DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : VII, August - 2015


D.D.Pathare, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The term ‘Innovation’ has great importance in business and industrial world. In a situation of cut throat competition, only the fit has the right to survive however, the fitness in the business system depends upon agility, efficiency, acumen and innovative approach. The simple mantra for business survival is ‘Innovate or Perish’. Innovations in the field of finance are equally important. Financial markets are extremely volatile and are influenced by a large number of determining factors. There is no single factor or segment that decides success in the financial market. As such growth and development of financial markets depends to a great extent on innovative ideas and new techniques.

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    D.D.Pathare, None(2015). ‘NEW TRENDS IN FINANCIAL INNOVATIONS’. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. VII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

    References :

    1. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    2. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    3. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    4. Bergstresser, D., 2008. “The Retail Market for Structured Notes: Issuance Patterns and Performance, 1995–2008.” Working Paper, Harvard Business School.
    5. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    6. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    7. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    8. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.
    9. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    10. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    11. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    12. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    13. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    14. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    15. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    16. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    17. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    18. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    19. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    20. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    21. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    22. Bergstresser, D., 2008. “The Retail Market for Structured Notes: Issuance Patterns and Performance, 1995–2008.” Working Paper, Harvard Business School.
    23. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    24. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    25. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    26. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    27. Bergstresser, D., 2008. “The Retail Market for Structured Notes: Issuance Patterns and Performance, 1995–2008.” Working Paper, Harvard Business School.
    28. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    29. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    30. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    31. Bergstresser, D., 2008. “The Retail Market for Structured Notes: Issuance Patterns and Performance, 1995–2008.” Working Paper, Harvard Business School.
    32. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.
    33. Bergstresser, D., 2008. “The Retail Market for Structured Notes: Issuance Patterns and Performance, 1995–2008.” Working Paper, Harvard Business School.
    34. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    35. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.
    36. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    37. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    38. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    39. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.
    40. Bergstresser, D., 2008. “The Retail Market for Structured Notes: Issuance Patterns and Performance, 1995–2008.” Working Paper, Harvard Business School.
    41. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    42. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    43. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    44. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    45. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    46. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.
    47. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    48. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.
    49. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    50. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.
    51. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    52. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    53. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    54. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    55. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    56. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    57. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    58. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.
    59. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    60. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    61. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    62. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    63. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    64. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    65. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    66. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    67. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    68. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    69. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    70. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.
    71. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    72. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    73. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    74. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    75. Bergstresser, D., 2008. “The Retail Market for Structured Notes: Issuance Patterns and Performance, 1995–2008.” Working Paper, Harvard Business School.
    76. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    77. Bergstresser, D., 2008. “The Retail Market for Structured Notes: Issuance Patterns and Performance, 1995–2008.” Working Paper, Harvard Business School.
    78. Bergstresser, D., 2008. “The Retail Market for Structured Notes: Issuance Patterns and Performance, 1995–2008.” Working Paper, Harvard Business School.
    79. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    80. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    81. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    82. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.
    83. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    84. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    85. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    86. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    87. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    88. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.
    89. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    90. Bergstresser, D., 2008. “The Retail Market for Structured Notes: Issuance Patterns and Performance, 1995–2008.” Working Paper, Harvard Business School.
    91. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    92. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    93. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    94. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    95. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    96. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    97. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    98. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    99. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    100. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.
    101. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    102. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    103. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    104. Bergstresser, D., 2008. “The Retail Market for Structured Notes: Issuance Patterns and Performance, 1995–2008.” Working Paper, Harvard Business School.
    105. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    106. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    107. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    108. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    109. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    110. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    111. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    112. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    113. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.
    114. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    115. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.
    116. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    117. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    118. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    119. Bergstresser, D., 2008. “The Retail Market for Structured Notes: Issuance Patterns and Performance, 1995–2008.” Working Paper, Harvard Business School.
    120. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    121. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    122. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    123. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    124. Bergstresser, D., 2008. “The Retail Market for Structured Notes: Issuance Patterns and Performance, 1995–2008.” Working Paper, Harvard Business School.
    125. Bergstresser, D., 2008. “The Retail Market for Structured Notes: Issuance Patterns and Performance, 1995–2008.” Working Paper, Harvard Business School.
    126. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    127. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    128. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.
    129. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    130. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    131. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    132. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.
    133. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    134. Bergstresser, D., 2008. “The Retail Market for Structured Notes: Issuance Patterns and Performance, 1995–2008.” Working Paper, Harvard Business School.
    135. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    136. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    137. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    138. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    139. Bergstresser, D., 2008. “The Retail Market for Structured Notes: Issuance Patterns and Performance, 1995–2008.” Working Paper, Harvard Business School.
    140. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    141. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.
    142. EPA (2008b). “Clean Water State Revolving Fund Programs, 2008 Annual Report: Cleaning Our Waters, Renewing Our Communities, Creating Jobs”.
    143. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    144. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    145. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    146. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    147. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    148. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    149. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    150. Allen, F., J. Barth and G. Yago (2012). Fixing the Housing Market: Financial Innovations for the Future, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    151. Bergstresser, D., 2008. “The Retail Market for Structured Notes: Issuance Patterns and Performance, 1995–2008.” Working Paper, Harvard Business School.
    152. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    153. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    154. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    155. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    156. Bergstresser, D., 2008. “The Retail Market for Structured Notes: Issuance Patterns and Performance, 1995–2008.” Working Paper, Harvard Business School.
    157. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.
    158. Allen, F. and G. Yago (2010). Financing the Future: Market-Based Innovations for Growth, Wharton School Publishing-Milken Institute Series on Financial Innovations, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
    159. Bloom, N., R. Sadun, and J. Van Reenen (2009). “Do Private Equity-Owned Firms Have Better Management Practices?” in Globalization of Alternative Investments Working Papers Volume 2: Global Economic Impact of Private Equity 2009, edited by A. Gurung and J. Lerner, New York: World Economic Forum USA, 1-23.
    160. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    161. Demirguc-Kunt, A. and E. Detragiache (1998). “Financial Liberalization and Financial Fragility,” Working Paper 98/83, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. Drees, B. and C. Pazarbasioglu. (1995). “The Nordic Banking Crises: Pitfalls in Financial Liberalization?,” Working Paper 95/61, International Monetary Fund, Washington, D.C. EPA (2008a). “Guidebook of Financial Tools: Paying for Sustainable Environmental Systems,” available online at
    162. Baker, G. And K. Wruck (1989). “Organizational Changes and Value in Leveraged Buyouts: The Case of the O.M. Scott Company,” Journal of Financial Economics 25, 163-190.

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