By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : The present study is an attempt to investigate the Mathematical anxiety among students at senior secondary level. Descriptive survey method was used. The sample of the study comprised of 120 (60 Arts and 60 Science stream) students. The sample of the study was taken from the Government Senior Secondary students of Jalandhar district only. The age of subjects ranged from 16 to 18 years. Random cum purposive sampling technique was used. The objectives were: to investigate the level of Mathematical anxiety among the senior secondary school students; to study and compare Mathematical anxiety between boys and girls at senior secondary level; to study and compare Mathematical anxiety between Arts and Science stream students at senior secondary level; and to provide suggestions to lessen Mathematical anxiety among senior secondary level students. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and inferential analysis to find out significant difference between students with different levels of Mathematical anxiety. The findings were as follows; it was found that there exists Mathematical anxiety among the senior secondary level students though in a lesser degree; no significant difference was found between boys and girls Mathematical anxiety at senior secondary level; no significant difference was found between Arts and Science stream students Mathematical anxiety at senior secondary level. Finally, suggestions to lessen Mathematical anxiety among students were provided. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : Sunanda Kumari,
(2015). AN INVESTIGATION INTO MATHEMATICAL ANXIETY AMONG STUDENTS AT SENIOR SECONDARY LEVEL. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. VII, http://isrj.org/UploadedData/7028.pdf References : - Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Cockcroft , W.H.(1982). Mathematics Counts: Report of The Committee of Inquiry Into The Teaching of Mathematics in Schools Under The Chairmanship of Dr. W.H. Cockcroft. London : Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
- Buxton, L. (1981). Do You Panic About Maths ? Coping with Maths anxiety. London: Heinemann.
- Ma, X.(2003). Effect of early acceleration of students in mathematics on attitude toward mathematics and mathematics anxiety. Teachers College Record,105(3),pp. 438-464.
- Fox, L.H.(1971). The effects of sex role socialization on mathematics participation and achievement. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
- Fennema, E. (1977). Influence of selected cognitive, affective and educational variables on sex-related differences in mathematics, learning and studying. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
- Hadfield, O.D., & Trujillo, K.M.(1999).Tracing the roots of mathematics anxiety through in depth- interviews with pre service elementary teachers. College Students Journal, 33(2).
- Miller,S.F. (1991). A study of the relationship of Mathematics anxiety to grade level: Gender intelligence, and mathematics achievement. Proquest Dissertations and Theses, 52(4) .
- Freedman , E.(2003). Professor Freedman’s Math Help Website. Retrieved from www.mathpower.com.
- Cherkas, B.M.(1992). A personal essay in math. College Teaching 40(3): 83.
- Hodges, H. (1983). Learning styles for mathophobia. Arithmetic Teacher 30(7), pp. 17-20.
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