  15. Best J.W. & Kahn, J. V (2009, Research in education (10 ed) New Delhi Prentice Hall of India.
  16. Pandey R. S. (2008) Advanced Educational Psychology. Meerut : K Lal Book Depot.
  17. Garrett, H. G. (2008) Statistics in Psychology and Education. Delhi – Surjeet publications.
  18. Pandey R. S. (2008) Advanced Educational Psychology. Meerut : K Lal Book Depot.
  19. Pandey R. S. (2008) Advanced Educational Psychology. Meerut : K Lal Book Depot.
  20. Best J.W. & Kahn, J. V (2009, Research in education (10 ed) New Delhi Prentice Hall of India.
  21. Garrett, H. G. (2008) Statistics in Psychology and Education. Delhi – Surjeet publications.
  22. Garrett, H. G. (2008) Statistics in Psychology and Education. Delhi – Surjeet publications.
  23. Garrett, H. G. (2008) Statistics in Psychology and Education. Delhi – Surjeet publications.
  24. Garrett, H. G. (2008) Statistics in Psychology and Education. Delhi – Surjeet publications.
  25. Garrett, H. G. (2008) Statistics in Psychology and Education. Delhi – Surjeet publications.
  26. Garrett, H. G. (2008) Statistics in Psychology and Education. Delhi – Surjeet publications.
  27. Pandey R. S. (2008) Advanced Educational Psychology. Meerut : K Lal Book Depot.
  28. Garrett, H. G. (2008) Statistics in Psychology and Education. Delhi – Surjeet publications.
  29. Garrett, H. G. (2008) Statistics in Psychology and Education. Delhi – Surjeet publications.
  30. Pandey R. S. (2008) Advanced Educational Psychology. Meerut : K Lal Book Depot.
  31. Pandey R. S. (2008) Advanced Educational Psychology. Meerut : K Lal Book Depot.
  32. Best J.W. & Kahn, J. V (2009, Research in education (10 ed) New Delhi Prentice Hall of India.
  33. Garrett, H. G. (2008) Statistics in Psychology and Education. Delhi – Surjeet publications.
  34. Best J.W. & Kahn, J. V (2009, Research in education (10 ed) New Delhi Prentice Hall of India.
  35. Best J.W. & Kahn, J. V (2009, Research in education (10 ed) New Delhi Prentice Hall of India.
  36. Garrett, H. G. (2008) Statistics in Psychology and Education. Delhi – Surjeet publications.
  37. Best J.W. & Kahn, J. V (2009, Research in education (10 ed) New Delhi Prentice Hall of India.
  38. Garrett, H. G. (2008) Statistics in Psychology and Education. Delhi – Surjeet publications.

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