DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : V, Issue : II, March - 2015


Sangeeta, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

In Postmodern literature there is a tendency to deconstruct the traditional values and stereotypes which have been reigning in the world of literature and culture. The critics like Derrida, Barthes, Stanley Fish, Homi K. Bhabha, Raymond Williams have radically departed from logocentric and absolutist preoccupation with fixity and stasis of language and literature. This is a significant critical trend in contemporary literature. The present paper is an endeavour to focus on the reinterpretation of reality in terms of content, form, language, point of view of a current Indian novelist like Arvind Adiga whose The White Tiger took the post-colonial writers by storm by its innovative technique of narration of revolutionary theme of social change.

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Sangeeta, None(2015). A STUDY OF ARVIND ADIGA’S THE WHITE TIGER. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. V, Issue. II, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  2. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  3. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  4. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  5. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  6. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  7. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  8. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  9. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  10. Marxism and Literary Criticism. London : Routledge, 1976.
  11. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  12. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  13. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  14. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  15. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  16. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
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  18. Marxism and Literary Criticism. London : Routledge, 1976.
  19. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  20. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  21. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  22. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  23. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  24. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  25. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  26. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  27. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
  28. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  29. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
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  37. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  38. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  39. Marxism and Literary Criticism. London : Routledge, 1976.
  40. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
  41. Marxism and Literary Criticism. London : Routledge, 1976.
  42. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  43. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
  44. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  45. Marxism and Literary Criticism. London : Routledge, 1976.
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  47. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  48. Marxism and Literary Criticism. London : Routledge, 1976.
  49. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
  50. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  51. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  52. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  53. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
  54. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  55. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  56. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  57. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
  58. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  59. Marxism and Literary Criticism. London : Routledge, 1976.
  60. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  61. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  62. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  63. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  64. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  65. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  66. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  67. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  68. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  69. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  70. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  71. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  72. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  73. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  74. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  75. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  76. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  77. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  78. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  79. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  80. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  81. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  82. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  83. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  84. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  85. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
  86. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  87. Marxism and Literary Criticism. London : Routledge, 1976.
  88. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  89. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  90. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  91. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  92. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  93. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  94. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  95. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
  96. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
  97. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  98. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  99. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
  100. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  101. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  102. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  103. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  104. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  105. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  106. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
  107. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  108. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  109. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  110. Marxism and Literary Criticism. London : Routledge, 1976.
  111. Marxism and Literary Criticism. London : Routledge, 1976.
  112. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
  113. Marxism and Literary Criticism. London : Routledge, 1976.
  114. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  115. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  116. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  117. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  118. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  119. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  120. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  121. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  122. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  123. Marxism and Literary Criticism. London : Routledge, 1976.
  124. Marxism and Literary Criticism. London : Routledge, 1976.
  125. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  126. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  127. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  128. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
  129. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  130. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  131. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  132. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  133. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  134. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  135. Marxism and Literary Criticism. London : Routledge, 1976.
  136. Marxism and Literary Criticism. London : Routledge, 1976.
  137. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
  138. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  139. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  140. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  141. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  142. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  143. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  144. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  145. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
  146. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  147. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
  148. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
  149. Eagleton, Terry, The Ideology of the Aesthetic. London: Blackwell, 1990.
  150. Goldstein, Philip. The Politics of Literary Theory : An Introduction to Marxist Criticism. Florida : Florida State University Press, 1990.
  151. Adiga, Arvind. The White Tiger. New Delhi : Harper Collins, 2009.
  152. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  153. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.
  154. Williams, Raymond, Marxism and Literature. Oxford: OUP, 1977.

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