DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : II, March - 2015


Shrikant Yelegaonkar, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The term political brain research alludes to the investigation of the routes in which human brain research our points of view, identities, convictions, etc influences legislative issues, and it can be considered the territory where the scholarly teaches of political science and brain science cover or converge. It can likewise be considered a sort of "extension" between the two fields. Pretty much as political economy contemplates the routes in which financial connections influence political conduct (and the courses in which governmental issues influences financial matters), political brain science takes a gander at the routes in which our perceptions and feelings, and the social weights encompassing us, can shape our conduct in the political domain.

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Shrikant Yelegaonkar, None(2015). POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. II, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  2. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  3. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  4. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  5. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  6. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  7. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  8. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  9. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  10. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  11. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  12. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  13. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  14. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  15. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  16. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  17. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  18. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  19. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  20. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  21. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  22. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  23. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  24. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  25. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  26. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  27. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  28. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  29. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  30. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  31. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  32. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  33. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  34. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  35. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  36. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  37. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  38. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  39. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  40. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  41. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  42. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  43. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  44. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  45. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  46. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  47. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  48. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  49. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  50. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  51. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  52. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  53. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  54. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  55. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  56. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  57. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  58. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  59. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  60. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  61. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  62. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  63. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  64. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  65. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  66. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  67. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  68. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  69. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  70. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  71. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  72. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  73. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  74. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  75. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  76. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  77. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  78. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  79. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  80. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  81. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  82. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  83. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  84. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  85. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  86. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  87. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  88. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  89. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  90. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  91. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  92. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  93. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  94. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  95. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  96. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  97. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  98. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  99. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  100. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  101. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  102. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  103. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  104. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  105. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  106. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  107. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  108. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  109. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  110. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  111. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  112. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  113. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  114. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  115. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  116. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  117. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  118. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  119. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  120. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  121. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  122. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  123. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  124. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  125. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  126. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  127. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  128. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  129. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  130. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  131. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  132. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  133. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  134. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  135. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  136. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  137. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  138. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  139. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  140. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  141. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  142. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  143. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  144. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  145. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  146. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  147. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  148. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  149. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  150. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  151. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  152. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  153. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  154. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  155. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  156. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  157. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  158. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  159. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  160. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  161. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  162. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  163. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  164. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  165. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  166. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  167. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  168. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  169. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  170. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  171. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  172. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  173. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  174. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  175. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  176. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  177. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  178. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  179. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  180. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  181. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  182. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  183. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  184. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  185. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  186. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  187. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  188. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  189. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  190. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  191. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  192. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  193. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  194. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  195. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  196. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  197. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  198. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  199. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  200. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  201. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  202. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  203. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  204. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  205. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  206. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  207. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  208. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  209. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  210. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  211. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  212. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  213. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  214. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  215. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  216. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  217. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  218. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  219. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  220. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  221. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  222. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  223. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  224. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  225. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  226. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  227. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  228. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  229. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  230. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  231. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  232. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  233. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  234. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  235. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  236. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  237. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  238. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  239. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  240. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  241. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  242. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  243. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  244. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  245. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  246. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  247. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  248. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  249. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  250. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  251. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  252. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  253. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  254. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  255. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  256. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  257. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  258. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  259. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  260. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  261. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  262. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  263. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  264. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  265. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  266. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  267. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  268. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  269. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  270. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  271. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  272. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  273. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  274. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  275. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  276. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  277. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  278. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  279. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  280. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  281. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  282. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  283. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  284. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  285. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  286. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  287. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  288. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  289. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  290. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  291. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  292. Damasio, A. (1994). Descartes’error: Emotion, reason and the human brain. New York: Putnam.
  293. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  294. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  295. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  296. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  297. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  298. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  299. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  300. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  301. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  302. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  303. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  304. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  305. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  306. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  307. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  308. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  309. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  310. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  311. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  312. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  313. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  314. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  315. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  316. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  317. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  318. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  319. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  320. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  321. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  322. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  323. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  324. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  325. George, A. (1969). The “operational code”: A neglected approach to the study of political leaders and decision making. International Studies Quarterly, 13, 190-222.
  326. Campbell, A., Converse, P., Miller, W., & Stokes, D. (1960). The American voter. New York: Wiley.
  327. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  328. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  329. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  330. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  331. Adorno, T., FrenkelBrunswik, E., Levinson, D., & Sanford, N. (1950). The authoritarian personality. New York: Harper & Row.
  332. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  333. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  334. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  335. Festinger, L., Riecken, H., &Schachter, S. (1964). When prophecy fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world. New York: Harper & Row.
  336. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  337. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.
  338. Cottam, M., Dietz Uhler, B., Mastors, E., & Preston, T. (2009). Introduction to political psychology (2nd ed.). New York: Psychology Press.
  339. Barber, J. D. (1992). The presidential character: Predicting performance in the White House (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1972).
  340. Festinger, L. (1957). Theory of cognitive dissonance. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  341. Eulau, H. (1963). The behavioral persuasion in politics. New York: Random House.
  342. Converse, P. (1964). The nature of belief systems in mass publics. In D. Apter (Ed.), Ideology and discontent (pp. 206-261). New York: Free Press.

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