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Volume : V, Issue : V, June - 2015


D. Ramkumar, S. Ramamoorthy

By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Relationship marketing is the newest school of marketing thought. The ongoing interest in relationship marketing through the nineties and in the new millennium is evident from the number of conferences organised on the topic, number of business schools offering course on relationship marketing and number of articles published in journals. In 1983, Leonard L. Berry, a distinguished professor of Marketing at Texas A&M University, coined the term ‘Relationship Marketing’ when he presented a paper entitled “Relationship Marketing” at the American Marketing Association’s Services Marketing Conference. There are numerous benefits to both the firm and the consumer as a result of relationship marketing practices like higher perceived value for both, increased competitiveness of the firm, reduced transaction cost, improved financial performance and increased marketing productivity. But the dark side of relationship marketing is yet to be fully explored and unearthed, as very little research have been done in this area.

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D. Ramkumar, S. Ramamoorthy(2015). EXPLORING THE DARK SIDE OF RELATIONSHIP MARKETING. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. V,

References :

  1. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  2. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  3. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  4. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  5. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  6. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  7. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  8. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  9. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  10. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  11. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  12. Fournier, S., Dobscha, S and Glen Mick, D (1998) “Preventing the premature death of relationship marketing” Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp 42-51
  13. Cindy Claycomb and Charles L. Martin (2002), “Building Customer Relationships: An Inventory of Service Providers’ Objectives and practices”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.16, No.7 pp.615-635
  14. Doyle, Peter, Marcel, Corstjens, and Paul, Mitchell (1980) “Signals of vulnerability in Agency – Clients Relations” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (fall) pp 18 -23
  15. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  16. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  17. Fournier, S., Dobscha, S and Glen Mick, D (1998) “Preventing the premature death of relationship marketing” Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp 42-51
  18. Cindy Claycomb and Charles L. Martin (2002), “Building Customer Relationships: An Inventory of Service Providers’ Objectives and practices”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.16, No.7 pp.615-635
  19. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  20. Doyle, Peter, Marcel, Corstjens, and Paul, Mitchell (1980) “Signals of vulnerability in Agency – Clients Relations” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (fall) pp 18 -23
  21. Fournier, S., Dobscha, S and Glen Mick, D (1998) “Preventing the premature death of relationship marketing” Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp 42-51
  22. Cindy Claycomb and Charles L. Martin (2002), “Building Customer Relationships: An Inventory of Service Providers’ Objectives and practices”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.16, No.7 pp.615-635
  23. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  24. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  25. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  26. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  27. Doyle, Peter, Marcel, Corstjens, and Paul, Mitchell (1980) “Signals of vulnerability in Agency – Clients Relations” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (fall) pp 18 -23
  28. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  29. Fournier, S., Dobscha, S and Glen Mick, D (1998) “Preventing the premature death of relationship marketing” Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp 42-51
  30. Cindy Claycomb and Charles L. Martin (2002), “Building Customer Relationships: An Inventory of Service Providers’ Objectives and practices”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.16, No.7 pp.615-635
  31. Doyle, Peter, Marcel, Corstjens, and Paul, Mitchell (1980) “Signals of vulnerability in Agency – Clients Relations” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (fall) pp 18 -23
  32. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  33. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  34. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  35. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  36. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  37. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  38. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  39. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  40. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  41. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  42. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  43. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  44. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  45. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  46. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  47. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  48. Fournier, S., Dobscha, S and Glen Mick, D (1998) “Preventing the premature death of relationship marketing” Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp 42-51
  49. Cindy Claycomb and Charles L. Martin (2002), “Building Customer Relationships: An Inventory of Service Providers’ Objectives and practices”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.16, No.7 pp.615-635
  50. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  51. Doyle, Peter, Marcel, Corstjens, and Paul, Mitchell (1980) “Signals of vulnerability in Agency – Clients Relations” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (fall) pp 18 -23
  52. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  53. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  54. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  55. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  56. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  57. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  58. Fournier, S., Dobscha, S and Glen Mick, D (1998) “Preventing the premature death of relationship marketing” Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp 42-51
  59. Cindy Claycomb and Charles L. Martin (2002), “Building Customer Relationships: An Inventory of Service Providers’ Objectives and practices”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.16, No.7 pp.615-635
  60. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  61. Doyle, Peter, Marcel, Corstjens, and Paul, Mitchell (1980) “Signals of vulnerability in Agency – Clients Relations” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (fall) pp 18 -23
  62. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  63. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  64. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  65. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  66. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  67. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  68. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  69. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  70. Fournier, S., Dobscha, S and Glen Mick, D (1998) “Preventing the premature death of relationship marketing” Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp 42-51
  71. Cindy Claycomb and Charles L. Martin (2002), “Building Customer Relationships: An Inventory of Service Providers’ Objectives and practices”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.16, No.7 pp.615-635
  72. Doyle, Peter, Marcel, Corstjens, and Paul, Mitchell (1980) “Signals of vulnerability in Agency – Clients Relations” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (fall) pp 18 -23
  73. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  74. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  75. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  76. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  77. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  78. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  79. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  80. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  81. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  82. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  83. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  84. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  85. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  86. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  87. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  88. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  89. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  90. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  91. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  92. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  93. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  94. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  95. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  96. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  97. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  98. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  99. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  100. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  101. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  102. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  103. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  104. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  105. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  106. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  107. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  108. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  109. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  110. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  111. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  112. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  113. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  114. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  115. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  116. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  117. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  118. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  119. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  120. Fournier, S., Dobscha, S and Glen Mick, D (1998) “Preventing the premature death of relationship marketing” Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp 42-51
  121. Cindy Claycomb and Charles L. Martin (2002), “Building Customer Relationships: An Inventory of Service Providers’ Objectives and practices”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.16, No.7 pp.615-635
  122. Doyle, Peter, Marcel, Corstjens, and Paul, Mitchell (1980) “Signals of vulnerability in Agency – Clients Relations” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (fall) pp 18 -23
  123. Fournier, S., Dobscha, S and Glen Mick, D (1998) “Preventing the premature death of relationship marketing” Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp 42-51
  124. Cindy Claycomb and Charles L. Martin (2002), “Building Customer Relationships: An Inventory of Service Providers’ Objectives and practices”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.16, No.7 pp.615-635
  125. Doyle, Peter, Marcel, Corstjens, and Paul, Mitchell (1980) “Signals of vulnerability in Agency – Clients Relations” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (fall) pp 18 -23
  126. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  127. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  128. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  129. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  130. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  131. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  132. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  133. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  134. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  135. Fournier, S., Dobscha, S and Glen Mick, D (1998) “Preventing the premature death of relationship marketing” Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp 42-51
  136. Cindy Claycomb and Charles L. Martin (2002), “Building Customer Relationships: An Inventory of Service Providers’ Objectives and practices”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.16, No.7 pp.615-635
  137. Doyle, Peter, Marcel, Corstjens, and Paul, Mitchell (1980) “Signals of vulnerability in Agency – Clients Relations” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (fall) pp 18 -23
  138. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  139. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  140. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  141. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  142. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  143. Fournier, S., Dobscha, S and Glen Mick, D (1998) “Preventing the premature death of relationship marketing” Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp 42-51
  144. Cindy Claycomb and Charles L. Martin (2002), “Building Customer Relationships: An Inventory of Service Providers’ Objectives and practices”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.16, No.7 pp.615-635
  145. Doyle, Peter, Marcel, Corstjens, and Paul, Mitchell (1980) “Signals of vulnerability in Agency – Clients Relations” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (fall) pp 18 -23
  146. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  147. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  148. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  149. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  150. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  151. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  152. Fournier, S., Dobscha, S and Glen Mick, D (1998) “Preventing the premature death of relationship marketing” Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp 42-51
  153. Cindy Claycomb and Charles L. Martin (2002), “Building Customer Relationships: An Inventory of Service Providers’ Objectives and practices”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.16, No.7 pp.615-635
  154. Doyle, Peter, Marcel, Corstjens, and Paul, Mitchell (1980) “Signals of vulnerability in Agency – Clients Relations” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (fall) pp 18 -23
  155. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  156. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  157. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  158. Fournier, S., Dobscha, S and Glen Mick, D (1998) “Preventing the premature death of relationship marketing” Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp 42-51
  159. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  160. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  161. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  162. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  163. Cindy Claycomb and Charles L. Martin (2002), “Building Customer Relationships: An Inventory of Service Providers’ Objectives and practices”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.16, No.7 pp.615-635
  164. Doyle, Peter, Marcel, Corstjens, and Paul, Mitchell (1980) “Signals of vulnerability in Agency – Clients Relations” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (fall) pp 18 -23
  165. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  166. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  167. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  168. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  169. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  170. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  171. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  172. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  173. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  174. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  175. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  176. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  177. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  178. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  179. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  180. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  181. Fournier, S., Dobscha, S and Glen Mick, D (1998) “Preventing the premature death of relationship marketing” Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp 42-51
  182. Fournier, S., Dobscha, S and Glen Mick, D (1998) “Preventing the premature death of relationship marketing” Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp 42-51
  183. Cindy Claycomb and Charles L. Martin (2002), “Building Customer Relationships: An Inventory of Service Providers’ Objectives and practices”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.16, No.7 pp.615-635
  184. Doyle, Peter, Marcel, Corstjens, and Paul, Mitchell (1980) “Signals of vulnerability in Agency – Clients Relations” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (fall) pp 18 -23
  185. Cindy Claycomb and Charles L. Martin (2002), “Building Customer Relationships: An Inventory of Service Providers’ Objectives and practices”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.16, No.7 pp.615-635
  186. Doyle, Peter, Marcel, Corstjens, and Paul, Mitchell (1980) “Signals of vulnerability in Agency – Clients Relations” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (fall) pp 18 -23
  187. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  188. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  189. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  190. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  191. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  192. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  193. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  194. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  195. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  196. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  197. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  198. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  199. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  200. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  201. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  202. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  203. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  204. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  205. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  206. Fournier, S., Dobscha, S and Glen Mick, D (1998) “Preventing the premature death of relationship marketing” Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp 42-51
  207. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  208. Cindy Claycomb and Charles L. Martin (2002), “Building Customer Relationships: An Inventory of Service Providers’ Objectives and practices”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.16, No.7 pp.615-635
  209. Doyle, Peter, Marcel, Corstjens, and Paul, Mitchell (1980) “Signals of vulnerability in Agency – Clients Relations” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (fall) pp 18 -23
  210. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  211. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  212. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  213. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  214. Cindy Claycomb and Charles L. Martin (2002), “Building Customer Relationships: An Inventory of Service Providers’ Objectives and practices”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.16, No.7 pp.615-635
  215. Doyle, Peter, Marcel, Corstjens, and Paul, Mitchell (1980) “Signals of vulnerability in Agency – Clients Relations” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (fall) pp 18 -23
  216. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  217. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  218. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  219. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  220. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  221. Fournier, S., Dobscha, S and Glen Mick, D (1998) “Preventing the premature death of relationship marketing” Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp 42-51
  222. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  223. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  224. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  225. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  226. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  227. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  228. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  229. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  230. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  231. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  232. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  233. Grönroos, C. (2000), “Relationship Marketing: the Nordic School Perspective”, in Sheth, J.N. and Parvatiyar, A (Eds), Handbook of Relationship Marketing, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, pp 95-118.
  234. Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D. (1991) Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
  235. Grayson, K and T. Ambler (1999) “The dark side of Long Term Relationship in Marketing Services” Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, pp 132-141
  236. Gummesson, E. (1997), “Relationship Marketing as a Paradigm Shift: Some Conclusions from the 30R Approach”, Management Decisions, 35/4, pp.267-272.
  237. Hackney, D. (2000), “Business intelligence technology and tools for CRM”, in Proceedings of DCI Customer Relationship Management Conference, Boston, MA, 27-29 June
  238. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  239. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  240. Gruen, T.W.., J.O. Summers and F. Acito (2000) “Relationship Marketing Activities, Commitment, and Membership Behaviours in Professional Associations”, Journal of Marketing, Vol.64 (July), 34-49
  241. Dre`ze, Xavier, and Joseph C. Nunes (2009), “Feeling Superior: The Impact of Loyalty Program Structure on Consumers’ Per-ceptions of Status, ”Journal of Consumer Research,35 (April), 890–905
  242. Fournier, S., Dobscha, S and Glen Mick, D (1998) “Preventing the premature death of relationship marketing” Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp 42-51
  243. Cindy Claycomb and Charles L. Martin (2002), “Building Customer Relationships: An Inventory of Service Providers’ Objectives and practices”, Journal of Services Marketing, Vol.16, No.7 pp.615-635
  244. Doyle, Peter, Marcel, Corstjens, and Paul, Mitchell (1980) “Signals of vulnerability in Agency – Clients Relations” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 44 (fall) pp 18 -23

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