DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : VIII, September - 2015


Rupinder Kaur, Sangeeta

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

This paper explains the procedure of developing and standardizing an environmental sensitivity scale constructed by the investigator to measure the environmental sensitivity of secondary school students. The scale has been constructed by using Likert’s method of summation to obtain a five point judgment on each item. After critical study related to environmental education and environmental sensitivity five areas namely wildlife and forests, environmental pollution, population explosion, health and hygiene and conservation of environment were selected for constructing the tool. The pilot study had 90 items, related to all the five areas mentioned above. The newly constructed scale had face validity, content validity and reliability.

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Rupinder Kaur, Sangeeta(2015). DEVELOPMENT OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY SCALE FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. VIII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Arcury, T.A. (1992). Environmental attitude and environmental knowledge. Human organization, Vol .49, No.4, pp. 300-305.
  2. Hungerford, H., & Volk, T. (1990). Changing learners’ behavior through environmental education. The Journal of Environmental Education,Vol. 21 (3), pp.8- 21.
  3. Howe, R., & Disinger, J. (1988). Teaching environmental education using the out of school settings & man-media. ERIC/SMEAC Environmental Education Digest, No.1
  4. Hungerford, H., & Volk, T. (1990). Changing learners’ behavior through environmental education. The Journal of Environmental Education,Vol. 21 (3), pp.8- 21.
  5. Paterson, J. (1982). Integrating Environmental Education. The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), 1904 Association Dr. Reston, VA 20191.
  6. Hungerford, H., & Volk, T. (1990). Changing learners’ behavior through environmental education. The Journal of Environmental Education,Vol. 21 (3), pp.8- 21.
  7. NCERT. (1975). The Curriculum for Ten-Year Schools: A framework. New Delhi.
  8. Paterson, J. (1982). Integrating Environmental Education. The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), 1904 Association Dr. Reston, VA 20191.
  9. Leeming, F.C., & Dwyer, W. O. (1995). Children’s Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale: Construction and Validation. Journal of Environmental Education, 26 (3).
  10. Bodur, M. & Sarigollii. E. (2005). Environmental sensitivity in a developing country. Environment and behavior, Vol. 37(4), pp. 487-510.
  11. Hungerford, H., & Volk, T. (1990). Changing learners’ behavior through environmental education. The Journal of Environmental Education,Vol. 21 (3), pp.8- 21.
  12. Greenwald, J.M. (1992). Environmental attitudes: a structural developmental model. Dissertation abstracts international ,Vol.53 No.12.
  13. Madhyastha, U.S. (1982). Environmental Approach to Education. Journal of Indian Education. 79-83.
  14. Paterson, J. (1982). Integrating Environmental Education. The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), 1904 Association Dr. Reston, VA 20191.
  15. Madhyastha, U.S. (1982). Environmental Approach to Education. Journal of Indian Education. 79-83.
  16. Arcury, T.A. (1992). Environmental attitude and environmental knowledge. Human organization, Vol .49, No.4, pp. 300-305.
  17. Paterson, J. (1982). Integrating Environmental Education. The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), 1904 Association Dr. Reston, VA 20191.
  18. Howe, R., & Disinger, J. (1988). Teaching environmental education using the out of school settings & man-media. ERIC/SMEAC Environmental Education Digest, No.1
  19. Madhyastha, U.S. (1982). Environmental Approach to Education. Journal of Indian Education. 79-83.
  20. Arcury, T.A. (1992). Environmental attitude and environmental knowledge. Human organization, Vol .49, No.4, pp. 300-305.
  21. Hungerford, H., & Volk, T. (1990). Changing learners’ behavior through environmental education. The Journal of Environmental Education,Vol. 21 (3), pp.8- 21.
  22. Arcury, T.A. (1992). Environmental attitude and environmental knowledge. Human organization, Vol .49, No.4, pp. 300-305.
  23. Madhyastha, U.S. (1982). Environmental Approach to Education. Journal of Indian Education. 79-83.
  24. Madhyastha, U.S. (1982). Environmental Approach to Education. Journal of Indian Education. 79-83.
  25. Howe, R., & Disinger, J. (1988). Teaching environmental education using the out of school settings & man-media. ERIC/SMEAC Environmental Education Digest, No.1
  26. Bodur, M. & Sarigollii. E. (2005). Environmental sensitivity in a developing country. Environment and behavior, Vol. 37(4), pp. 487-510.
  27. Greenwald, J.M. (1992). Environmental attitudes: a structural developmental model. Dissertation abstracts international ,Vol.53 No.12.
  28. Arcury, T.A. (1992). Environmental attitude and environmental knowledge. Human organization, Vol .49, No.4, pp. 300-305.
  29. Madhyastha, U.S. (1982). Environmental Approach to Education. Journal of Indian Education. 79-83.
  30. NCERT. (1975). The Curriculum for Ten-Year Schools: A framework. New Delhi.
  31. Hungerford, H., & Volk, T. (1990). Changing learners’ behavior through environmental education. The Journal of Environmental Education,Vol. 21 (3), pp.8- 21.
  32. Bodur, M. & Sarigollii. E. (2005). Environmental sensitivity in a developing country. Environment and behavior, Vol. 37(4), pp. 487-510.
  33. Leeming, F.C., & Dwyer, W. O. (1995). Children’s Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale: Construction and Validation. Journal of Environmental Education, 26 (3).
  34. Bodur, M. & Sarigollii. E. (2005). Environmental sensitivity in a developing country. Environment and behavior, Vol. 37(4), pp. 487-510.
  35. Greenwald, J.M. (1992). Environmental attitudes: a structural developmental model. Dissertation abstracts international ,Vol.53 No.12.
  36. Greenwald, J.M. (1992). Environmental attitudes: a structural developmental model. Dissertation abstracts international ,Vol.53 No.12.
  37. Madhyastha, U.S. (1982). Environmental Approach to Education. Journal of Indian Education. 79-83.
  38. NCERT. (1975). The Curriculum for Ten-Year Schools: A framework. New Delhi.
  39. Madhyastha, U.S. (1982). Environmental Approach to Education. Journal of Indian Education. 79-83.
  40. Greenwald, J.M. (1992). Environmental attitudes: a structural developmental model. Dissertation abstracts international ,Vol.53 No.12.
  41. Bodur, M. & Sarigollii. E. (2005). Environmental sensitivity in a developing country. Environment and behavior, Vol. 37(4), pp. 487-510.
  42. Howe, R., & Disinger, J. (1988). Teaching environmental education using the out of school settings & man-media. ERIC/SMEAC Environmental Education Digest, No.1
  43. Leeming, F.C., & Dwyer, W. O. (1995). Children’s Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale: Construction and Validation. Journal of Environmental Education, 26 (3).
  44. Hungerford, H., & Volk, T. (1990). Changing learners’ behavior through environmental education. The Journal of Environmental Education,Vol. 21 (3), pp.8- 21.
  45. NCERT. (1975). The Curriculum for Ten-Year Schools: A framework. New Delhi.
  46. Leeming, F.C., & Dwyer, W. O. (1995). Children’s Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale: Construction and Validation. Journal of Environmental Education, 26 (3).
  47. NCERT. (1975). The Curriculum for Ten-Year Schools: A framework. New Delhi.
  48. NCERT. (1975). The Curriculum for Ten-Year Schools: A framework. New Delhi.
  49. Paterson, J. (1982). Integrating Environmental Education. The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), 1904 Association Dr. Reston, VA 20191.
  50. Paterson, J. (1982). Integrating Environmental Education. The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), 1904 Association Dr. Reston, VA 20191.
  51. Madhyastha, U.S. (1982). Environmental Approach to Education. Journal of Indian Education. 79-83.
  52. Arcury, T.A. (1992). Environmental attitude and environmental knowledge. Human organization, Vol .49, No.4, pp. 300-305.
  53. Greenwald, J.M. (1992). Environmental attitudes: a structural developmental model. Dissertation abstracts international ,Vol.53 No.12.
  54. Howe, R., & Disinger, J. (1988). Teaching environmental education using the out of school settings & man-media. ERIC/SMEAC Environmental Education Digest, No.1
  55. Madhyastha, U.S. (1982). Environmental Approach to Education. Journal of Indian Education. 79-83.
  56. Arcury, T.A. (1992). Environmental attitude and environmental knowledge. Human organization, Vol .49, No.4, pp. 300-305.
  57. Arcury, T.A. (1992). Environmental attitude and environmental knowledge. Human organization, Vol .49, No.4, pp. 300-305.
  58. Howe, R., & Disinger, J. (1988). Teaching environmental education using the out of school settings & man-media. ERIC/SMEAC Environmental Education Digest, No.1
  59. Madhyastha, U.S. (1982). Environmental Approach to Education. Journal of Indian Education. 79-83.
  60. Madhyastha, U.S. (1982). Environmental Approach to Education. Journal of Indian Education. 79-83.
  61. Hungerford, H., & Volk, T. (1990). Changing learners’ behavior through environmental education. The Journal of Environmental Education,Vol. 21 (3), pp.8- 21.
  62. Madhyastha, U.S. (1982). Environmental Approach to Education. Journal of Indian Education. 79-83.
  63. Madhyastha, U.S. (1982). Environmental Approach to Education. Journal of Indian Education. 79-83.
  64. Arcury, T.A. (1992). Environmental attitude and environmental knowledge. Human organization, Vol .49, No.4, pp. 300-305.
  65. Greenwald, J.M. (1992). Environmental attitudes: a structural developmental model. Dissertation abstracts international ,Vol.53 No.12.
  66. NCERT. (1975). The Curriculum for Ten-Year Schools: A framework. New Delhi.
  67. Leeming, F.C., & Dwyer, W. O. (1995). Children’s Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale: Construction and Validation. Journal of Environmental Education, 26 (3).
  68. Bodur, M. & Sarigollii. E. (2005). Environmental sensitivity in a developing country. Environment and behavior, Vol. 37(4), pp. 487-510.
  69. Arcury, T.A. (1992). Environmental attitude and environmental knowledge. Human organization, Vol .49, No.4, pp. 300-305.
  70. Arcury, T.A. (1992). Environmental attitude and environmental knowledge. Human organization, Vol .49, No.4, pp. 300-305.
  71. Arcury, T.A. (1992). Environmental attitude and environmental knowledge. Human organization, Vol .49, No.4, pp. 300-305.
  72. Leeming, F.C., & Dwyer, W. O. (1995). Children’s Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale: Construction and Validation. Journal of Environmental Education, 26 (3).
  73. Bodur, M. & Sarigollii. E. (2005). Environmental sensitivity in a developing country. Environment and behavior, Vol. 37(4), pp. 487-510.
  74. Howe, R., & Disinger, J. (1988). Teaching environmental education using the out of school settings & man-media. ERIC/SMEAC Environmental Education Digest, No.1
  75. Arcury, T.A. (1992). Environmental attitude and environmental knowledge. Human organization, Vol .49, No.4, pp. 300-305.
  76. Madhyastha, U.S. (1982). Environmental Approach to Education. Journal of Indian Education. 79-83.
  77. Leeming, F.C., & Dwyer, W. O. (1995). Children’s Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale: Construction and Validation. Journal of Environmental Education, 26 (3).
  78. Bodur, M. & Sarigollii. E. (2005). Environmental sensitivity in a developing country. Environment and behavior, Vol. 37(4), pp. 487-510.
  79. Howe, R., & Disinger, J. (1988). Teaching environmental education using the out of school settings & man-media. ERIC/SMEAC Environmental Education Digest, No.1
  80. Greenwald, J.M. (1992). Environmental attitudes: a structural developmental model. Dissertation abstracts international ,Vol.53 No.12.
  81. Arcury, T.A. (1992). Environmental attitude and environmental knowledge. Human organization, Vol .49, No.4, pp. 300-305.
  82. NCERT. (1975). The Curriculum for Ten-Year Schools: A framework. New Delhi.
  83. Hungerford, H., & Volk, T. (1990). Changing learners’ behavior through environmental education. The Journal of Environmental Education,Vol. 21 (3), pp.8- 21.
  84. Paterson, J. (1982). Integrating Environmental Education. The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), 1904 Association Dr. Reston, VA 20191.
  85. Hungerford, H., & Volk, T. (1990). Changing learners’ behavior through environmental education. The Journal of Environmental Education,Vol. 21 (3), pp.8- 21.
  86. Greenwald, J.M. (1992). Environmental attitudes: a structural developmental model. Dissertation abstracts international ,Vol.53 No.12.
  87. Madhyastha, U.S. (1982). Environmental Approach to Education. Journal of Indian Education. 79-83.
  88. Arcury, T.A. (1992). Environmental attitude and environmental knowledge. Human organization, Vol .49, No.4, pp. 300-305.
  89. Howe, R., & Disinger, J. (1988). Teaching environmental education using the out of school settings & man-media. ERIC/SMEAC Environmental Education Digest, No.1
  90. Hungerford, H., & Volk, T. (1990). Changing learners’ behavior through environmental education. The Journal of Environmental Education,Vol. 21 (3), pp.8- 21.
  91. NCERT. (1975). The Curriculum for Ten-Year Schools: A framework. New Delhi.
  92. Hungerford, H., & Volk, T. (1990). Changing learners’ behavior through environmental education. The Journal of Environmental Education,Vol. 21 (3), pp.8- 21.
  93. NCERT. (1975). The Curriculum for Ten-Year Schools: A framework. New Delhi.
  94. Paterson, J. (1982). Integrating Environmental Education. The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), 1904 Association Dr. Reston, VA 20191.
  95. Leeming, F.C., & Dwyer, W. O. (1995). Children’s Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale: Construction and Validation. Journal of Environmental Education, 26 (3).
  96. Leeming, F.C., & Dwyer, W. O. (1995). Children’s Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale: Construction and Validation. Journal of Environmental Education, 26 (3).
  97. Paterson, J. (1982). Integrating Environmental Education. The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), 1904 Association Dr. Reston, VA 20191.
  98. NCERT. (1975). The Curriculum for Ten-Year Schools: A framework. New Delhi.
  99. Bodur, M. & Sarigollii. E. (2005). Environmental sensitivity in a developing country. Environment and behavior, Vol. 37(4), pp. 487-510.
  100. Hungerford, H., & Volk, T. (1990). Changing learners’ behavior through environmental education. The Journal of Environmental Education,Vol. 21 (3), pp.8- 21.
  101. NCERT. (1975). The Curriculum for Ten-Year Schools: A framework. New Delhi.
  102. Hungerford, H., & Volk, T. (1990). Changing learners’ behavior through environmental education. The Journal of Environmental Education,Vol. 21 (3), pp.8- 21.
  103. Madhyastha, U.S. (1982). Environmental Approach to Education. Journal of Indian Education. 79-83.
  104. Arcury, T.A. (1992). Environmental attitude and environmental knowledge. Human organization, Vol .49, No.4, pp. 300-305.
  105. Paterson, J. (1982). Integrating Environmental Education. The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), 1904 Association Dr. Reston, VA 20191.
  106. Leeming, F.C., & Dwyer, W. O. (1995). Children’s Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale: Construction and Validation. Journal of Environmental Education, 26 (3).
  107. Leeming, F.C., & Dwyer, W. O. (1995). Children’s Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale: Construction and Validation. Journal of Environmental Education, 26 (3).
  108. NCERT. (1975). The Curriculum for Ten-Year Schools: A framework. New Delhi.
  109. Paterson, J. (1982). Integrating Environmental Education. The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), 1904 Association Dr. Reston, VA 20191.
  110. Hungerford, H., & Volk, T. (1990). Changing learners’ behavior through environmental education. The Journal of Environmental Education,Vol. 21 (3), pp.8- 21.

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