DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : XII, January - 2015


R. BalaKrishnan, G. Raju

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Teachers emotional competency and social competency plays a vital role in the educational scenario. It is very important to their overall effectiveness at the higher education level. Emotional and social competencies like managing emotions and stress are needed more today than ever before. Such skills are frequently overlooked. More practices and policies to support and foster educators emotional and social competencies are needed. Schools must overcome the false assumption that all educators naturally possess these abilities in equal measure. They can build through workshop and other forms of support. This study investigates and determines the emotional and social competencies of teachers at the higher education level.

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R. BalaKrishnan, G. Raju(2015). EMOTIONAL COMPETENCY AND SOCIAL COMPETENCY OF TECAHERS AT THE HIGHER EDUCTAION LEVEL. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. XII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  2. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  3. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  4. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  5. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  6. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  7. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  8. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  9. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  10. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  11. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  12. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  13. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  14. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  15. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  16. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  17. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  18. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  19. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  20. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  21. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  22. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  23. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  24. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  25. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  26. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  27. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  28. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  29. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  30. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  31. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  32. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  33. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  34. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  35. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  36. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  37. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  38. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  39. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  40. competence teacher rating scale”.
  41. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  42. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  43. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  44. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  45. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  46. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  47. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  48. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  49. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  50. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  51. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  52. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  53. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  54. competence teacher rating scale”.
  55. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  56. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  57. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  58. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  59. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  60. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  61. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  62. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  63. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  64. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  65. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  66. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  67. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  68. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  69. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  70. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  71. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  72. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  73. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  74. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  75. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  76. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  77. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  78. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  79. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  80. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  81. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  82. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  83. competence teacher rating scale”.
  84. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  85. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  86. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  87. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  88. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  89. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  90. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  91. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  92. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  93. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  94. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  95. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  96. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  97. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  98. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  99. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  100. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  101. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  102. Deniz, M. Engin; Tras, Zeliha; Aydogan, Didem,(2009)An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of
  103. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  104. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  105. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  106. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  107. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  108. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  109. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  110. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  111. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  112. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  113. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  114. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  115. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  116. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  117. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  118. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  119. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  120. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  121. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  122. Deniz, M. Engin; Tras, Zeliha; Aydogan, Didem,(2009)An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of
  123. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  124. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  125. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  126. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  127. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  128. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  129. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  130. Deniz, M. Engin; Tras, Zeliha; Aydogan, Didem,(2009)An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of
  131. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  132. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  133. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  134. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  135. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  136. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  137. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  138. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  139. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  140. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  141. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  142. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  143. competence teacher rating scale”.
  144. Deniz, M. Engin; Tras, Zeliha; Aydogan, Didem,(2009)An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of
  145. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  146. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  147. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  148. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  149. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  150. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  151. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  152. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  153. competence teacher rating scale”.
  154. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  155. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  156. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  157. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  158. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  159. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  160. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  161. competence teacher rating scale”.
  162. Deniz, M. Engin; Tras, Zeliha; Aydogan, Didem,(2009)An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of
  163. Deniz, M. Engin; Tras, Zeliha; Aydogan, Didem,(2009)An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of
  164. Deniz, M. Engin; Tras, Zeliha; Aydogan, Didem,(2009)An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of
  165. Deniz, M. Engin; Tras, Zeliha; Aydogan, Didem,(2009)An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of
  166. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  167. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  168. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  169. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  170. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  171. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  172. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  173. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  174. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  175. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  176. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  177. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  178. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  179. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  180. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  181. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  182. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  183. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  184. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  185. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  186. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  187. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  188. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  189. competence teacher rating scale”.
  190. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  191. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  192. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  193. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  194. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  195. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  196. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  197. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  198. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  199. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  200. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  201. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  202. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  203. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  204. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  205. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  206. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  207. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  208. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  209. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  210. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  211. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  212. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  213. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  214. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  215. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  216. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  217. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  218. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  219. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  220. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  221. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  222. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  223. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  224. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  225. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  226. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  227. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  228. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  229. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  230. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  231. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  232. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  233. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  234. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  235. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  236. competence teacher rating scale”.
  237. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  238. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  239. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  240. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  241. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  242. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  243. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  244. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  245. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  246. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  247. competence teacher rating scale”.
  248. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  249. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  250. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  251. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  252. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  253. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  254. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  255. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  256. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  257. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  258. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  259. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  260. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  261. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  262. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  263. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  264. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  265. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  266. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  267. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  268. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  269. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  270. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  271. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  272. competence teacher rating scale”.
  273. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  274. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  275. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  276. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  277. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  278. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  279. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  280. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  281. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  282. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  283. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  284. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  285. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  286. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  287. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  288. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  289. competence teacher rating scale”.
  290. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  291. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  292. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  293. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  294. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  295. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  296. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  297. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  298. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  299. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  300. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  301. competence teacher rating scale”.
  302. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  303. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  304. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  305. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  306. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  307. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  308. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  309. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  310. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  311. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  312. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  313. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  314. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  315. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  316. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  317. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  318. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  319. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  320. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  321. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  322. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  323. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  324. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  325. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  326. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  327. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  328. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  329. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  330. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  331. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  332. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  333. Deniz, M. Engin; Tras, Zeliha; Aydogan, Didem,(2009)An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of
  334. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  335. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  336. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  337. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  338. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  339. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  340. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  341. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  342. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  343. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  344. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  345. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  346. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  347. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  348. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  349. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  350. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  351. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  352. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  353. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  354. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  355. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  356. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  357. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  358. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  359. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  360. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  361. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  362. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  363. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  364. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  365. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  366. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  367. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  368. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  369. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  370. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  371. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  372. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  373. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  374. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  375. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  376. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  377. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  378. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  379. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  380. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  381. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  382. competence teacher rating scale”.
  383. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  384. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  385. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  386. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  387. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  388. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  389. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  390. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  391. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  392. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  393. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  394. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  395. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  396. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  397. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  398. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  399. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  400. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  401. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  402. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  403. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  404. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  405. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  406. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  407. competence teacher rating scale”.
  408. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  409. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  410. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  411. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  412. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  413. Deniz, M. Engin; Tras, Zeliha; Aydogan, Didem,(2009)An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of
  414. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  415. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  416. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  417. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  418. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  419. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  420. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  421. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  422. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  423. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  424. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  425. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  426. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  427. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  428. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  429. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  430. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  431. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  432. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  433. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  434. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  435. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  436. Deniz, M. Engin; Tras, Zeliha; Aydogan, Didem,(2009)An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of
  437. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  438. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  439. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  440. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  441. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  442. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  443. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  444. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  445. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  446. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  447. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  448. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  449. competence teacher rating scale”.
  450. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  451. competence teacher rating scale”.
  452. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  453. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  454. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  455. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  456. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  457. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  458. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  459. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  460. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  461. Deniz, M. Engin; Tras, Zeliha; Aydogan, Didem,(2009)An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of
  462. competence teacher rating scale”.
  463. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  464. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  465. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  466. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  467. Deniz, M. Engin; Tras, Zeliha; Aydogan, Didem,(2009)An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of
  468. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  469. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  470. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  471. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  472. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  473. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  474. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  475. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  476. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  477. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  478. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  479. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  480. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  481. Sridhar.Y.N. and Hamid Reza Badiei (2007) Teacher Efficacy and EmotionalIntelligence of Primary
  482. Deniz, M. Engin; Tras, Zeliha; Aydogan, Didem,(2009)An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of
  483. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  484. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  485. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  486. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  487. competence teacher rating scale”.
  488. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  489. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  490. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  491. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  492. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  493. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  494. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  495. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  496. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  497. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  498. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  499. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  500. Deniz, M. Engin; Tras, Zeliha; Aydogan, Didem,(2009)An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of
  501. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  502. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  503. Deniz, M. Engin; Tras, Zeliha; Aydogan, Didem,(2009)An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of
  504. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  505. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  506. Seon-Younglee(2006)The Emotional Intelligence, Moral Judgment, and Leadership of Academically Gifted
  507. competence teacher rating scale”.
  508. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  509. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  510. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  511. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  512. Deniz, M. Engin; Tras, Zeliha; Aydogan, Didem,(2009)An Investigation of Academic Procrastination, Locus of
  513. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  514. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  515. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  516. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  517. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  518. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  519. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  520. Adolescents,Journal for the Education of the Gifted, v30 n1 p29.
  521. competence teacher rating scale”.
  522. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  523. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  524. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.
  525. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  526. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  527. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  528. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  529. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  530. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  531. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  532. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  533. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  534. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  535. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  536. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  537. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  538. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  539. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  540. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  541. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  542. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  543. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  544. Adeyemo, David Akinlolu(2005) The Buffering Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Adjustment of
  545. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  546. attitude. An exploratory study”. The leadership quarterly, 13(3), 243-274.
  547. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  548. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  549. Rabindra Kumar, (2005), Emotional Intelligence and Personal Effectiveness,Journal of Community
  550. Guidance &Research,vol.22no.3PP.250-266.
  551. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  552. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  553. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
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  564. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
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  566. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  567. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  568. School children”, Journal of Community Guidance & Research vol.25 no.2 PP.224-228.
  569. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  570. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  571. Secondary School Students in Transition,Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, v3 n2 p79-90.
  572. Control, and Emotional Intelligence Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v9 n2 p623-632.
  573. Karalyn M.Tom. (2012), “Measurement of Teachers’ social emotional competence: Development of the socialemotional
  574. Schoolteachers Edu tracks vol.7-No.3 PP 25-31.
  575. Kunnanatt, James Thomas (2008)‘Emotional Intelligence: Theory and Description--A Competency Model for
  576. Subramanyan.K and SreenivasaRao (2008) “Achievement Achievement and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary
  577. JyotikaGupta and Raj WinderKaur, (2006) Emotional Intelligence among prospectiveteachers, Journal of Community Guidance& Research, vol.23 no.2PP.133-140.
  578. Wong, C.S., & Law, K.S. [2002], “The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and
  579. Interpersonal Effectiveness Career Development International, v13 n7 p614-629.

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