Volume : IV, Issue : X, November - 2014 EFFECTS OF YOGIC PRACTICES ON PHYSICAL, PHYSIOLOGICALAND PSYCHOLOGICAL VARIABLES AMONG SCHOOL STUDENTS Abhilash Solomon, P. Gopinathan By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : The purpose of the present study was to find out the effect of Yoga practices on Physical, physiological and Psychological variables of school students. For this purpose, 38 subjects from the residential school studying higher secondary class were selected as subjects and they were divided in to two equal groups with 19 each as experimental and control group. Both the group undergone usual physical training in the morning forty five minutes general fitness and evening one and half an hour in their choice in playing different games and apart from the routine activity the experimental group underwent selected yogasana practice daily morning 60- minute included 10 minutes of warm-up and the control group not given any special training. The training period for this study was 8 weeks in a schedule of 5 days in a week. The pre and post test were conducted prior and after the training programme on the selected physical fitness variables of 50 meter dash, standing broad jump, sit ups and sit and reach, physiological variables of vital capacity, resting heart rate, breath holding time, respiratory rate, systolic pressure and diastolic pressure and psychological variables of mental health, self confidence and anxiety. The mean, standard deviation and t-value were assessed both experimental and control group
separately and thereby significant level were analyzed. The significant level was fixed at 0.05 levels. The result of the study revealed that the experimental groupshown the significant improvement in all the selected variables where as in control only 50 m dash and vital capacity having significant improvement and all the remaining variables are not having any significant improvement. The results revealed the effectiveness of yogasanas in physical fitness, physiological systems
and psychological efficiency of school students.
Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : Abhilash Solomon, P. Gopinathan(2014). EFFECTS OF YOGIC PRACTICES ON PHYSICAL, PHYSIOLOGICALAND PSYCHOLOGICAL VARIABLES AMONG SCHOOL STUDENTS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. X, http://isrj.org/UploadedData/5592.pdf References : - Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Bhole,M.V et al(1972). Effect of Yoga Training on Vital Capacity and Breath Holding Time, Yoga Mimamsa, Vol.XIV, 3, 19-26
- Chaudhery, S. (1970). Effects of Selected Asana in Sprinting, Unpublished M.P.E. Dissertation, Jiwaji University.
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Bhole,M.V et al(1972). Effect of Yoga Training on Vital Capacity and Breath Holding Time, Yoga Mimamsa, Vol.XIV, 3, 19-26
- Chaudhery, S. (1970). Effects of Selected Asana in Sprinting, Unpublished M.P.E. Dissertation, Jiwaji University.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Bhole,M.V et al(1972). Effect of Yoga Training on Vital Capacity and Breath Holding Time, Yoga Mimamsa, Vol.XIV, 3, 19-26
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Dhanaraj,V.Hubert.(1974), The Effect of Yoga and 5BX Fitness Plan on Selected Physiologocal Prameters, Ph.D Thesis, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Dhanaraj,V.Hubert.(1974), The Effect of Yoga and 5BX Fitness Plan on Selected Physiologocal Prameters, Ph.D Thesis, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Dhanaraj,V.Hubert.(1974), The Effect of Yoga and 5BX Fitness Plan on Selected Physiologocal Prameters, Ph.D Thesis, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Bhole,M.V et al(1972). Effect of Yoga Training on Vital Capacity and Breath Holding Time, Yoga Mimamsa, Vol.XIV, 3, 19-26
- Chaudhery, S. (1970). Effects of Selected Asana in Sprinting, Unpublished M.P.E. Dissertation, Jiwaji University.
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Dhanaraj,V.Hubert.(1974), The Effect of Yoga and 5BX Fitness Plan on Selected Physiologocal Prameters, Ph.D Thesis, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Dhanaraj,V.Hubert.(1974), The Effect of Yoga and 5BX Fitness Plan on Selected Physiologocal Prameters, Ph.D Thesis, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Dhanaraj,V.Hubert.(1974), The Effect of Yoga and 5BX Fitness Plan on Selected Physiologocal Prameters, Ph.D Thesis, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Bhole,M.V et al(1972). Effect of Yoga Training on Vital Capacity and Breath Holding Time, Yoga Mimamsa, Vol.XIV, 3, 19-26
- Chaudhery, S. (1970). Effects of Selected Asana in Sprinting, Unpublished M.P.E. Dissertation, Jiwaji University.
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Bhole,M.V et al(1972). Effect of Yoga Training on Vital Capacity and Breath Holding Time, Yoga Mimamsa, Vol.XIV, 3, 19-26
- Chaudhery, S. (1970). Effects of Selected Asana in Sprinting, Unpublished M.P.E. Dissertation, Jiwaji University.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Bhole,M.V et al(1972). Effect of Yoga Training on Vital Capacity and Breath Holding Time, Yoga Mimamsa, Vol.XIV, 3, 19-26
- Chaudhery, S. (1970). Effects of Selected Asana in Sprinting, Unpublished M.P.E. Dissertation, Jiwaji University.
- Bhole,M.V et al(1972). Effect of Yoga Training on Vital Capacity and Breath Holding Time, Yoga Mimamsa, Vol.XIV, 3, 19-26
- Chaudhery, S. (1970). Effects of Selected Asana in Sprinting, Unpublished M.P.E. Dissertation, Jiwaji University.
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Bhole,M.V et al(1972). Effect of Yoga Training on Vital Capacity and Breath Holding Time, Yoga Mimamsa, Vol.XIV, 3, 19-26
- Chaudhery, S. (1970). Effects of Selected Asana in Sprinting, Unpublished M.P.E. Dissertation, Jiwaji University.
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Chaudhery, S. (1970). Effects of Selected Asana in Sprinting, Unpublished M.P.E. Dissertation, Jiwaji University.
- Bhole,M.V et al(1972). Effect of Yoga Training on Vital Capacity and Breath Holding Time, Yoga Mimamsa, Vol.XIV, 3, 19-26
- Chaudhery, S. (1970). Effects of Selected Asana in Sprinting, Unpublished M.P.E. Dissertation, Jiwaji University.
- Dhanaraj,V.Hubert.(1974), The Effect of Yoga and 5BX Fitness Plan on Selected Physiologocal Prameters, Ph.D Thesis, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Bhole,M.V et al(1972). Effect of Yoga Training on Vital Capacity and Breath Holding Time, Yoga Mimamsa, Vol.XIV, 3, 19-26
- Chaudhery, S. (1970). Effects of Selected Asana in Sprinting, Unpublished M.P.E. Dissertation, Jiwaji University.
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Bhole,M.V et al(1972). Effect of Yoga Training on Vital Capacity and Breath Holding Time, Yoga Mimamsa, Vol.XIV, 3, 19-26
- Chaudhery, S. (1970). Effects of Selected Asana in Sprinting, Unpublished M.P.E. Dissertation, Jiwaji University.
- Dhanaraj,V.Hubert.(1974), The Effect of Yoga and 5BX Fitness Plan on Selected Physiologocal Prameters, Ph.D Thesis, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Dhanaraj,V.Hubert.(1974), The Effect of Yoga and 5BX Fitness Plan on Selected Physiologocal Prameters, Ph.D Thesis, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Bhole,M.V et al(1972). Effect of Yoga Training on Vital Capacity and Breath Holding Time, Yoga Mimamsa, Vol.XIV, 3, 19-26
- Chaudhery, S. (1970). Effects of Selected Asana in Sprinting, Unpublished M.P.E. Dissertation, Jiwaji University.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Bhole,M.V et al(1972). Effect of Yoga Training on Vital Capacity and Breath Holding Time, Yoga Mimamsa, Vol.XIV, 3, 19-26
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Dhanaraj,V.Hubert.(1974), The Effect of Yoga and 5BX Fitness Plan on Selected Physiologocal Prameters, Ph.D Thesis, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Chaudhery, S. (1970). Effects of Selected Asana in Sprinting, Unpublished M.P.E. Dissertation, Jiwaji University.
- Bhole,M.V et al(1972). Effect of Yoga Training on Vital Capacity and Breath Holding Time, Yoga Mimamsa, Vol.XIV, 3, 19-26
- Chaudhery, S. (1970). Effects of Selected Asana in Sprinting, Unpublished M.P.E. Dissertation, Jiwaji University.
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Dhanaraj,V.Hubert.(1974), The Effect of Yoga and 5BX Fitness Plan on Selected Physiologocal Prameters, Ph.D Thesis, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Dhanaraj,V.Hubert.(1974), The Effect of Yoga and 5BX Fitness Plan on Selected Physiologocal Prameters, Ph.D Thesis, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Bhole,M.V et al(1972). Effect of Yoga Training on Vital Capacity and Breath Holding Time, Yoga Mimamsa, Vol.XIV, 3, 19-26
- Chaudhery, S. (1970). Effects of Selected Asana in Sprinting, Unpublished M.P.E. Dissertation, Jiwaji University.
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Dhanaraj,V.Hubert.(1974), The Effect of Yoga and 5BX Fitness Plan on Selected Physiologocal Prameters, Ph.D Thesis, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Chaudhery, S. (1970). Effects of Selected Asana in Sprinting, Unpublished M.P.E. Dissertation, Jiwaji University.
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Bhole,M.V et al(1972). Effect of Yoga Training on Vital Capacity and Breath Holding Time, Yoga Mimamsa, Vol.XIV, 3, 19-26
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Dhanaraj,V.Hubert.(1974), The Effect of Yoga and 5BX Fitness Plan on Selected Physiologocal Prameters, Ph.D Thesis, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Dhanaraj,V.Hubert.(1974), The Effect of Yoga and 5BX Fitness Plan on Selected Physiologocal Prameters, Ph.D Thesis, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Dhanaraj,V.Hubert.(1974), The Effect of Yoga and 5BX Fitness Plan on Selected Physiologocal Prameters, Ph.D Thesis, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Bhole,M.V et al(1972). Effect of Yoga Training on Vital Capacity and Breath Holding Time, Yoga Mimamsa, Vol.XIV, 3, 19-26
- Chaudhery, S. (1970). Effects of Selected Asana in Sprinting, Unpublished M.P.E. Dissertation, Jiwaji University.
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Ananda Kumar,P.(2009) Effects of Yogasanas and Suryanamaskar practices on selected Motor Fitness, Psychological and Physiological variables among Diabetic Patients, Unpublished M.Phil Thesis, Tamil Nadu Physical Education Sports University, College Road, Chennai.
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. J Bodywork Mov Ther 3:44-54,
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Mimamsa,Vol.XIX:1; P.4-8
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Giri.C.(1996). Yoga and Physical Fitness with special reference to Athletes,IATHPER Journal, 2(6).P.237.
- Amutha,(2010). Effect of selected Yoga Programme on Anxiety, VO2max and Flexibility, Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Vol.2, No.19-22
- Arpita, (1990). “Physiological and Psychological Effects of Hatha Yoga: A Review of the Literature”, The Journal of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, Vol.1, No. I.
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Dhanaraj,V.Hubert.(1974), The Effect of Yoga and 5BX Fitness Plan on Selected Physiologocal Prameters, Ph.D Thesis, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Bhole.M.V. (1979). “Could Yoga practices be desirable for sportsmen”, Yoga
- Bhargava R,et.al (1988). Autonomic responses to breath holding and its variations following pranayama. Indian J. Physiol, Pharmacol 32:257-264, 1988
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