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Volume : IV, Issue : X, November - 2014


Nader Naghshbandi , Robert Mosomi Ombati

By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Rural poverty and underdevelopment in Kenya are a result of colonialism, which emphasized urban development at the expense of rural development. The new political dispensation in the country has shifted towards improving the lives of people who reside in the rural areas. Despite a positive policy shift by President Kibakis government, the lack of finance remains one of the fundamental issues in rural development. The study investigated the opportunities and challenges for establishing rural banks in the country. This desktop research collected data from literature on rural development and financial intermediation. The findings of the study are that opportunities and challenges for establishing rural banks in Kenya are social, political, and economic in nature. Despite the challenges, rural banking deserves support from civil society, government, and nongovernmental organizations.

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Nader Naghshbandi , Robert Mosomi Ombati(2014). RURAL BANKING FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN KENYA. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. X,

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  1. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  2. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  3. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  4. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  5. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  6. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  7. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  8. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  9. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  10. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  11. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  12. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  13. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  14. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  15. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  16. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  17. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  18. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  19. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  20. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  21. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  22. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  23. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  24. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  25. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  26. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  27. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  28. BANKS FOR RURALDEVELOPMENT 47 Asiedu-Mante E 2011.
  29. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  30. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  31. BANKS FOR RURALDEVELOPMENT 47 Asiedu-Mante E 2011.
  32. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  33. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  34. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  35. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  36. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  37. BANKS FOR RURALDEVELOPMENT 47 Asiedu-Mante E 2011.
  38. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  39. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  40. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  41. BANKS FOR RURALDEVELOPMENT 47 Asiedu-Mante E 2011.
  42. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  43. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  44. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  45. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  46. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  47. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  48. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  49. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  50. BANKS FOR RURALDEVELOPMENT 47 Asiedu-Mante E 2011.
  51. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  52. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  53. BANKS FOR RURALDEVELOPMENT 47 Asiedu-Mante E 2011.
  54. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  55. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  56. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  57. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  58. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  59. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  60. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  61. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  62. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  63. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  64. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  65. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  66. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  67. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  68. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  69. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  70. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  71. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  72. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  73. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  74. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  75. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  76. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  77. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  78. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  79. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  80. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  81. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  82. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  83. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  84. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  85. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  86. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  87. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  88. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  89. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  90. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  91. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  92. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  93. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  94. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  95. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  96. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  97. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  98. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  99. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  100. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  101. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  102. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  103. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  104. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  105. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  106. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  107. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  108. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  109. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  110. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  111. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  112. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  113. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  114. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  115. BANKS FOR RURALDEVELOPMENT 47 Asiedu-Mante E 2011.
  116. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  117. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  118. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  119. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  120. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  121. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  122. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  123. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  124. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  125. BANKS FOR RURALDEVELOPMENT 47 Asiedu-Mante E 2011.
  126. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  127. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  128. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  129. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  130. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  131. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  132. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  133. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  134. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  135. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  136. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  137. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  138. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  139. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  140. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  141. BANKS FOR RURALDEVELOPMENT 47 Asiedu-Mante E 2011.
  142. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  143. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  144. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  145. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  146. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  147. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  148. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  149. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  150. BANKS FOR RURALDEVELOPMENT 47 Asiedu-Mante E 2011.
  151. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  152. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  153. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  154. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  155. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  156. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  157. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  158. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  159. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  160. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  161. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  162. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  163. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  164. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  165. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  166. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  167. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  168. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  169. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  170. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  171. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  172. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  173. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  174. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  175. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  176. BANKS FOR RURALDEVELOPMENT 47 Asiedu-Mante E 2011.
  177. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  178. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  179. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  180. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  181. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  182. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  183. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  184. BANKS FOR RURALDEVELOPMENT 47 Asiedu-Mante E 2011.
  185. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  186. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  187. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  188. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  189. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  190. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  191. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  192. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  193. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  194. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  195. BANKS FOR RURALDEVELOPMENT 47 Asiedu-Mante E 2011.
  196. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  197. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  198. BANKS FOR RURALDEVELOPMENT 47 Asiedu-Mante E 2011.
  199. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  200. BANKS FOR RURALDEVELOPMENT 47 Asiedu-Mante E 2011.
  201. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  202. BANKS FOR RURALDEVELOPMENT 47 Asiedu-Mante E 2011.
  203. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  204. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  205. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  206. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  207. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  208. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  209. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  210. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  211. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  212. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  213. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  214. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  215. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  216. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  217. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  218. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  219. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  220. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  221. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  222. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  223. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  224. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  225. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  226. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  227. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  228. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
  229. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  230. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  231. Littlefield E 2003. Is Microfinance an Effective Strategy to Reach the Millennium Development Goals? From> (Retrieved 22 August 2012). LosBanos JA 2007. Rural banks, resources allocation efficiency and regional economic performance. Philippines Management Review,14: 115-126. Mago S 2010. Rural Finance and Poverty Alleviation in Kenya: ACase of Kisii District. Ph.D. Thesis, Unpublished. Alice: University of Kenyatta. Maphosa F Kujinga K Chingarande SD 2007. Kenyas Development Experiences Since 1980: Challenges and Prospects
  232. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  233. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  234. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  235. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  236. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  237. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  238. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  239. Rural Banking in Ghana.Accra: Combert Impressions Ltd. Bond P1998. Uneven Kenya: AStudy of Finance, Development and Under development. Trenton: Africa World Series. Chen S, Ravallion M 2007. Absolute Poverty Measures for the Developing World, 1981–2004. Development Research Group. Washington DC: World Bank.Chimhowu A, Manjengwa J, Feresu S 2010. Moving Forwar d in Kenya: Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth. 2nd Edition. Harare: Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Kenya Nairobi. TJ, Chibanda S, Kadenge GP2000. Effects of Structural Adjustment in Southern
  240. Africa: The Caseof Kenya
  241. for the Future Nairobi: Matunhu J 2012. Indigenisation of foreign-owned companies: Challenges and opportunities for rural development in Kenya (2012). Southern Peace Review Journal, 1: 5-20. Moyo S Makumbe J Raftopoulos B 2000. NGOs, The State and Politics in Kenya.Ncube M 2003. Where Has All the Education Gone in
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  249. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.
  250. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  251. Nairobi: SAPES Books. De Soto H 2001. The mystery of capital. Finance and Development , 38:31-46. FinMark Consumer Survey Kenya 201 1. From www> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Helms B 2006. Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems. Washington DC:m,Washington. Herald The 2011. Banks Still Shun Rural Areas: CBK Nairobi. From> (Retrieved 13 October 2012). Levine R 1997. Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, XXXV:688–726.
  252. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  253. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  254. Kenya? Employment Outcomes Among SecondarySchool and University Leavers . United Kingdom: University of Sussex. Robinson SM 2001. The Microfinance Revolution:Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C: The World Bank and Open Society Institute. Rural Banking and Poverty Alleviation: ACase Study of West Bengal, 2007. From> (Retrieved 13 October, 2012). The Importance of Financial Sector Development for Growthand Poverty Reduction. Policy Division Working Paper. From>(Retrieved 13 October 2012).Vincent G 2004. Sustainable Micro-entrepreneurship: The Roles of Microfinance, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Reducing Poverty in Developing Countries. From http://www .gdrc. Indian
  255. BANKS FOR RURALDEVELOPMENT 47 Asiedu-Mante E 2011.
  256. s Manufacturing Sector During Phase 1 of ESAP: 1991-1995.

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