DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : XII, January - 2015


Rajesh Kumar Shukla, Sanjay Kumar Singh

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

India is well endowed in terms of most minerals. The country produces as many as 87 minerals, including 4 fuel minerals, 10 metallic minerals, 47 non-metallic minerals, 3 atomic minerals and 23 minor minerals (including building and other materials). The Mineral Development and mining sector is a significant contributor to the India’s GDP growth; as there is a strong correlation between growth in same and the manufacturing sector; making it a catalyst for the growth of basic industries such as power, steel, cement etc. The National Mineral Policy, 2008 differed from the earlier policy by introducing an open sky policy on non-exclusivity for reconnaissance work, large area prospecting license, seamless transfer and security of tenure to the entrepreneurs. Government of India liberalized the grant of licenses and leases for most of the minerals except atomic minerals and Hydrocarbon energy minerals under the National Mineral Policy, 1993. However, the sector has witnessed negative growth for two consecutive years now. In 2011-12, the growth outlook had turned negative to register a minus 0.6% contraction. In 2012-13 too there was no significant improvement, and the sector contracted by 0.6%. This de-growth is having its repercussions on the economy as a whole and is contributing to the widening current account deficit and resultant weakness in Indian currency. Since coal has to continue to play a critical role in supporting India’s energy plans for considerable time into the future, coal mining and coal usage should become more environment friendly. India needs an evolving and growth oriented mineral development and mining policy that can foster systematic and sustainable growth in the sector. This paper advocating that the coal industry as engine for economic growth and social development trends in India. Treating economic growth with sustainable manner in the coal mining industry means that investment in coal projects should be financially profitable, technically appropriate, environmentally sound and socially responsible to community. Such strategic approaches are necessary in order to achieve economic, social and environmental sustainability. Authors present this paper in Indian context for contribution of coal mining industry.

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Rajesh Kumar Shukla, Sanjay Kumar Singh(2015). SIGNIFICANCE OF MINING SECTOR AS ENGINE FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: RELEVANCE TO INDIA COAL INDUSTRY. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. XII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  2. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  3. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  4. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  5. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  6. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  7. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  8. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  9. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  10. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  11. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  12. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  13. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  14. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  15. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  16. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  17. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  18. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  19. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  20. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  21. India.
  22. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  23. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  24. India.
  25. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  26. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  27. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  28. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  29. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  30. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  31. Centre, London
  32. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  33. International Energy Agency (IEA), CCC 2003, Data supplied to the World Coal Institute by the IEA Clean Coal
  34. Extraction Beneficiation for safe & sustainable Development,pp-62-68,Dtd18-19Nov.2011,Raipur,Chhattishgarh,
  35. Centre, London
  36. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  37. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  38. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  39. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  40. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  41. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  42. Centre, London
  43. Centre, London
  44. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  45. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  46. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  47. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  48. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  49. Centre, London
  50. Centre, London
  51. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  52. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  53. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  54. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  55. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  56. Centre, London
  57. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  58. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  59. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  60. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  61. India.
  62. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  63. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  64. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  65. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  66. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  67. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  68. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  69. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  70. Centre, London
  71. Achterkamp M., Vos J., A framework for making sense of sustainable innovation through stakeholder
  72. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Singh Vijay Prakash, Sustainable Development and Coal: Economical and Balanced
  73. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  74. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  75. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  76. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  77. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  78. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  79. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  80. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  81. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  82. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  83. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  84. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  85. Centre, London
  86. Centre, London
  87. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  88. Centre, London
  89. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  90. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  91. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  92. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  93. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  94. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  95. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  96. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  97. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  98. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  99. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  100. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  101. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  102. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  103. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  104. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  105. India.
  106. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  107. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  108. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  109. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  110. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  111. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  112. Centre, London
  113. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  114. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  115. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  116. India.
  117. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  118. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  119. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  120. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  121. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  122. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  123. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  124. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  125. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  126. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  127. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  128. India.
  129. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  130. International Energy Agency (IEA), CCC 2003, Data supplied to the World Coal Institute by the IEA Clean Coal
  131. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  132. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  133. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  134. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  135. Extraction Beneficiation for safe & sustainable Development,pp-62-68,Dtd18-19Nov.2011,Raipur,Chhattishgarh,
  136. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  137. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  138. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  139. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  140. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  141. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  142. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  143. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  144. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  145. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  146. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  147. India.
  148. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  149. India.
  150. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  151. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  152. Centre, London
  153. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  154. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  155. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  156. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  157. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  158. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  159. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  160. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  161. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  162. India.
  163. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  164. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  165. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  166. India.
  167. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  168. Achterkamp M., Vos J., A framework for making sense of sustainable innovation through stakeholder
  169. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Singh Vijay Prakash, Sustainable Development and Coal: Economical and Balanced
  170. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  171. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  172. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  173. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  174. International Energy Agency (IEA), CCC 2003, Data supplied to the World Coal Institute by the IEA Clean Coal
  175. Extraction Beneficiation for safe & sustainable Development,pp-62-68,Dtd18-19Nov.2011,Raipur,Chhattishgarh,
  176. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  177. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  178. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  179. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  180. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  181. Achterkamp M., Vos J., A framework for making sense of sustainable innovation through stakeholder
  182. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Singh Vijay Prakash, Sustainable Development and Coal: Economical and Balanced
  183. Centre, London
  184. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  185. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  186. Centre, London
  187. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  188. Centre, London
  189. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  190. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  191. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  192. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  193. Centre, London
  194. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  195. Achterkamp M., Vos J., A framework for making sense of sustainable innovation through stakeholder
  196. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Singh Vijay Prakash, Sustainable Development and Coal: Economical and Balanced
  197. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  198. Centre, London
  199. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  200. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  201. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  202. India.
  203. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  204. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  205. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  206. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  207. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  208. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  209. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  210. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  211. Centre, London
  212. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  213. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  214. Achterkamp M., Vos J., A framework for making sense of sustainable innovation through stakeholder
  215. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Singh Vijay Prakash, Sustainable Development and Coal: Economical and Balanced
  216. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  217. India.
  218. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  219. India.
  220. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  221. Centre, London
  222. Centre, London
  223. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  224. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  225. Achterkamp M., Vos J., A framework for making sense of sustainable innovation through stakeholder
  226. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Singh Vijay Prakash, Sustainable Development and Coal: Economical and Balanced
  227. Centre, London
  228. Centre, London
  229. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  230. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  231. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  232. Centre, London
  233. Centre, London
  234. India.
  235. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  236. India.
  237. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  238. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  239. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  240. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  241. Centre, London
  242. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  243. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  244. India.
  245. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  246. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  247. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  248. Centre, London
  249. Achterkamp M., Vos J., A framework for making sense of sustainable innovation through stakeholder
  250. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Singh Vijay Prakash, Sustainable Development and Coal: Economical and Balanced
  251. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  252. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  253. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  254. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  255. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  256. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  257. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  258. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  259. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  260. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  261. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  262. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  263. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  264. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  265. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  266. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  267. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  268. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  269. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  270. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  271. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  272. India.
  273. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  274. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  275. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  276. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  277. India.
  278. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  279. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  280. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  281. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  282. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  283. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  284. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  285. Achterkamp M., Vos J., A framework for making sense of sustainable innovation through stakeholder
  286. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Singh Vijay Prakash, Sustainable Development and Coal: Economical and Balanced
  287. International Energy Agency (IEA), CCC 2003, Data supplied to the World Coal Institute by the IEA Clean Coal
  288. Extraction Beneficiation for safe & sustainable Development,pp-62-68,Dtd18-19Nov.2011,Raipur,Chhattishgarh,
  289. Centre, London
  290. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  291. Centre, London
  292. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  293. Centre, London
  294. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  295. Centre, London
  296. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  297. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  298. Centre, London
  299. International Energy Agency (IEA), CCC 2003, Data supplied to the World Coal Institute by the IEA Clean Coal
  300. Extraction Beneficiation for safe & sustainable Development,pp-62-68,Dtd18-19Nov.2011,Raipur,Chhattishgarh,
  301. International Energy Agency (IEA), CCC 2003, Data supplied to the World Coal Institute by the IEA Clean Coal
  302. Extraction Beneficiation for safe & sustainable Development,pp-62-68,Dtd18-19Nov.2011,Raipur,Chhattishgarh,
  303. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  304. International Energy Agency (IEA), CCC 2003, Data supplied to the World Coal Institute by the IEA Clean Coal
  305. Extraction Beneficiation for safe & sustainable Development,pp-62-68,Dtd18-19Nov.2011,Raipur,Chhattishgarh,
  306. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  307. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  308. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  309. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  310. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  311. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  312. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  313. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  314. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  315. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  316. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  317. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  318. India.
  319. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  320. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  321. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  322. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  323. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  324. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  325. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  326. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  327. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  328. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  329. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  330. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  331. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  332. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  333. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  334. Centre, London
  335. Centre, London
  336. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  337. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  338. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  339. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  340. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  341. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  342. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  343. Centre, London
  344. International Energy Agency (IEA), CCC 2003, Data supplied to the World Coal Institute by the IEA Clean Coal
  345. Extraction Beneficiation for safe & sustainable Development,pp-62-68,Dtd18-19Nov.2011,Raipur,Chhattishgarh,
  346. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  347. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  348. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  349. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  350. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  351. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  352. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  353. India.
  354. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  355. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  356. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  357. India.
  358. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  359. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  360. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  361. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  362. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  363. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  364. India.
  365. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  366. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  367. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  368. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  369. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  370. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  371. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  372. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  373. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  374. International Energy Agency (IEA), CCC 2003, Data supplied to the World Coal Institute by the IEA Clean Coal
  375. Extraction Beneficiation for safe & sustainable Development,pp-62-68,Dtd18-19Nov.2011,Raipur,Chhattishgarh,
  376. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  377. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  378. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  379. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  380. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  381. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  382. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  383. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  384. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  385. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  386. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  387. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  388. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  389. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  390. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  391. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  392. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  393. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  394. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  395. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  396. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  397. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  398. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  399. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  400. Centre, London
  401. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  402. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  403. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  404. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  405. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  406. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  407. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  408. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  409. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  410. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  411. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  412. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  413. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  414. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  415. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  416. Centre, London
  417. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  418. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  419. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  420. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  421. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  422. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  423. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  424. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  425. International Energy Agency (IEA), CCC 2003, Data supplied to the World Coal Institute by the IEA Clean Coal
  426. Extraction Beneficiation for safe & sustainable Development,pp-62-68,Dtd18-19Nov.2011,Raipur,Chhattishgarh,
  427. Centre, London
  428. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  429. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  430. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  431. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  432. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  433. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  434. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  435. International Energy Agency (IEA), CCC 2003, Data supplied to the World Coal Institute by the IEA Clean Coal
  436. Extraction Beneficiation for safe & sustainable Development,pp-62-68,Dtd18-19Nov.2011,Raipur,Chhattishgarh,
  437. India.
  438. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  439. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  440. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  441. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  442. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  443. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  444. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  445. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  446. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  447. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  448. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  449. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  450. Centre, London
  451. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  452. Centre, London
  453. Centre, London
  454. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  455. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  456. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  457. Achterkamp M., Vos J., A framework for making sense of sustainable innovation through stakeholder
  458. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Singh Vijay Prakash, Sustainable Development and Coal: Economical and Balanced
  459. India.
  460. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  461. Achterkamp M., Vos J., A framework for making sense of sustainable innovation through stakeholder
  462. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Singh Vijay Prakash, Sustainable Development and Coal: Economical and Balanced
  463. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  464. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  465. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  466. International Energy Agency (IEA), CCC 2003, Data supplied to the World Coal Institute by the IEA Clean Coal
  467. Extraction Beneficiation for safe & sustainable Development,pp-62-68,Dtd18-19Nov.2011,Raipur,Chhattishgarh,
  468. International Energy Agency (IEA), CCC 2003, Data supplied to the World Coal Institute by the IEA Clean Coal
  469. Extraction Beneficiation for safe & sustainable Development,pp-62-68,Dtd18-19Nov.2011,Raipur,Chhattishgarh,
  470. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  471. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  472. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  473. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  474. International Energy Agency (IEA), CCC 2003, Data supplied to the World Coal Institute by the IEA Clean Coal
  475. Extraction Beneficiation for safe & sustainable Development,pp-62-68,Dtd18-19Nov.2011,Raipur,Chhattishgarh,
  476. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  477. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  478. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  479. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  480. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  481. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  482. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  483. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  484. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  485. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  486. Centre, London
  487. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  488. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  489. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  490. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  491. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  492. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  493. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  494. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  495. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  496. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  497. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  498. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  499. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  500. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  501. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  502. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  503. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  504. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  505. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  506. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  507. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  508. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  509. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  510. Centre, London
  511. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  512. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  513. International Energy Agency (IEA), CCC 2003, Data supplied to the World Coal Institute by the IEA Clean Coal
  514. Extraction Beneficiation for safe & sustainable Development,pp-62-68,Dtd18-19Nov.2011,Raipur,Chhattishgarh,
  515. Achterkamp M., Vos J., A framework for making sense of sustainable innovation through stakeholder
  516. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Singh Vijay Prakash, Sustainable Development and Coal: Economical and Balanced
  517. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  518. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  519. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  520. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  521. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  522. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  523. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  524. India.
  525. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  526. India.
  527. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  528. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  529. Centre, London
  530. Achterkamp M., Vos J., A framework for making sense of sustainable innovation through stakeholder
  531. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Singh Vijay Prakash, Sustainable Development and Coal: Economical and Balanced
  532. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  533. India.
  534. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  535. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  536. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  537. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  538. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  539. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  540. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  541. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  542. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  543. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  544. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  545. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  546. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  547. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  548. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  549. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  550. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  551. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  552. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  553. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  554. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  555. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  556. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  557. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  558. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  559. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  560. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  561. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  562. Centre, London
  563. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  564. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  565. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  566. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  567. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  568. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  569. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  570. Achterkamp M., Vos J., A framework for making sense of sustainable innovation through stakeholder
  571. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Singh Vijay Prakash, Sustainable Development and Coal: Economical and Balanced
  572. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  573. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  574. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  575. Achterkamp M., Vos J., A framework for making sense of sustainable innovation through stakeholder
  576. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Singh Vijay Prakash, Sustainable Development and Coal: Economical and Balanced
  577. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  578. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  579. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  580. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  581. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  582. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  583. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  584. India.
  585. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  586. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  587. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  588. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  589. Achterkamp M., Vos J., A framework for making sense of sustainable innovation through stakeholder
  590. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Singh Vijay Prakash, Sustainable Development and Coal: Economical and Balanced
  591. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  592. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  593. Achterkamp M., Vos J., A framework for making sense of sustainable innovation through stakeholder
  594. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Singh Vijay Prakash, Sustainable Development and Coal: Economical and Balanced
  595. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  596. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  597. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  598. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  599. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  600. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  601. Centre, London
  602. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  603. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  604. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  605. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  606. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  607. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  608. India.
  609. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  610. And Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production (SWEMP-2012), held in The Lalit Hotel November 28-
  611. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  612. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  613. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  614. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  615. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  616. Achterkamp M., Vos J., A framework for making sense of sustainable innovation through stakeholder
  617. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Singh Vijay Prakash, Sustainable Development and Coal: Economical and Balanced
  618. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  619. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  620. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  621. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  622. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  623. India.
  624. Centre, London
  625. Department of Mining Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, Orissa, India.
  626. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  627. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  628. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  629. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  630. International Energy Agency (IEA), CCC 2003, Data supplied to the World Coal Institute by the IEA Clean Coal
  631. Extraction Beneficiation for safe & sustainable Development,pp-62-68,Dtd18-19Nov.2011,Raipur,Chhattishgarh,
  632. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  633. Management Issues for Sustainability of Mining Industries, Dtd 4-6 August 2011,pp-217-241 Organized by
  634. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  635. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  636. International Energy Agency (IEA), CCC 2003, Data supplied to the World Coal Institute by the IEA Clean Coal
  637. Extraction Beneficiation for safe & sustainable Development,pp-62-68,Dtd18-19Nov.2011,Raipur,Chhattishgarh,
  638. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  639. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
  640. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Singh Vijay Prakash, Sustainable Development and Coal: Economical and Balanced
  641. Centre, London
  642. Barney, J. B. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, Journal of Management, No 17, (2004).
  643. 09758879,( pp-113-127
  644. Industry: Relevance to Indian coal sector, Proceedings of National Seminar Mine Tech’11, Mining Technology-
  645. 30, 2012,New Delhi, India, (
  646. WCI 2002a, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, the Way Forward for the Coal Industry, World Coal Institute, London.
  647. Energy Preference for Developing Country, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Environmental Issues
  648. html accessed March 30, 2007.
  649. Study of Coal India Limited, Research Zone (A Journal of Science & Humanities), vol-3 No.3 June 2011, ISSN-
  650. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2007. Annual Energy Outlook 2007 with Projections to 2030.
  651. Washington: US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. index.
  652. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case
  653. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  654. Achterkamp M., Vos J., A framework for making sense of sustainable innovation through stakeholder
  655. Centre, London
  656. Singh S.K., and Singh Gopal, Corporate Social Responsibility in Mining Industry: A Management Tool for
  657. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  658. Centre, London
  659. Singh Sanjay Kumar, and Shrivastava Rajesh, Strategic Management for Sustainable Development of Mining
  660. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  661. Centre, London
  662. Sustainable Development, Proceedings of Golden Jubilee International Conference on Technology Challenges and
  663. International Energy Agency (IEA), 2002b, Key World Energy Statistics from the IEA, IEA, Paris.
  664. Centre, London
  665. involvement. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management. Volume 6, Number 6, (2006).
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