DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : XII, January - 2015


Nandkishor N. Shinde, Dadasaheb S. Gajhans

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The universality of shelter and their grouping in the form of settlements exhibits variation in size, shape, pattern & types with respect to multi-distributional aspect. Settlements exercise a powerful influence in shaping particular area in different forms & patterns. The pattern of settlement across the country differs markedly from to region and time to time. So it is important to analyze the settlement pattern as it help in knowing the ground reality and over all development of study area. Therefore in this study an attempted was made to analyze the distributional pattern of specially rural settlements of Jalgoan district of Maharashtra with respect to size, shape, density, population and dispersion. Dispersion has been calculated using average population size and simple statistical technique are used for classifying the rural settlement into compact, semi-compact and halmetted types

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Nandkishor N. Shinde, Dadasaheb S. Gajhans(2015). DISTRIBUTION PATTERN OF RURAL SETTLEMENT OF JALGOAN DISTRICT. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. XII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  2. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  3. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  4. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  5. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  6. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  7. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  8. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  9. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  10. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  11. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  12. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  13. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  14. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  15. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  16. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  17. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  18. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  19. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  20. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  21. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  22. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  23. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  24. Chandel A. S. (2013) A Geographical study of rural settlement types and factors affecting the rural settlement in
  25. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  26. Chandel A. S. (2013) A Geographical study of rural settlement types and factors affecting the rural settlement in
  27. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  28. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  29. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  30. Chandel A. S. (2013) A Geographical study of rural settlement types and factors affecting the rural settlement in
  31. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  32. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  33. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  34. Chandel A. S. (2013) A Geographical study of rural settlement types and factors affecting the rural settlement in
  35. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  36. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  37. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  38. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  39. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  40. Chandel A. S. (2013) A Geographical study of rural settlement types and factors affecting the rural settlement in
  41. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  42. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  43. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  44. Chandel A. S. (2013) A Geographical study of rural settlement types and factors affecting the rural settlement in
  45. Chandel A. S. (2013) A Geographical study of rural settlement types and factors affecting the rural settlement in
  46. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  47. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  48. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  49. Chandel A. S. (2013) A Geographical study of rural settlement types and factors affecting the rural settlement in
  50. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  51. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  52. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  53. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  54. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  55. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  56. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  57. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  58. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  59. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  60. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  61. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  62. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  63. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  64. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  65. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  66. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  67. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  68. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  69. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  70. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  71. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  72. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  73. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  74. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  75. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  76. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  77. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  78. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  79. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  80. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  81. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  82. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  83. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  84. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  85. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  86. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  87. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  88. Chandel A. S. (2013) A Geographical study of rural settlement types and factors affecting the rural settlement in
  89. Chandel A. S. (2013) A Geographical study of rural settlement types and factors affecting the rural settlement in
  90. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  91. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  92. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  93. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  94. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  95. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  96. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  97. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  98. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  99. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  100. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  101. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  102. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  103. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  104. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  105. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  106. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  107. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  108. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  109. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  110. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  111. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  112. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  113. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  114. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  115. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  116. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  117. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  118. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  119. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  120. Chandel A. S. (2013) A Geographical study of rural settlement types and factors affecting the rural settlement in
  121. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  122. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  123. Chandel A. S. (2013) A Geographical study of rural settlement types and factors affecting the rural settlement in
  124. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  125. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  126. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  127. Chandel A. S. (2013) A Geographical study of rural settlement types and factors affecting the rural settlement in
  128. Chandel A. S. (2013) A Geographical study of rural settlement types and factors affecting the rural settlement in
  129. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  130. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  131. Chandel A. S. (2013) A Geographical study of rural settlement types and factors affecting the rural settlement in
  132. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  133. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  134. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  135. Chandel A. S. (2013) A Geographical study of rural settlement types and factors affecting the rural settlement in
  136. Chandel A. S. (2013) A Geographical study of rural settlement types and factors affecting the rural settlement in
  137. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  138. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  139. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  140. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  141. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  142. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  143. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  144. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  145. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  146. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  147. Gilg, A. (1996) Countryside planning : The first half century, Routledge.
  148. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  149. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  150. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  151. Flinch, V. C. and Trewarth G. T. (1946) Elements of Geography: Physical and Cultural, New York, p. 553.
  152. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.
  153. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  154. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  155. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  156. Khumbhar (1986) ‘A study of rural settlements in Nira Valley’, pp. 101-102
  157. Aurousseall, M. (1920) The arrangement of rural population: Geographical review, Vol. 10 P. 223.
  158. Bilaspur district (H.P) Research Analysis and Evaluation, Vol. 4(42), pp.1-3.

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