DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : VII, August - 2015


Tithi Bose, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Rural development and poverty eradication have emerged at the top most of the agenda of the national policies in India since the planning era began. But the policies and the strategies of alleviating poverty did not succeed to reach the goals. Most of these programmes massively suffered from targeting errors and leakage. Therefore, the absolute numbers of the impoverished has remained almost same throughout the decades of independence in spite of various efforts made by the government..Many research studies have pointed out the power relations, class difference, economic status, gender issues, social reputation and political adherence as the local factors behind poor coverage and improper execution of these programmes by the local institutions particularly panchayatsTherefore, the 11th plan’s main concern was to reduce poverty by including mass in the growth process and by helping them to reap the benefits of growth disproportionately for them. From the nineties onwards, Government has realized that to reduce poverty, rural employment has to be generated in a sustainable manner. A participatory planning comprising the local people in every stage can result in sustainable target oriented employment generation programme.

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Tithi Bose, None(2015). RIGHT TO WORK AND HOW IT IS BEING EXECUTED IN WEST BENGAL : A CASE STUDY. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. VII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  2. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  3. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  4. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  5. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  6. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  7. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  8. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  9. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  10. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  11. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  12. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  13. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  14. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  15. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  16. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  17. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  18. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  19. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  20. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  21. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  22. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  23. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  24. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  25. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  26. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  27. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  28. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  29. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  30. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  31. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  32. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  33. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  34. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  35. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  36. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  37. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  38. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  39. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  40. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  41. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  42. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  43. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  44. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  45. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  46. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  47. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  48. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  49. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  50. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  51. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  52. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  53. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  54. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  55. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  56. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  57. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  58. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  59. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  60. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  61. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  62. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  63. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  64. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  65. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  66. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  67. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  68. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  69. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  70. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  71. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  72. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  73. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  74. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  75. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  76. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  77. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  78. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  79. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  80. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  81. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  82. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  83. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  84. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  85. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  86. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  87. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  88. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  89. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  90. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  91. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  92. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  93. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  94. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  95. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  96. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  97. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  98. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  99. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  100. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  101. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  102. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  103. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  104. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  105. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  106. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  107. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  108. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  109. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  110. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  111. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  112. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  113. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  114. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  115. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  116. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  117. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  118. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  119. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  120. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  121. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  122. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  123. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  124. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  125. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  126. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  127. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  128. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  129. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  130. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  131. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  132. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  133. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  134. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  135. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  136. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  137. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  138. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  139. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  140. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  141. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  142. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  143. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  144. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  145. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  146. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  147. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  148. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  149. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  150. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  151. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  152. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  153. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  154. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  155. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  156. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  157. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  158. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  159. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  160. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  161. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  162. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  163. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  164. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  165. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  166. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  167. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  168. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  169. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  170. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  171. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  172. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  173. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  174. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  175. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  176. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  177. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  178. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  179. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  180. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  181. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  182. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  183. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  184. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  185. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  186. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  187. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  188. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  189. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  190. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  191. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  192. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  193. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  194. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  195. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  196. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  197. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  198. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  199. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  200. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  201. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  202. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  203. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  204. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  205. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  206. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  207. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  208. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  209. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  210. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  211. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  212. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  213. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  214. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  215. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  216. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  217. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  218. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  219. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  220. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  221. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  222. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  223. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  224. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  225. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  226. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  227. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  228. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  229. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  230. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  231. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  232. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  233. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  234. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  235. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  236. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  237. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  238. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  239. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  240. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  241. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  242. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  243. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  244. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  245. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  246. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  247. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  248. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  249. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  250. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  251. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  252. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  253. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  254. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  255. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  256. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  257. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  258. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  259. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  260. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  261. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  262. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  263. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  264. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  265. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  266. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  267. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  268. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  269. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  270. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  271. Ahuja, Usha Rani., Tyagi, Dushyant.,Chauhan.Sonia., Choudhary, Khyaliram (2011): “Impact of MGNREGA on Rural Employment and Migration: A Study in agriculturally- Backward and agriculturally- advanced districts of Haryana” Agricultural Economics Research Review Vol. 24, Conference Number.
  272. Charvak (2001) : “From Decentralisation of Planning to People’s Planning : Expereinces of The Indian States of West Bengal and Kerala”, Discussion Paper No.21, Centre for Developmental Studies, Thiruvananthapuram
  273. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  274. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  275. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  276. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  277. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  278. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.
  279. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  280. AmbasthaPramathesh, Shankar P.S., Shah Mihir (2008): ‘Two Years og NREGs: The Road Ahead, Economic and Political weekly, Vol.43, No.08.
  281. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  282. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  283. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  284. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  285. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  286. Banerjee Partha (2008): “The Party and the Panchayats of West Bengal”, Economic and Political weekly,Vol.43, No.24.
  287. ChakrabortyPinaki (2007):“Implementation of Employment Guarantee: A Preliminary Appraisal”,Economic and Political weekly, pp.548-551, Februray17.
  288. Blair Harry (2000): “Particiaption and Accountability at the Periphery: Democratic Local Governance in Six Countrie”, World Development, Vol.28, and No.1.
  289. Crook, Richard C and Allan SturlaSverisson (2001): “Decentralisation and Povery Alleviation in Developing Countries : A comparative Analysis or,is West Bengal Unique?”, IDS working Papaer130, Sussex: Institute of Development Studies.
  290. BardhanPranab and DilipMookherjee(2004): “Poverty Alleviation Efforts of West Bengal Panchayats”, Economic and Political weekly.
  291. Bhattacharya Sudipta (2007):“Class and Politics of Particiaptory Rural Transformation in West Bengal : An alternative to World Bank Orthodoxy”, Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol.7, No.3.
  292. BaisakhPradeep(2008): “Social Audit Scenario in Orissa”, Yojana, Vol.52, Special Issue.

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