DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : XII, January - 2015


Mehendra R. Mishra, -

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The term economic growth is one of the most powerful macroeconomic variables that help to reduce poverty and improving the quality of life in developing countries. Economic growth can generate virtuous circles of prosperity and opportunity. Strong economic growth and better employment opportunities improve incentives for parents to invest in their childrens education by sending them to school. A strong economic growth therefore advances human development that, in turn, promotes economic growth. This paper is attempted to examine the relationship between economic growth and poverty reduction in developing nation like India.

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Mehendra R. Mishra, -(2015). GLIMPSES OF ECONOMIC GROWTH AND ITS IMPACT ON POVERTY REDUCTION. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. XII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  2. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  3. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  4. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  5. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  6. 50
  7. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  8. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  9. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  10. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  11. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  12. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  13. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  14. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  15. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  16. India
  17. 50
  18. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  19. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  20. India
  21. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  22. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  23. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  24. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  25. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  26. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  27. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  28. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  29. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  30. 50
  31. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  32. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  33. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  34. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  35. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  36. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  37. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  38. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  39. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  40. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  41. India
  42. India
  43. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  44. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  45. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  46. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  47. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  48. 50
  49. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  50. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  51. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  52. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  53. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  54. 50
  55. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  56. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  57. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  58. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  59. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  60. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  61. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  62. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  63. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  64. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  65. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  66. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  67. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  68. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  69. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  70. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  71. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  72. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  73. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  74. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  75. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  76. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  77. 50
  78. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  79. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  80. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  81. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  82. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  83. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  84. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  85. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  86. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  87. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  88. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  89. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  90. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  91. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  92. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  93. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  94. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  95. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  96. India
  97. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  98. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  99. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  100. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  101. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  102. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  103. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  104. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  105. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  106. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  107. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  108. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  109. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  110. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  111. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  112. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  113. 50
  114. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  115. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  116. 50
  117. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  118. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  119. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  120. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  121. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  122. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  123. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  124. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  125. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  126. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  127. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  128. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  129. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  130. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  131. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  132. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  133. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  134. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  135. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  136. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  137. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  138. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  139. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  140. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  141. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  142. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  143. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  144. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  145. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  146. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  147. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  148. 50
  149. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  150. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  151. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  152. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  153. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  154. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  155. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  156. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  157. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  158. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  159. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  160. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  161. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  162. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  163. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  164. India
  165. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  166. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  167. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  168. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  169. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  170. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  171. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  172. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  173. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  174. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  175. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  176. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  177. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  178. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  179. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  180. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  181. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  182. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  183. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  184. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  185. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  186. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  187. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  188. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  189. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  190. India
  191. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  192. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  193. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  194. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  195. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  196. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  197. 50
  198. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  199. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  200. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  201. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  202. India
  203. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  204. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  205. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  206. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  207. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  208. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  209. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  210. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  211. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  212. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  213. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  214. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  215. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  216. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  217. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  218. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  219. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  220. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  221. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  222. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  223. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  224. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  225. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  226. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  227. 50
  228. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  229. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  230. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  231. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  232. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  233. 50
  234. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  235. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  236. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  237. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  238. India
  239. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  240. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  241. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  242. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  243. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  244. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  245. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  246. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  247. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  248. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  249. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  250. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  251. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  252. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  253. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  254. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  255. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  256. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  257. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  258. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  259. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  260. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  261. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  262. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  263. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  264. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  265. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  266. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  267. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  268. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  269. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  270. 50
  271. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  272. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  273. India
  274. 50
  275. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  276. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  277. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  278. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  279. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  280. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  281. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  282. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  283. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  284. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  285. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  286. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  287. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  288. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  289. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  290. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  291. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  292. 50
  293. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  294. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  295. 50
  296. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  297. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  298. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  299. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  300. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  301. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  302. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  303. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  304. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  305. India
  306. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  307. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  308. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  309. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  310. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  311. 50
  312. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  313. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  314. India
  315. India
  316. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  317. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  318. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  319. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  320. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  321. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  322. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  323. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  324. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  325. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  326. 50
  327. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  328. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  329. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  330. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  331. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  332. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  333. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  334. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  335. India
  336. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  337. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  338. 50
  339. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  340. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  341. 50
  342. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  343. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  344. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  345. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  346. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  347. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  348. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  349. 50
  350. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  351. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  352. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  353. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  354. 50
  355. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  356. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  357. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  358. India
  359. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  360. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  361. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  362. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  363. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  364. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  365. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  366. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  367. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  368. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  369. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  370. India
  371. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  372. 50
  373. 50
  374. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  375. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  376. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  377. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  378. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  379. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  380. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  381. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  382. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  383. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  384. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  385. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  386. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  387. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  388. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  389. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  390. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  391. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  392. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  393. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  394. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  395. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  396. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  397. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  398. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  399. 50
  400. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  401. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  402. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  403. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  404. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  405. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  406. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  407. 50
  408. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  409. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  410. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  411. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  412. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  413. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  414. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  415. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  416. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  417. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  418. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  419. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  420. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  421. 50
  422. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  423. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  424. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  425. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  426. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  427. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  428. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  429. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  430. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  431. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  432. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  433. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  434. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  435. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  436. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  437. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  438. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  439. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  440. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  441. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  442. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  443. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  444. 50
  445. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  446. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  447. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  448. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  449. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  450. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  451. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  452. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  453. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  454. 50
  455. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  456. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  457. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  458. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  459. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  460. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  461. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  462. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  463. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  464. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  465. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  466. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  467. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  468. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  469. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  470. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  471. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  472. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  473. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  474. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  475. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  476. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  477. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  478. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  479. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  480. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  481. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  482. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  483. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  484. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  485. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  486. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  487. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  488. 50
  489. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  490. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  491. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  492. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  493. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  494. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  495. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  496. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  497. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  498. 50
  499. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  500. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  501. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  502. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  503. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  504. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  505. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  506. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  507. India
  508. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  509. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  510. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  511. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  512. India
  513. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  514. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  515. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  516. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  517. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  518. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  519. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  520. 50
  521. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  522. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  523. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  524. 50
  525. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  526. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  527. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  528. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  529. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  530. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  531. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  532. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  533. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  534. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  535. 50
  536. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  537. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  538. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  539. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  540. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  541. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  542. 50
  543. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  544. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  545. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  546. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  547. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  548. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  549. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  550. 50
  551. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  552. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  553. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  554. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  555. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  556. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  557. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  558. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  559. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  560. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  561. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  562. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  563. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  564. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  565. 50
  566. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  567. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  568. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  569. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  570. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  571. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  572. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  573. 50
  574. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  575. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  576. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  577. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  578. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  579. 50
  580. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  581. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  582. India
  583. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  584. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  585. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  586. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  587. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  588. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  589. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  590. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  591. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  592. 50
  593. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  594. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  595. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  596. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  597. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  598. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  599. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  600. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  601. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  602. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  603. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  604. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  605. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  606. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  607. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  608. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  609. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  610. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  611. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  612. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  613. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  614. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  615. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  616. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  617. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  618. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  619. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  620. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  621. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  622. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  623. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  624. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  625. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  626. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  627. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  628. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  629. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  630. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  631. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  632. 50
  633. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  634. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  635. 50
  636. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  637. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  638. 50
  639. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  640. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  641. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  642. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  643. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  644. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  645. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  646. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  647. 50
  648. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  649. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  650. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  651. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  652. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  653. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  654. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  655. Planning Commission (2013), Review of Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty
  656. 50
  657. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  658. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  659. Ahluwalia, Montek S.(2000), "Economic Performance of States in the Post-Reform Period". Economic and
  660. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  661. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  662. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  663. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  664. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  665. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  666. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  667. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  668. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  669. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  670. Bhalla, Surjit S. (2000) "Growth and Poverty in India - Myth or Reality". Paper prepared for a Conference in
  671. Indian States," Technical Paper No. 131, OECD Development Centre.
  672. Datt, Gaurav (1999) "Has Poverty Declined Since Economic Reforms. Economic & Political Weekly, Vo.34 No.
  673. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  674. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  675. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  676. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  677. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  678. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  679. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  680. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  681. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  682. 50
  683. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  684. 50
  685. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  686. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  687. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  688. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  689. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  690. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  691. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  692. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  693. 50
  694. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  695. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  696. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1
  697. (2009), Government of India; PRS.
  698. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  699. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  700. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  701. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  702. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  703. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  704. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  705. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  706. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  707. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  708. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  709. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  710. Political Weekly, May 5, 2000
  711. Planning Commission (2013), Press Note on Poverty Estimates, 2011 – 12, Government of India
  712. Honour of Raja Chelliah, Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore, Jan. 17,2000.
  713. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  714. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  715. Surveys" National council of Applied Economic Research. New Delhi (mimed).
  716. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  717. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  718. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  719. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  720. Ravallion, Martin, and Gaurav Datt, 1996 “How Important to India’s Poor is the Urban-Rural Composition of
  721. Fields, Gary, 1989.. “Changes in Poverty and Inequality in Developing Countries” The World Bank Research
  722. Nagraj, R., A. Varoudakis, and M.A. Veganzones(1998). "Long-run Growth Trends and Convergence Across
  723. Observer, 4-2: 167-182.
  724. Planning Commission (2014), Major Statistics Summary Relating to overall Economic Growth. Government of
  725. 50
  726. Lai Deepak, Rakesh Mohan and Natarajan I (2001). "Economic Reforms and Poverty Alleviation: A Tale of Two
  727. Growth?” World Bank Economic Review 10-1

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