DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : VII, August - 2015


Veeranna Tuppad, S.L. Hiremath

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The professional profile of the nurses working with the PLHAs presents their designation, professional training, service experience, special training in the care of HIV/AIDS patients, and the professional skills received in the care and treatment. A majority (98.5) of them have the designation of staff nurse and only two nurses (1.5%) were ANMs.

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    Veeranna Tuppad, S.L. Hiremath(2015). A CRITICAL REVIEW OF POLICE FORCE LITERATURE. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. VII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

    1. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    2. Henry N (1990) Africans facing Aids haltingly talk of it Tanzanian counsel service Washington post.
    3. Beedham. H(1995) HIV and AIDS care consumers views on needs and services journal of advanced nursing.
    4. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    5. Daniel (1990) brazil the goal of solidarity in the thirs epidemic repercussions of the fear of AIDS London panos institute.
    6. Barrangan E.M (1992) VIH/SIDA trabajo fragmentos a debate sociedady sida 21: 1.
    7. Bharat(1999) Facing the challenge household responses to AIDS in India.
    8. Armstrong Esther C and Hewitt (1990) The effect of education on nurses perception of AIDS Journal of Advanced Nursing, p 638-651.
    9. Henry N (1990) Africans facing Aids haltingly talk of it Tanzanian counsel service Washington post.
    10. Beedham. H(1995) HIV and AIDS care consumers views on needs and services journal of advanced nursing.
    11. Bharat(1999) Facing the challenge household responses to AIDS in India.
    12. Bharat(1999) Facing the challenge household responses to AIDS in India.
    13. Barrangan E.M (1992) VIH/SIDA trabajo fragmentos a debate sociedady sida 21: 1.
    14. Henry N (1990) Africans facing Aids haltingly talk of it Tanzanian counsel service Washington post.
    15. Beedham. H(1995) HIV and AIDS care consumers views on needs and services journal of advanced nursing.
    16. Daniel (1990) brazil the goal of solidarity in the thirs epidemic repercussions of the fear of AIDS London panos institute.
    17. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    18. Daniel (1990) brazil the goal of solidarity in the thirs epidemic repercussions of the fear of AIDS London panos institute.
    19. Bharat(1999) Facing the challenge household responses to AIDS in India.
    20. Armstrong Esther C and Hewitt (1990) The effect of education on nurses perception of AIDS Journal of Advanced Nursing, p 638-651.
    21. Bharat(1999) Facing the challenge household responses to AIDS in India.
    22. Barrangan E.M (1992) VIH/SIDA trabajo fragmentos a debate sociedady sida 21: 1.
    23. Armstrong Esther C and Hewitt (1990) The effect of education on nurses perception of AIDS Journal of Advanced Nursing, p 638-651.
    24. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    25. Daniel (1990) brazil the goal of solidarity in the thirs epidemic repercussions of the fear of AIDS London panos institute.
    26. Daniel (1990) brazil the goal of solidarity in the thirs epidemic repercussions of the fear of AIDS London panos institute.
    27. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    28. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    29. Armstrong Esther C and Hewitt (1990) The effect of education on nurses perception of AIDS Journal of Advanced Nursing, p 638-651.
    30. Daniel (1990) brazil the goal of solidarity in the thirs epidemic repercussions of the fear of AIDS London panos institute.
    31. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    32. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    33. Armstrong Esther C and Hewitt (1990) The effect of education on nurses perception of AIDS Journal of Advanced Nursing, p 638-651.
    34. Bharat(1999) Facing the challenge household responses to AIDS in India.
    35. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    36. Henry N (1990) Africans facing Aids haltingly talk of it Tanzanian counsel service Washington post.
    37. Beedham. H(1995) HIV and AIDS care consumers views on needs and services journal of advanced nursing.
    38. Barrangan E.M (1992) VIH/SIDA trabajo fragmentos a debate sociedady sida 21: 1.
    39. Barrangan E.M (1992) VIH/SIDA trabajo fragmentos a debate sociedady sida 21: 1.
    40. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    41. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    42. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    43. Henry N (1990) Africans facing Aids haltingly talk of it Tanzanian counsel service Washington post.
    44. Beedham. H(1995) HIV and AIDS care consumers views on needs and services journal of advanced nursing.
    45. Henry N (1990) Africans facing Aids haltingly talk of it Tanzanian counsel service Washington post.
    46. Beedham. H(1995) HIV and AIDS care consumers views on needs and services journal of advanced nursing.
    47. Bharat(1999) Facing the challenge household responses to AIDS in India.
    48. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    49. Daniel (1990) brazil the goal of solidarity in the thirs epidemic repercussions of the fear of AIDS London panos institute.
    50. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    51. Bharat(1999) Facing the challenge household responses to AIDS in India.
    52. Henry N (1990) Africans facing Aids haltingly talk of it Tanzanian counsel service Washington post.
    53. Beedham. H(1995) HIV and AIDS care consumers views on needs and services journal of advanced nursing.
    54. Bharat(1999) Facing the challenge household responses to AIDS in India.
    55. Bharat(1999) Facing the challenge household responses to AIDS in India.
    56. Henry N (1990) Africans facing Aids haltingly talk of it Tanzanian counsel service Washington post.
    57. Beedham. H(1995) HIV and AIDS care consumers views on needs and services journal of advanced nursing.
    58. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    59. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    60. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    61. Daniel (1990) brazil the goal of solidarity in the thirs epidemic repercussions of the fear of AIDS London panos institute.
    62. Barrangan E.M (1992) VIH/SIDA trabajo fragmentos a debate sociedady sida 21: 1.
    63. Armstrong Esther C and Hewitt (1990) The effect of education on nurses perception of AIDS Journal of Advanced Nursing, p 638-651.
    64. Barrangan E.M (1992) VIH/SIDA trabajo fragmentos a debate sociedady sida 21: 1.
    65. Daniel (1990) brazil the goal of solidarity in the thirs epidemic repercussions of the fear of AIDS London panos institute.
    66. Daniel (1990) brazil the goal of solidarity in the thirs epidemic repercussions of the fear of AIDS London panos institute.
    67. Armstrong Esther C and Hewitt (1990) The effect of education on nurses perception of AIDS Journal of Advanced Nursing, p 638-651.
    68. Bharat(1999) Facing the challenge household responses to AIDS in India.
    69. Daniel (1990) brazil the goal of solidarity in the thirs epidemic repercussions of the fear of AIDS London panos institute.
    70. Daniel (1990) brazil the goal of solidarity in the thirs epidemic repercussions of the fear of AIDS London panos institute.
    71. Daniel (1990) brazil the goal of solidarity in the thirs epidemic repercussions of the fear of AIDS London panos institute.
    72. Bharat(1999) Facing the challenge household responses to AIDS in India.
    73. Bharat(1999) Facing the challenge household responses to AIDS in India.
    74. Daniel (1990) brazil the goal of solidarity in the thirs epidemic repercussions of the fear of AIDS London panos institute.
    75. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    76. Henry N (1990) Africans facing Aids haltingly talk of it Tanzanian counsel service Washington post.
    77. Beedham. H(1995) HIV and AIDS care consumers views on needs and services journal of advanced nursing.
    78. Barrangan E.M (1992) VIH/SIDA trabajo fragmentos a debate sociedady sida 21: 1.
    79. Daniel (1990) brazil the goal of solidarity in the thirs epidemic repercussions of the fear of AIDS London panos institute.
    80. Armstrong Esther C and Hewitt (1990) The effect of education on nurses perception of AIDS Journal of Advanced Nursing, p 638-651.
    81. Armstrong Esther C and Hewitt (1990) The effect of education on nurses perception of AIDS Journal of Advanced Nursing, p 638-651.
    82. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    83. Armstrong Esther C and Hewitt (1990) The effect of education on nurses perception of AIDS Journal of Advanced Nursing, p 638-651.
    84. Armstrong Esther C and Hewitt (1990) The effect of education on nurses perception of AIDS Journal of Advanced Nursing, p 638-651.
    85. Henry N (1990) Africans facing Aids haltingly talk of it Tanzanian counsel service Washington post.
    86. Beedham. H(1995) HIV and AIDS care consumers views on needs and services journal of advanced nursing.
    87. Daniel (1990) brazil the goal of solidarity in the thirs epidemic repercussions of the fear of AIDS London panos institute.
    88. Daniel (1990) brazil the goal of solidarity in the thirs epidemic repercussions of the fear of AIDS London panos institute.
    89. Armstrong Esther C and Hewitt (1990) The effect of education on nurses perception of AIDS Journal of Advanced Nursing, p 638-651.
    90. Bharat(1999) Facing the challenge household responses to AIDS in India.
    91. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    92. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    93. Armstrong Esther C and Hewitt (1990) The effect of education on nurses perception of AIDS Journal of Advanced Nursing, p 638-651.
    94. Barrangan E.M (1992) VIH/SIDA trabajo fragmentos a debate sociedady sida 21: 1.
    95. Bharat(1999) Facing the challenge household responses to AIDS in India.
    96. Bharat(1999) Facing the challenge household responses to AIDS in India.
    97. Armstrong Esther C and Hewitt (1990) The effect of education on nurses perception of AIDS Journal of Advanced Nursing, p 638-651.
    98. Daniel (1990) brazil the goal of solidarity in the thirs epidemic repercussions of the fear of AIDS London panos institute.
    99. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    100. Dunkel j (2986) counter transpference issues in working with persons with AIDS social work,
    101. Bharat(1999) Facing the challenge household responses to AIDS in India.
    102. Bharat(1999) Facing the challenge household responses to AIDS in India.
    103. Armstrong Esther C and Hewitt (1990) The effect of education on nurses perception of AIDS Journal of Advanced Nursing, p 638-651.

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