DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : XII, January - 2015


Krishtappa Basappa, -

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The present paper is an attempt to study problems and challenge of slum areas in india : a sociological analysis. Slums were common in the United States and Europe before the early 20th century. New York City is believed to have created the world’s first slum, named the Five Points in 1825, as it evolved into a large urban settlement. India is one of the fastest developing countries with many metropolitan cities(Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi and Chennai). During last two decades; migration from villages and small towns to metropolitan areas has increased tremendously in India. This leads to the degradation of urban environmental quality and sustainable development especially in the metropolitan cities. The problems faced by the people living in the urban areas of India have become major concerns for the government. Slums are considered to be the major issue within many urban areas particularly problems related to transportation, population, health and safety, housing, employment and environment, compared to those related to society and social life. Many researchers argue that slums are not problems that have to be solved rather they represent a solution of shelter for the poor. Now the challenge for the policy makers is to facilitate the types of movement that are most likely to lead to alleviation of poverty, while protecting the slum dwellers from abuse and exploitation.

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Krishtappa Basappa, -(2015). PROBLEMS AND CHALLENGE OF SLUM AREAS IN INDIA : A SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. XII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  2. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  3. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  4. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  6. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  7. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  8. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  9. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  10. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  11. 2013), PP.55-59
  12. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  13. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  14. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  15. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  16. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  17. pp. 1–19;
  18. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  19. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  20. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  23. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  24. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  26. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  27. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  28. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  29. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  30. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  31. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  32. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  33. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  34. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  35. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  36. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  37. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  38. pp. 1–19;
  39. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  40. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  41. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  42. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  43. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  45. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  46. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  47. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  49. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  50. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  51. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  52. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  53. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  54. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  56. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  57. pp. 1–19;
  58. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  59. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  60. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  61. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  62. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  63. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  64. pp. 1–19;
  65. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  66. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  67. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  68. 2013), PP.55-59
  70. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  71. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  73. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  75. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  77. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  78. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  81. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  82. 2013), PP.55-59
  83. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  84. 2013), PP.55-59
  85. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  86. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  87. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  88. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  89. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  90. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  91. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  92. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  93. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  94. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  95. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  96. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  97. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  98. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  101. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  102. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  103. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  104. pp. 1–19;
  105. pp. 1–19;
  107. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  108. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  109. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  110. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  111. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  113. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  114. pp. 1–19;
  115. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  116. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  117. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  118. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  119. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  120. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  121. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  122. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  123. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  124. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  125. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  126. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  127. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  128. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  129. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  130. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  131. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  132. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  133. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  134. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  135. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  137. pp. 1–19;
  138. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  139. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  141. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  143. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  144. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  145. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  146. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  147. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  148. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  149. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  150. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  151. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  152. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  153. 2013), PP.55-59
  155. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  156. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  157. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  158. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  159. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  160. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  161. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  162. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  163. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  164. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  165. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  166. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  167. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  168. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  169. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  170. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  171. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  172. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  173. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  174. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  175. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  176. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  177. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  178. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  179. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  180. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  181. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  182. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  183. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  185. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  186. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  187. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  189. pp. 1–19;
  190. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  191. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  192. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  193. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  194. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  195. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  196. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  197. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  198. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  200. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  201. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  203. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  204. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  205. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  206. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  207. 2013), PP.55-59
  208. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  209. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  210. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  211. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  213. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  214. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  215. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  217. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  218. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  219. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  220. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  221. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  222. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  223. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  224. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  225. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  226. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  227. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  228. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  229. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  230. 2013), PP.55-59
  232. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  234. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  235. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  236. pp. 1–19;
  238. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  239. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  240. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  241. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  242. 2013), PP.55-59
  243. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  244. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  245. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  246. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  248. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  249. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  250. pp. 1–19;
  251. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  252. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  253. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  254. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  255. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  256. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  257. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  258. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  259. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  260. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  261. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  262. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  263. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  264. 2013), PP.55-59
  266. pp. 1–19;
  268. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  269. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  270. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  271. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  272. pp. 1–19;
  273. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  274. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  275. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  276. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  277. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  278. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  279. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  281. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  282. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  283. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  286. pp. 1–19;
  288. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  289. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  290. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  291. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  292. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  293. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  294. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  295. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  296. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  297. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  298. 2013), PP.55-59
  299. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  301. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  303. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  304. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  305. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  306. pp. 1–19;
  307. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  308. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  309. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  310. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  311. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  312. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  313. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  314. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  315. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  316. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  317. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  318. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  319. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  320. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  322. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  323. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  324. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  325. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  326. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  327. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  328. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  329. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  330. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  331. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  332. pp. 1–19;
  333. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  334. 2013), PP.55-59
  335. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  336. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  338. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  339. pp. 1–19;
  340. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  343. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  344. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  345. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  347. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  348. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  349. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  351. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  353. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  354. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  356. pp. 1–19;
  357. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  358. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  359. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  360. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  361. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  362. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  363. 2013), PP.55-59
  364. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  365. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  366. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  367. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  368. pp. 1–19;
  369. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  370. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  371. 2013), PP.55-59
  373. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  374. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  375. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  376. pp. 1–19;
  378. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  379. 2013), PP.55-59
  380. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  381. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  382. pp. 1–19;
  383. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  384. 2013), PP.55-59
  385. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  386. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  387. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  388. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  389. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  390. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  391. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  392. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  393. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  394. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  395. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  396. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  397. 2013), PP.55-59
  400. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  401. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  402. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  403. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  404. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  405. pp. 1–19;
  406. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  407. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  408. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  409. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  410. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  411. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  412. 2013), PP.55-59
  413. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  414. 2013), PP.55-59
  415. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  418. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  419. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  420. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  423. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  424. 2013), PP.55-59
  425. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  426. pp. 1–19;
  427. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  428. pp. 1–19;
  429. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  430. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  432. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  434. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  435. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  436. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  437. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  438. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  439. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  440. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  441. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  442. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  443. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  444. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  445. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  446. Barney Cohen ,Urbanization in developing countries: Current trends, future projections, and key challenges for
  447. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  448. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  449. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  450. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  452. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  453. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  454. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  455. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  456. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  457. pp. 1–19;
  458. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  459. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  460. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  461. 2013), PP.55-59
  462. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  463. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  464. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  465. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  466. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  467. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  468. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  469. 2013), PP.55-59
  470. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  471. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  472. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  473. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  474. Knowledge Symposium (2012).
  475. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  476. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  477. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  478. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  479. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  480. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  481. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  482. 2013), PP.55-59
  483. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  484. pp. 1–19;
  485. pp. 1–19;
  486. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  487. 2013), PP.55-59
  488. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  489. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  490. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  491. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  492. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  493. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  494. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  495. sustainability,Technology in Society. 28 (2006): 63–80.
  496. 2013), PP.55-59
  498. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  499. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  500. pp. 1–19;
  501. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  502. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  503. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  504. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  505. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  506. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  507. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  508. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  509. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  510. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  511. upgrading, Social Science and Medicine 71 (2010), 935-940.
  512. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  513. D.O. Nieto, Health shocks and social inclusion: responding with innovation, Sixth Urban Research and
  514. Dr. Abir Bandyopadhyay, Vandana Agrawal (2013): Slums In India: From Past To Present International Refereed
  515. Consequences of their Migration in Fiji, 1992-1993, Asia Pacific Population Journal, March 2002.
  516. N.M. Butala, M.J. VanRooyen, and R.B. Patel, Improved health outcomes in urban slums through infrastructure
  517. Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) ISSN (Online) 2319-183X, (Print) 2319-1821 Volume 2, Issue 4(April
  518. Srinivas, H. (1996), Sustainable Partnerships for the Habitat Agenda: New Roles for Professional NGOs Paper presented at the City Summit [UNCHS-HABITAT II], Istanbul. 4-16 June, 1996.
  519. Census of India, Rural–urban distribution. In Provisional Population Totals, Paper 2, 2011, vol. 1, India Series 1,
  520. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the
  521. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  522. Hossain, M. Z. (2001) Rural Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study, Paper presented in a Poster
  524. Session on Internal Migration, Brazil IUSSP Conference, August 20-24,2001.
  525. Chandra, D. (2002) Socio Demographic and Economic Characteristics of Migrant Head of Households and the

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