DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : XII, January - 2015


Parul Sehrawat, Vikram Kaushik and Pragya Kaushik

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

This study originates from the need to study perception about social values being projected in Television Advertisements of Teachers in the schools of Haryana. The study was conducted in four schools of …..namely GGSSS, GGSS, HINDU School and VDI School. The researcher applied Percentage and Chi-square test. The study revealed that there is significant difference between age group of teachers regarding Value Truth, Non Violence, Honesty, Respect Brotherhood, Hypothetical Values and Overall Social Values. There is association between gender and Perception about Social Values Being Projected in Television Advertisements of Teachers. It reveals from the table that there is significant difference between age group of teachers regarding Value Truth, Non Violence, Honesty, Respect Brotherhood, Hypothetical Values and Overall Social Values

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Parul Sehrawat, Vikram Kaushik and Pragya Kaushik(2015). A STUDY OF PERCEPTION ABOUT SOCIAL VALUES BEING PROJECTED IN TELEVISION ADVERTISEMENTS OF TEACHERS IN HARYANA. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. XII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

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  4. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
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  8. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  9. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  10. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  11. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  12. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
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  14. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  15. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
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  17. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
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  23. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
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  28. Documents, US Government Printing Office
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  34. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
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  36. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
  37. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  38. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  39. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  40. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
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  44. Allen, C.T., K. Debevec, and K.K. Chan (1984), "Nontraditional Family Forms, Time Orientation, and Household
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  47. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  48. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  49. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
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  56. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
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  61. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  62. Allen, C.T., K. Debevec, and K.K. Chan (1984), "Nontraditional Family Forms, Time Orientation, and Household
  63. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  64. Adler, R.P. (1977), "Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children; a Review of the Literature and
  65. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
  66. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  67. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  68. from
  69. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  70. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  71. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  72. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  73. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  74. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  75. Allen, C.T., K. Debevec, and K.K. Chan (1984), "Nontraditional Family Forms, Time Orientation, and Household
  76. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  77. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  78. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  79. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  80. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  81. Adler, R.P. (1977), "Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children; a Review of the Literature and
  82. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
  83. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  84. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
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  86. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
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  88. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
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  90. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
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  97. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  98. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  99. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  100. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
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  106. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  107. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  108. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  109. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  110. Allen, C.T., K. Debevec, and K.K. Chan (1984), "Nontraditional Family Forms, Time Orientation, and Household
  111. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  112. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  113. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  114. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  115. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  116. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  117. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
  118. Adler, R.P. (1977), "Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children; a Review of the Literature and
  119. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
  120. Allen, C.T., K. Debevec, and K.K. Chan (1984), "Nontraditional Family Forms, Time Orientation, and Household
  121. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  122. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  123. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  124. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  125. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  126. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  127. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  128. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  129. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  130. Adler, R.P. (1977), "Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children; a Review of the Literature and
  131. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
  132. Allen, C.T., K. Debevec, and K.K. Chan (1984), "Nontraditional Family Forms, Time Orientation, and Household
  133. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  134. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  135. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  136. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  137. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
  138. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  139. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  140. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  141. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  142. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  143. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  144. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  145. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
  146. Documents, US Government Printing Office
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  148. Documents, US Government Printing Office
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  150. Documents, US Government Printing Office
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  152. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  153. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
  154. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  155. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  156. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  157. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
  158. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  159. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  160. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  161. Adler, R.P. (1977), "Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children; a Review of the Literature and
  162. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
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  164. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  165. Adler, R.P. (1977), "Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children; a Review of the Literature and
  166. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
  167. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  168. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  169. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  170. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  171. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  172. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
  173. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  174. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
  175. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
  176. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  177. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
  178. from
  179. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  180. Adler, R.P. (1977), "Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children; a Review of the Literature and
  181. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  182. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  183. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  184. Allen, C.T., K. Debevec, and K.K. Chan (1984), "Nontraditional Family Forms, Time Orientation, and Household
  185. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  186. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  187. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  188. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  189. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  190. from
  191. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  192. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  193. Adler, R.P. (1977), "Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children; a Review of the Literature and
  194. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
  195. from
  196. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  197. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  198. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  199. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  200. from
  201. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  202. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  203. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  204. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  205. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  206. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  207. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  208. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  209. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  210. from
  211. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  212. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  213. from
  214. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
  215. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  216. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  217. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  218. Adler, R.P. (1977), "Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children; a Review of the Literature and
  219. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
  220. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  221. from
  222. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  223. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  224. Allen, C.T., K. Debevec, and K.K. Chan (1984), "Nontraditional Family Forms, Time Orientation, and Household
  225. Allen, C.T., K. Debevec, and K.K. Chan (1984), "Nontraditional Family Forms, Time Orientation, and Household
  226. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  227. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  228. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  229. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  230. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  231. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  232. from
  233. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  234. Allen, C.T., K. Debevec, and K.K. Chan (1984), "Nontraditional Family Forms, Time Orientation, and Household
  235. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  236. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  237. from
  238. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  239. Adler, R.P. (1977), "Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children; a Review of the Literature and
  240. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
  241. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  242. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  243. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  244. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  245. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  246. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  247. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  248. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  249. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  250. Allen, C.T., K. Debevec, and K.K. Chan (1984), "Nontraditional Family Forms, Time Orientation, and Household
  251. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  252. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  253. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  254. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  255. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  256. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  257. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  258. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  259. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  260. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  261. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  262. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  263. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  264. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  265. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  266. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  267. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  268. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  269. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  270. from
  271. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  272. Adler, R.P. (1977), "Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children; a Review of the Literature and
  273. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
  274. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  275. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  276. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  277. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  278. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  279. from
  280. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  281. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  282. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  283. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  284. from
  285. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  286. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
  287. from
  288. Allen, C.T., K. Debevec, and K.K. Chan (1984), "Nontraditional Family Forms, Time Orientation, and Household
  289. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  290. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  291. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  292. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  293. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  294. from
  295. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  296. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  297. Adler, R.P. (1977), "Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children; a Review of the Literature and
  298. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
  299. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  300. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  301. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  302. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  303. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
  304. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  305. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  306. Allen, C.T., K. Debevec, and K.K. Chan (1984), "Nontraditional Family Forms, Time Orientation, and Household
  307. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  308. Adler, R.P. (1977), "Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children; a Review of the Literature and
  309. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
  310. Adler, R.P. (1977), "Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children; a Review of the Literature and
  311. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
  312. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
  313. Household: Management and Research Perspectives, ed. Mary Lou Roberts Roberts and Lawrence H. Wortzel,
  314. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  315. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  316. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  317. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
  318. Behaviors: Perspectives and Research Directions for the Consumer Researcher," in Marketing to the Changing
  319. Recommendations for Future Research," ed. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of
  320. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  321. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  322. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  323. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
  324. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved
  325. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
  326. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  327. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  328. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
  329. Adler, R.P. (1977), "Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children; a Review of the Literature and
  330. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
  331. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  332. Allen, C.T., K. Debevec, and K.K. Chan (1984), "Nontraditional Family Forms, Time Orientation, and Household
  333. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  334. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
  335. Documents, US Government Printing Office
  336. Adler, R.P. (1977), "Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children; a Review of the Literature and
  337. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
  338. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co, 169-85.
  339. Allen, Katherine R. and Alexis J. Walker (2000), "Constructing Gender in Families," in Families as Relationships
  340. Adler, R.P. (1977), "Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children; a Review of the Literature and
  341. , ed. Robert M. Milardo and Steve Duck, New York, NY: Wiley, 1-17.
  342. CARU (2008), "About the Childrens Advertising Review Unit (Caru)," retrieved

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