Volume : V, Issue : III, April - 2015 THE ROLE OF CLOUD COMPUTING IN ACADEMIC LIBRARIES.Gore Umesh Dattatraya, None By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : Cloud computing is new concept in the concept of information world. It is an revolution of computers and internet. Cloud computing is a really advance technology. Cloud computing has truly changed the way that can use the power of computer .The technology of cloud computing has come up as a rise for these academic libraries. It provide the chances of opportunities for libraries to connect their services with clouds computing. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : Gore Umesh Dattatraya, None(2015). THE ROLE OF CLOUD COMPUTING IN ACADEMIC LIBRARIES.. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. III, http://isrj.org/UploadedData/6436.pdf References : - Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library71.
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- Breeding, M. (2009). The Advance of Computing From the Ground to the Cloud. Computers in Libraries, 29(10):22 – 25.
- www.cloudcomputing.com.
- Avaliable at http:// dur- cloud. Org( 21. 08. 2014).
- www.wikipedia.com.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_library.
- Sampath Kumar, B.T and Biradar,B.S.2010. “Use of ICT in college libraries in Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
- Karnataka, India: a survey”. Program: electronic library and information systems 44(3):271-282.
- Naidu GHS, Rajput Prabhat & Motiyani Kavita, Use of Electronic Resources and Services in University Libraries: A Study of DAVV Central Library, Indore. In:NACLIN 2007, p309-319.
- http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/techtrends/2010/110030304.asp.
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