DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : V, June - 2015


Nanigopal Malo, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Recent crisis in ‘value’ in our youth has revived concern for value Education in India. The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values (William S. Burroughs). Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men [and women] that the defenses of peace must be constructed — Preamble to the UNESCO Constitution. The dawn of the 21st century has seen our horizon being darkened with the daily tribulations, apathy and decadence of our every value system and beliefs. Peace is but a mere word like honour, courage, and truth. Being a witness in this scenario of horror and bloodshed, one should make every attempt to address the issue of loss of peace and corroding of our values, polluting our very existence and severely eroding our sense of justice and good conscience.

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Nanigopal Malo, None(2015). VALUE EDUCATION AND PEACE EDCUATION IN THE 21st CENTURY. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. V, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  2. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  3. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  4. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  5. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  6. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  7. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  8. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  9. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  10. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  11. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  12. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  13. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  14. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  15. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  16. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  17. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  18. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  19. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  20. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  21. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  22. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  23. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  24. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  25. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  26. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  27. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  28. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  29. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  30. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  31. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  32. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  33. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  34. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  35. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  36. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  37. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  38. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  39. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  40. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  41. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  42. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  43. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  44. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  45. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  46. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  47. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  48. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  49. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  50. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  51. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  52. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  53. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  54. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  55. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  56. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  57. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  58. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  59. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  60. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  61. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  62. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  63. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  64. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  65. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  66. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  67. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  68. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  69. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  70. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  71. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  72. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  73. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  74. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  75. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  76. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  77. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  78. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  79. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  80. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  81. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  82. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  83. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  84. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  85. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  86. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  87. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  88. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  89. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  90. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  91. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  92. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  93. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  94. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  95. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  96. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  97. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  98. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  99. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  100. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  101. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  102. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  103. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  104. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  105. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  106. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  107. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  108. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  109. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  110. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  111. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  112. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  113. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  114. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  115. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  116. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  117. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  118. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  119. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  120. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  121. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  122. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  123. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  124. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  125. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  126. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  127. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  128. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  129. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  130. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  131. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  132. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  133. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  134. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  135. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  136. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  137. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  138. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  139. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  140. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  141. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  142. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  143. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  144. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  145. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  146. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  147. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  148. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  149. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  150. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  151. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  152. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  153. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  154. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  155. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  156. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  157. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  158. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  159. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  160. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  161. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  162. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  163. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  164. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  165. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  166. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  167. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  168. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  169. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  170. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  171. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  172. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  173. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  174. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  175. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  176. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  177. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  178. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  179. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  180. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  181. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  182. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  183. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  184. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  185. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  186. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  187. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  188. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  189. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  190. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  191. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  192. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  193. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  194. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  195. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  196. Delors, J. (1996). Learning: The treasure Within. Report to UNESCO of the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century. Berlin: UNESCO Publishing.
  197. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  198. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  199. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  200. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  201. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  202. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  203. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
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  208. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  209. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.
  210. Jindal, (2013, September). Value Based Education — Need of the Day. International lournal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology, 2(9,) 24-26. Retrieved from the website: content/pages/Read-the- Charter.html
  211. The Economic times. (2013, September 13). Chandigarh: The Economic times.
  212. Krishna, P. (1997, July). Right Education for the 21st Century. XXII International Montessori Congress. Sweden: University of Uppasala.
  213. Association for Living Values Education International. (2014). (.iving Va/ue5 Education. Association for Living Values Education International. Retrieved from the website:
  214. Peace Pledge Union, looking at peace education. Peace Pledge Union. London. Retrieved from the website: http://www.ppu.o^g.ul
  215. The Earth Charter. (2012). Values and Principles to Foster a Sustainable Future. The Earth Charter Initiative.
  216. Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. (2006, November), Divine, Andhrapradesh: Prasanthi Nilyam.

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