DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : VII, August - 2015


Chandra Sekhara Reddy Konda, Sowmya Bommu and G.V Naidu

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Information technology being the latest in the communication field is rapidly growing in the context of the media communication. Recently, IT has become a key component of political campaigns and has been cited to be so powerful in US,UK and Indian elections held in the recent past. The four types of contact direct online and offline, indirect online and offline constituted our main sources of communication.The ‘pull’ nature of these technologies, however, means that voters are required to seek out the information rather than have it ‘Pushed’ to them through their mailboxes and unsolicited phone calls.

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  1. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  2. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  3. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  4. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  5. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  6. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  7. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  8. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  9. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  10. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  11. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  12. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  13. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  14. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  15. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  16. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  17. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  18. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  19. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  20. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  21. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  22. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  23. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  24. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  25. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  26. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  27. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  28. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  29. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  30. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  31. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  32. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  33. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  34. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  35. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  36. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  37. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  38. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  39. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  40. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  41. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  42. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  43. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  44. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  45. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  46. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  47. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  48. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  49. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  50. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  51. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  52. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  53. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  54. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  55. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  56. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  57. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  58. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  59. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  60. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  61. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  62. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  63. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  64. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  65. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  66. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  67. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  68. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  69. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  70. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  71. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  72. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  73. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  74. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  75. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  76. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  77. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  78. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  79. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  80. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  81. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  82. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  83. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  84. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  85. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  86. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  87. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  88. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  89. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  90. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  91. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  92. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  93. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  94. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  95. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  96. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  97. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  98. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  99. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  100. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  101. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  102. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  103. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  104. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  105. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  106. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  107. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  108. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  109. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  110. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  111. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  112. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  113. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  114. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  115. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  116. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  117. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  118. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  119. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  120. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  121. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  122. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  123. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  124. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  125. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  126. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  127. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  128. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  129. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  130. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  131. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  132. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  133. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  134. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  135. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  136. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  137. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  138. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  139. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  140. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  141. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  142. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  143. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  144. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  145. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  146. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  147. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  148. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  149. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  150. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  151. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  152. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  153. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  154. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  155. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  156. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  157. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  158. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  159. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  160. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  161. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  162. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  163. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  164. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  165. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  166. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  167. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  168. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  169. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  170. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  171. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  172. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  173. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  174. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  175. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  176. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  177. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  178. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  179. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  180. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  181. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  182. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  183. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  184. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  185. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  186. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  187. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  188. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  189. Riley, S. "Social Media One Key to the Arab Spring IT-Savvy Population it Played Bigger Role in Tunisia, Egypt than in Libya, Yemen, some Say." Investor’s Business Daily: A06. ProQuest. 2006
  190. Martins, M. The MST Challenge to Neoliberalism. America Perspective. 27 (2012): 23-45
  191. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  192. Arulchelvan, A. New Media Communication Strategies for election Campaigns: Experiences of Indian Political Parties. Journal of Communication and media Technology. 2013. Vol.4, pp. 140.
  193. Rosenberg, T. "Friends in Revolution." International Herald Tribune: 6. ProQuest. Jul 15 2011.
  194. IRIS knowledge foundation. Social media& Lok Sabhha Elections: Facebook users may be the new vote bank Indian politicians have to now worry about.2013.web. From http://www.esocialsciences
  195. Schleifer, Y. "Why Iran’s Twitter Revolution is Unique." The Christian Science Monitor: ProQuest. Jun 19 2009.
  196. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.
  197. Wallerstein, I. World-Systems Analysis In World System History. 2012.Retrieved from
  198. Narasimhamurthy, N. Use and Rise of social media as Election Campaign in India- an International Journal. 2014. Vol. 8, pp. 103-207.

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