DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : XII, January - 2015


Satpute Arun Dnyaneshwar, -

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The study was undertaken to analyse the difficulties encountered by T.Y.B.A. English Special students while acquiring ‘Communicative Competence in English. Acquisition of second or target language differs from learning of mother tongue. Motivation plays vital role in learning English as a second language. English occupies an importance place in educational system and life of our country. It is the language that continues to dominate the national scene. It is taught compulsorily in most of the states of our country. English language has won global status. The recent international economic, technological and cultural changes are primarily responsible for English language on the highest level. Knowledge of this global English naturally provides competitive advantages over others. In this context, to get command over the speaking skills, to acquire fluency and accuracy over the English language has become an essential qualification. (Dr. T Jeevan Kumar). The present paper aims at an analysis of difficulties in acquiring communicative competence in English by T.Y.B.A. English special students. The paper also makes some strong suggestions to overcome the difficulties.

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Satpute Arun Dnyaneshwar, -(2015). ANALYSIS OF DIFFICULTIES IN ACQUIRING COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE IN ENGLISH BY T.Y.B.A. ENGLISH SPECIAL STUDENTS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. XII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  2. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  3. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  4. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  5. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  6. Journals
  7. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  8. Journals
  9. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  10. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  11. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  12. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  13. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  14. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  15. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  16. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  17. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  18. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  19. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  20. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  21. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  22. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  23. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  24. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  25. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  26. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  27. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  28. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  29. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  30. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  31. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  32. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  33. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  34. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  35. Journals
  36. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  37. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  38. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  39. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  40. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  41. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  42. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  43. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  44. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  45. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  46. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  47. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  48. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  49. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  50. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  51. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  52. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  53. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  54. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  55. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  56. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  57. Journals
  58. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  59. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  60. Journals
  61. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  62. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  63. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  64. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  65. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  66. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  67. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  68. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  69. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  70. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  71. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  72. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  73. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  74. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  75. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  76. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  77. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  78. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  79. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  80. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  81. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  82. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  83. Journals
  84. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  85. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  86. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  87. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  88. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  89. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  90. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  91. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  92. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  93. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  94. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  95. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  96. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  97. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  98. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  99. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  100. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  101. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  102. Journals
  103. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  104. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  105. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  106. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  107. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  108. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  109. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  110. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  111. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  112. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  113. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  114. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  115. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  116. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  117. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  118. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  119. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  120. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  121. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  122. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  123. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  124. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  125. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  126. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  127. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  128. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  129. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  130. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  131. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  132. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  133. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  134. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  135. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  136. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  137. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  138. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  139. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  140. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  141. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  142. Journals
  143. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  144. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  145. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  146. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  147. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  148. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  149. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  150. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  151. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  152. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  153. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  154. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  155. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  156. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  157. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  158. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  159. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  160. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  161. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  162. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  163. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  164. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  165. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  166. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  167. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  168. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  169. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  170. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  171. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  172. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  173. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  174. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  175. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  176. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  177. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  178. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  179. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  180. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  181. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  182. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  183. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  184. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  185. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  186. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  187. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  188. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  189. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  190. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  191. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  192. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  193. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  194. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  195. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  196. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  197. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  198. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  199. Journals
  200. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  201. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  202. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  203. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  204. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  205. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  206. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  207. Journals
  208. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  209. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  210. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  211. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  212. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  213. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  214. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  215. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  216. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  217. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  218. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  219. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  220. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  221. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  222. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  223. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  224. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  225. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  226. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  227. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  228. Journals
  229. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  230. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  231. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  232. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  233. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  234. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  235. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  236. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  237. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  238. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  239. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  240. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  241. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  242. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  243. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  244. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  245. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  246. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  247. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  248. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  249. Journals
  250. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  251. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  252. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  253. Journals
  254. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  255. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  256. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  257. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  258. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  259. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  260. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  261. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  262. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  263. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  264. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  265. Journals
  266. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  267. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  268. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  269. Journals
  270. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  271. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  272. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  273. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  274. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  275. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  276. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  277. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  278. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  279. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  280. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  281. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  282. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  283. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  284. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  285. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  286. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  287. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  288. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  289. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  290. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  291. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  292. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  293. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  294. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  295. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  296. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  297. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  298. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  299. Journals
  300. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  301. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  302. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  303. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  304. Journals
  305. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  306. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  307. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  308. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  309. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  310. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  311. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  312. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  313. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  314. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  315. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  316. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  317. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  318. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  319. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  320. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  321. Journals
  322. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  323. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  324. Journals
  325. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  326. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  327. Journals
  328. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  329. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  330. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  331. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  332. Journals
  333. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  334. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  335. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  336. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  337. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  338. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  339. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  340. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  341. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  342. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  343. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  344. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  345. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  346. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  347. Journals
  348. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  349. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  350. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  351. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  352. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  353. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  354. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  355. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  356. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  357. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  358. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  359. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  360. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  361. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  362. Journals
  363. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  364. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  365. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  366. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  367. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  368. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  369. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  370. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  371. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  372. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  373. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  374. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  375. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  376. Journals
  377. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  378. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  379. Journals
  380. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  381. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  382. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  383. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  384. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  385. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  386. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  387. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  388. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  389. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  390. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  391. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  392. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  393. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  394. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  395. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  396. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  397. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  398. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  399. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  400. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  401. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  402. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  403. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  404. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  405. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  406. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  407. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  408. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  409. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  410. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  411. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  412. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  413. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  414. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  415. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  416. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  417. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  418. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  419. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  420. Journals
  421. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  422. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  423. Journals
  424. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  425. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  426. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  427. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  428. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  429. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  430. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  431. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  432. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  433. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  434. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  435. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  436. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  437. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  438. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  439. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  440. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  441. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  442. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  443. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  444. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  445. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  446. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  447. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  448. Journals
  449. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  450. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  451. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  452. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  453. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  454. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  455. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  456. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  457. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  458. Journals
  459. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  460. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  461. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  462. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  463. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  464. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  465. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  466. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  467. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  468. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  469. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  470. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  471. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  472. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  473. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  474. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  475. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  476. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  477. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  478. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  479. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  480. Journals
  481. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  482. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  483. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  484. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  485. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  486. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  487. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  488. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  489. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  490. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  491. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  492. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  493. Journals
  494. Journals
  495. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  496. Journals
  497. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  498. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  499. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  500. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  501. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  502. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  503. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  504. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  505. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  506. Journals
  507. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  508. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  509. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  510. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  511. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  512. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  513. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  514. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  515. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  516. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  517. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  518. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  519. Spoken English: A Communicative Approach-Dr.M.K.Mishra
  520. Journals
  521. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  522. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  523. Journals
  524. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  525. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  526. Journals
  527. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  528. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  529. Journals
  530. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  531. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  532. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  533. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  534. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  535. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  536. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  537. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  538. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  539. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  540. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  541. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  542. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  543. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  544. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  545. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  546. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  547. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  548. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  549. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  550. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  551. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  552. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  553. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  554. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  555. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  556. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  557. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  558. Journals
  559. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  560. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  561. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  562. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  563. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  564. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  565. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  566. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  567. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  568. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  569. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  570. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  571. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  572. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  573. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  574. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  575. Journals
  576. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  577. Journals
  578. Journals
  579. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  580. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  581. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  582. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  583. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  584. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  585. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  586. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  587. Balasubramaniam T,Principles of Teaching English p-65
  588. A Remedial English Grammar For Foreign Students-F.T.Wood
  589. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  590. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  591. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  592. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  593. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  594. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  595. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  596. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  597. Journals
  598. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  599. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  600. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  601. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  602. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  603. M.DavidRao-Communicative Language Teaching.
  604. Teaching Language as Communication-H.G.Widowson
  605. Leech and Svartvik – Communicative Grammar of English.
  606. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  607. Journals
  608. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  609. Speaking English Effectively-Krishna Mohan/N.P.Singh
  610. Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar-Teaching Speaking:From Fluency to Accuracy.
  611. The Journal of English Language Vol.-56
  612. Effective English –J.S.Bright
  613. Journals
  614. Journals
  615. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  616. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  617. Harrison and Bansal – Spoken English for India
  618. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  619. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  620. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  621. Journals
  622. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  623. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  624. Dr.AnjaliVerma-‘Evaluation and Speaking Skill
  625. Bords of Editors –University of Pune-Intrface
  626. Journals
  627. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  628. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  629. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  630. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  631. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  632. Teaching English as a Second Language”-J.S.Bright
  633. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-55
  634. The Journal of English Language. Vol.-56
  635. S.Kanchana and Prativa Rani Saha-Role of Formative Assessment in Teaching Speaking.
  636. Richards and Rodgers –Approaches and Methods in Teaaching Languuage-p-70
  637. “Competence in English”- A Programmed Handbook-Hook/Stevens
  638. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  639. "An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”A.C.G
  640. Speaking Accurately A Course in International Communication-K.C.Nambiar
  641. Journals

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