DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : IV, May - 2015


Jyoti Kalyanrao, Sindhe Jaganath R.

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Construction is dynamic industry which is attracted by many unskilled workers including women. In case of construction works, the contractors are exploiting and discriminating women workers. Hence, socio-economic conditions of the women construction workers are analyzed by collecting primary data through interview schedules from total 200 women construction workers in Kalaburagi city. As there is lower income and exploitation of these workers, it is suggested to form Self-Help Groups and generate their own income by starting income generating activities. Further, it is suggested to NGOs to look into the problems faced by these workers and Government has to initiate self-employment training along with financial assistance to women construction workers so as to improve their socio-economic conditions.

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Jyoti Kalyanrao, Sindhe Jaganath R.(2015). SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF WOMEN CONSTRUCTION WORKERS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. IV, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  2. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  3. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  4. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  5. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  6. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  7. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  8. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  9. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  10. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  11. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  12. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  13. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  14. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  15. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  16. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  17. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  18. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  19. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  20. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  21. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  22. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  23. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  24. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  25. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  26. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  27. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  28. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  29. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  30. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  31. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  32. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  33. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  34. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  35. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  36. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  37. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  38. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  39. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  40. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  41. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  42. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  43. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  44. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  45. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  46. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  47. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  48. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  49. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  50. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  51. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  52. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  53. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  54. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  55. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  56. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  57. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  58. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  59. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  60. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  61. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  62. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  63. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  64. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  65. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  66. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  67. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  68. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  69. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  70. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  71. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  72. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  73. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  74. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  75. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  76. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  77. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  78. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  79. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  80. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  81. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  82. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  83. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  84. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  85. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  86. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  87. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  88. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  89. Organization for Social Change and Rural Development, Bhubaneshwar (2007): Socio-economic Conditions of Maid Servants in Unorganized sector and viable strategies for development of Bhubaneshwar temple city. Bhubaneshwar: OSCARD, 2007.
  90. Sathyasundaram (1996) Unorganized women Labour in India. New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 1996.
  91. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  92. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  93. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  94. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  95. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  96. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.
  97. Beneria, Lourdes (2003): Gender, Development and Globalization: Economics As if All People Mattered. London: Routledge, 2003.
  98. Ranis, Gustav, et al (2000): Economic Growth and Human Development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 2. 2000.

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