DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : VI, July - 2015


R. Portia, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

As we speak loudly of cruelty to animals and birds in cages, we should also be open enough the problems of children forcibly spending their previous life time in hostel under mere care and consideration. The present student which aimed at unraveling the sociological effect on students due to deprivation of parental care, conclusively reports the presence of ‘disintegrating’ nature of social behavior in them.The researcher recommended that the hostel authorities should be well equipped to offer mere ‘Parental care’ to minimize the effect Parent Deprivation.

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R. Portia, None(2015). PARENT DEPRIVATION AND SOCIAL MANIFESTATIONS OF SECONDARY CLASS STUDENTS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. VI, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  2. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  3. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  4. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  5. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  6. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  7. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  8. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  9. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  10. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  11. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  12. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  13. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  14. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  15. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  16. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  17. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  18. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  19. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  20. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  21. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  22. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  23. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  24. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  25. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  26. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  27. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  28. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  29. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  30. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  31. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  32. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  33. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  34. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  35. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  36. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  37. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  38. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  39. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  40. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  41. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  42. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  43. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  44. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  45. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  46. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  47. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  48. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  49. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  50. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  51. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  52. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  53. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  54. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  55. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  56. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  57. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  58. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  59. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  60. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  61. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  62. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  63. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  64. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  65. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  66. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  67. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  68. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  69. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  70. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  71. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  72. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  73. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  74. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  75. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  76. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  77. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  78. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  79. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  80. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  81. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  82. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  83. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  84. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  85. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  86. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  87. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  88. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  89. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  90. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  91. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  92. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  93. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  94. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  95. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  96. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  97. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  98. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  99. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  100. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  101. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  102. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  103. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  104. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  105. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  106. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  107. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  108. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  109. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  110. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  111. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  112. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  113. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  114. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  115. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  116. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  117. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  118. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  119. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  120. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  121. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  122. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  123. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  124. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  125. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  126. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  127. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  128. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  129. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  130. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  131. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  132. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  133. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  134. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  135. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  136. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  137. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  138. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  139. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  140. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  141. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  142. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  143. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  144. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  145. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  146. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  147. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  148. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  149. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  150. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  151. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  152. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  153. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  154. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  155. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  156. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  157. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  158. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  159. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  160. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  161. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  162. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  163. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  164. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  165. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  166. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  167. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  168. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  169. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  170. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  171. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  172. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  173. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.
  174. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  175. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  176. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  177. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  178. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  179. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  180. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  181. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  182. Ferry Tamari.R (2000), The role of family contact in a social cognitive model for career- related choice behavior:A Math and Science Perspective, Journal of vocational behavior, v.57,n.3,p.348-64, Dec 2000.
  183. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  184. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  185. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  186. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  187. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  188. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  189. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  190. Johnson, Franki.V (2010), Examining the impact of teachers perception of Barriers of Parental involvement, Proquest, LLC,Ph.D Dissertation, Walden University.
  191. Galanaki&Kalangi- Azizi(1999), in Shunk, D.H.B.R.Pinrich.J.Megce(2010),Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Retrieved from adjustment/report from Thomas Rivera Elementary School. A case study. Proquest, LLC.Ed.D. Dissertation, Walden University.
  192. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  193. BastonJolli.J (2014), “Exploring Parental Perception of involvement with College Students”, ProquestLLC,Ph.DDessertation, Saint Louis University.
  194. Becker & Epstein (1982), Higher Secondary Education and its importance, Retrieved from
  195. Jaynes W.H (2007), The relationship between Parental involvement and Urban Secondary School Students’ Academic Achievement, Urban Education,42(1), 82- 110 .
  196. Bernard, WM.(2004),”Parental involvement in Elementary School and Educational attainment, children and youth services review,26,39-62.
  197. Creed,Marcus 2012,Adjustment to College, Measured by the student adaptation to college questionnaire: A qualitative review of its structure and relationship with correlate and consequences, Educational Psychology review, p.24 .p133-165.

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