DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : II, March - 2015


Rajesh Tripathi, Sachin Gupta

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

No two individuals are exactly alike. Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and mind: how we think, feel, act and interact individually and in groups. Sports Psychology is a science in which we study about sports person by observing, measuring and testing, and then arriving at conclusions that are rooted in sound scientific methodology. Sports in the present day world have become extremely competitive. Sports psychology training is that enhances performance on the court and field. Winning is one of the main objective in sports but winning requires consistent performance at a high level. Mental proficiency helps ensure this consistency, guarding against fluctuations in performance. Considering the role of Psychology variables, the present study was undertaken. Purpose of the study : The main purpose of the study was to identify the difference between personality traits and locus of control between school athletes and non athletes of Bundelkhand Region . Research Methodology : The present study was conducted on 100 school boys athletes and non athletes of Bundelkhand Region to assess the selected psychological variables personality traits and locus of control. To assess the personality traits and locus of control Eysenck’s and Dr. N. Hasnain, Dr. D.D. Joshi standardized questionnaire were used respectively. The collected data were analyzed using‘t’ test statistical technique at 0.05 level of significance. Conclusions: The study clearly indicated that there is a significant difference in personality traits and locus of control between school athletes and non athletes of Bundelkhand Region. In neuroticism, extroversion and locus of control school athletes are better than non athletes in all the selected psychological variables.

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References :

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  126. Heidbreder, E., “Measuring introversion and extroversion”, journal of Abnormal Social Psychology
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  128. David, H. Clarke, and Helen M. Kchert(1985). Limits of Human Performance. Human Kinetic Publication Inc,
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  130. Heidbreder, E., “Measuring introversion and extroversion”, journal of Abnormal Social Psychology
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  134. Heidbreder, E., “Measuring introversion and extroversion”, journal of Abnormal Social Psychology
  135. David, H. Clarke, and Helen M. Kchert(1985). Limits of Human Performance. Human Kinetic Publication Inc,
  136. Kamlesh M.L.,(2002) Psychology In Physical Education and Sports”. Metro Politan Book Co. Pvt Ltd., New
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  139. David, H. Clarke, and Helen M. Kchert(1985). Limits of Human Performance. Human Kinetic Publication Inc,
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  147. David, H. Clarke, and Helen M. Kchert(1985). Limits of Human Performance. Human Kinetic Publication Inc,
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  149. David, H. Clarke, and Helen M. Kchert(1985). Limits of Human Performance. Human Kinetic Publication Inc,
  150. Kamlesh M.L.,(2002) Psychology In Physical Education and Sports”. Metro Politan Book Co. Pvt Ltd., New
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  152. Kamlesh M.L.,(2002) Psychology In Physical Education and Sports”. Metro Politan Book Co. Pvt Ltd., New
  153. Heidbreder, E., “Measuring introversion and extroversion”, journal of Abnormal Social Psychology
  154. Kamlesh M.L.,(2002) Psychology In Physical Education and Sports”. Metro Politan Book Co. Pvt Ltd., New
  155. New York.
  156. Kamlesh M.L.,(2002) Psychology In Physical Education and Sports”. Metro Politan Book Co. Pvt Ltd., New
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  159. Delhi, India. P. 266.
  160. Kamlesh M.L.,(2002) Psychology In Physical Education and Sports”. Metro Politan Book Co. Pvt Ltd., New
  161. Heidbreder, E., “Measuring introversion and extroversion”, journal of Abnormal Social Psychology
  162. 21(1926):120-134
  163. Delhi, India. P. 266.
  164. David, H. Clarke, and Helen M. Kchert(1985). Limits of Human Performance. Human Kinetic Publication Inc,
  165. New York.
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  167. Delhi, India. P. 266.
  168. Kamlesh M.L.,(2002) Psychology In Physical Education and Sports”. Metro Politan Book Co. Pvt Ltd., New
  169. Kamlesh M.L.,(2002) Psychology In Physical Education and Sports”. Metro Politan Book Co. Pvt Ltd., New
  170. Heidbreder, E., “Measuring introversion and extroversion”, journal of Abnormal Social Psychology
  171. Kamlesh M.L.,(2002) Psychology In Physical Education and Sports”. Metro Politan Book Co. Pvt Ltd., New
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  174. Kamlesh M.L.,(2002) Psychology In Physical Education and Sports”. Metro Politan Book Co. Pvt Ltd., New
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  180. New York.
  181. Kamlesh M.L.,(2002) Psychology In Physical Education and Sports”. Metro Politan Book Co. Pvt Ltd., New

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