DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : IV, May - 2015


Pratibha Tomar, Sanchit Yadav

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Culture means a “manner of life”, ‘method of belief’ in everyday life; culture is the full area of variation of learned human conduct sequence. The word was first used in this style by the great English Anthropologist Edward B. Tylor in his book, Primitive Culture, printed in 1871. Tylor said that culture is "the complicated entire which comprise facts, trust, skill, rules, principles, traditions, and any other resources and practices developed by human as a person of society.”. Culture is read as the manner, the designs, in which groups “feel” the non-analysed material of their companionship and ideal objective reality’ (Clerke et al. 1976, p.10). Presenting on this, cultural’ refers to the code with which meaning is built, carried, and interpretated.

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Pratibha Tomar, Sanchit Yadav (2015). THE CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AND G.I.S APPLICABILITY; A CASE STUDY OF MAHA KUMBH MELA, ALLAHABAD 2013. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. IV, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  2. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  3. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  4. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  5. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  6. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  7. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  8. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  9. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  10. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  11. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  12. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  13. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  14. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  15. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  16. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  17. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  18. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  19. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  20. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  21. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  22. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  23. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  24. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  25. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  26. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  27. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  28. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  29. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  30. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  31. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  32. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  33. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  34. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  35. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  36. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  37. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  38. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  39. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  40. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  41. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  42. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  43. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  44. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  45. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  46. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  47. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  48. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  49. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  50. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  51. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  52. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  53. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  54. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  55. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  56. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  57. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  58. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  59. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  60. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  61. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  62. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  63. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  64. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  65. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  66. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  67. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  68. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  69. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  70. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  71. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  72. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  73. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  74. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  75. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  76. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  77. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  78. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  79. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  80. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  81. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  82. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  83. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  84. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  85. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  86. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  87. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  88. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  89. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  90. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  91. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  92. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  93. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  94. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  95. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  96. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  97. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  98. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  99. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  100. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  101. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  102. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  103. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  104. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  105. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  106. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  107. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  108. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  109. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  110. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  111. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  112. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  113. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  114. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  115. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  116. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  117. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  118. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  119. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  120. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  121. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  122. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  123. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  124. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  125. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  126. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  127. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  128. ASSOCHAM. 2013. Annual report 2013, New Delhi.
  129. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  130. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  131. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  132. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  133. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  134. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.
  135. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  136. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  137. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  138. Arora N. 2013. “River of faith 2013”, Times of India.
  139. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  140. Ballaney. Shirley, Nair. Bindu.2002. Application of Satellite Imagery and GIS in the Preparation of Development Plans: A Case Study for Tirupati Region, Environmental Planning Collaborative, pp. 245-253.
  141. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  142. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  143. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  144. Crouch, D. (Ed.). 1999. Leisure/tourism geographies, practices and geographical knowledge. London: Routledge.
  145. Clarke, J., et al. 1976. "Subcultures, culture and class: a theoretical overview" in S. Hall and T. Jefferson, (eds). Resistance through rituals, London: Hutchinson.

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