Volume : V, Issue : III, April - 2015 ERGONOMIC EVALUATION OF SEED PLACEMENT TUBE FOR COTTON DIBBLING OVER CONVENTIONAL METHODA. Mrunalini, None By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : A field experimental study was conducted to evaluate the performance of seed placement tube for cotton dibbling over conventional method with six women subjects as users of technology. Variables observed were physical characteristics, time for area covered while dibbling, postural analysis as per OWAS, RULA, postural shifts, its duration and repetitive strain index. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : A. Mrunalini, None(2015). ERGONOMIC EVALUATION OF SEED PLACEMENT TUBE FOR COTTON DIBBLING OVER CONVENTIONAL METHOD. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. III, http://isrj.org/UploadedData/6429.pdf References : - Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Jatinder, K and Aruna, R. 2012. Ergonomic interventions in weeding operation for drudgery reduction of hill farm women in India. Work. 41: 4349-4355.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Badiger, C., Hasalkar, S., Huilgol, S., Hoskeri, M and Kavita, P. 2004. Ergonomic assessment of improved agricultural technologies introduced for farm women in northern Karnataka. Published in the proceedings of international conference on emerging technologies in agricultural and food engineering. IIT Khargapur: 321-325.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Karhu, O. 1977. Correcting working postures in industry. A practical method for analysis. Applied ergonomics. 1977. 8(4): 199-201.
- Singh S. and Sharma P. 2007. On Farm Trial (OFT) for Dissemination of Ergonomically Developed Sickles. Proceedings of Humanizing Work and Work Environment. CIAE, Bhopal. 2: 16-20.
- McAtamney, L and Corlett, E.N. RULA: a survey method for the investigation of workrelated upper limb disorders. Applied Ergonomics.1993. 24(2);91–9.
- Moore, J.S and Garg, A. The strain index: a proposed method to analyze jobs for risk of distal upper extremity disorders. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal. 1995: 56(5);443–58.
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