DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : V, June - 2015


Neena Sidhu, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Every individual has the right to a variety of recreation activities to meet their individual needs. Recreational activities give us a break from our work and activities of daily living. They provide us with a social opening as well as a constructive and enjoyable way to spend our free time. Individuals who are deaf blind may spend a larger amount of time doing activities of daily living, and may often feel isolated from their community. Recreation is a way to be involved in normal activities and feel a part of the larger community. In addition, recreation is a wonderful way to socialize among family and peers and this is a great need for individuals who are deaf blind. Recreation also gives an individual who is deaf blind something in common to talk about with family and peers.

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Neena Sidhu, None(2015). RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES FOR ADAPTED CHILDREN. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. V, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  2. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  3. activity
  4. Web
  5. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  6. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  7. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  8. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  9. activity
  10. Web
  11. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  12. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  13. activity
  14. Web
  15. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  16. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  17. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  18. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  19. activity
  20. Web
  21. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  22. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  23. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  24. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  25. activity
  26. Web
  27. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  28. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  29. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  30. activity
  31. Web
  32. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  33. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  34. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  35. activity
  36. Web
  37. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  38. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  39. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  40. activity
  41. Web
  42. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  43. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  44. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  45. activity
  46. Web
  47. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  48. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  49. activity
  50. Web
  51. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  52. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  53. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  54. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  55. activity
  56. Web
  57. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  58. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  59. activity
  60. Web
  61. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  62. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  63. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  64. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  65. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  66. activity
  67. Web
  68. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  69. activity
  70. Web
  71. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  72. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  73. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  74. activity
  75. Web
  76. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  77. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  78. activity
  79. Web
  80. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  81. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  82. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  83. activity
  84. Web
  85. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  86. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  87. activity
  88. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  89. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  90. Web
  91. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  92. activity
  93. Web
  94. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  95. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  96. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  97. activity
  98. Web
  99. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  100. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  101. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  102. activity
  103. Web
  104. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  105. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  106. activity
  107. Web
  108. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  109. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  110. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  111. activity
  112. Web
  113. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  114. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  115. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  116. activity
  117. Web
  118. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  119. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  120. activity
  121. Web
  122. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  123. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  124. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  125. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  126. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  127. activity
  128. Web
  129. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  130. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  131. activity
  132. Web
  133. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  134. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  135. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  136. Lieberman, L.J., Stuart, M.E., Hand, K, & Robinson, B. (2006). An Investigation of the Motivational Effects of Talking Pedometers Among Youth with Visual Impairments and Deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 100(12), 726-736. Lieberman, L.J., & Stuart, M.E. (2002). Self-determined recreation and leisure choices of individuals with deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 96(10), 724- 735. DB-LINK: (see “Play and Recreation” in the “Selected Topics” section)
  137. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  138. activity
  139. Web
  140. American Printing House for the Blind PE Web site: Arndt, K.L., Lieberman, L. J. & Pucci, G. (2004). Communication during physical for youth who are deafblind. Teaching Exceptional Children Plus, 1(2), Article 1.
  141. Books Lieberman, L. J., & Cowart, J. F (1996). Games for people with sensory impairments: Strategies for including individuals of all ages. Champagne, IL: Human Kinetics. Lieberman, L.J., Houston-Wilson, C., (2002). Strategies for inclusion: A handbook for physical educators. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  142. activity
  143. Web

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