Volume : IV, Issue : IX, October - 2014 GENERATION, COMPOSITION AND MANAGEMENT OFSOLIDW ASTE IN W ARD NO. 11, TILAK NAGAR REW A(M.P .)Sarita Singh, R. M. Dutta By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : The purpose of this research is to elaborate and increase readers
awareness on the potential solid waste (hazardous, nonhazardous and mixed waste)
disposal poses to human health and the environment. The study was carried over a
period of two months viz., May and June (2014) through field study in which waste
was collected over a period of 24 hours daily . The values of different constituents of
the waste collected were then taken to estimate the amount of total waste generated
during the study period. The collectedwaste was then segregated and weighed with
the help of digital balance. The findings revealed that there wasa maximum share of
biodegradable waste (71.94%) which consists of vegetable (30.13%), food
(10.16%), fruit (21.96%),paper/cardboard (10.62%) and textile (1.09%), followed
by non-biodegradable waste (25.25%) which consists of plastic (16.25%), metal
(2.54%) and glass (5.44%) and inert material (2.81%) which consists of hair
(0.73%) and dust (2.09%). Itis concluded that for management of solid waste we
have to follow 5 R’s (reduce, reuse, refuse, recycle and reform). Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : Sarita Singh, R. M. Dutta(2014). GENERATION, COMPOSITION AND MANAGEMENT OFSOLIDW ASTE IN W ARD NO. 11, TILAK NAGAR REW A(M.P .). Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. IX, http://isrj.org/UploadedData/5562.pdf References : - Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- waste pollution andbreeding potential of dengue vectors in an urban and industrial environment of
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- waste pollution andbreeding potential of dengue vectors in an urban and industrial environment of
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- waste pollution andbreeding potential of dengue vectors in an urban and industrial environment of
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- waste pollution andbreeding potential of dengue vectors in an urban and industrial environment of
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- waste pollution andbreeding potential of dengue vectors in an urban and industrial environment of
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- waste pollution andbreeding potential of dengue vectors in an urban and industrial environment of
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- waste pollution andbreeding potential of dengue vectors in an urban and industrial environment of
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- waste pollution andbreeding potential of dengue vectors in an urban and industrial environment of
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- waste pollution andbreeding potential of dengue vectors in an urban and industrial environment of
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- waste pollution andbreeding potential of dengue vectors in an urban and industrial environment of
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- waste pollution andbreeding potential of dengue vectors in an urban and industrial environment of
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- waste pollution andbreeding potential of dengue vectors in an urban and industrial environment of
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- waste pollution andbreeding potential of dengue vectors in an urban and industrial environment of
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- waste pollution andbreeding potential of dengue vectors in an urban and industrial environment of
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- waste pollution andbreeding potential of dengue vectors in an urban and industrial environment of
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- waste pollution andbreeding potential of dengue vectors in an urban and industrial environment of
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- waste pollution andbreeding potential of dengue vectors in an urban and industrial environment of
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- Aggarwal, T . R., Singh, K. N. and Gupta, A. K. (2000), “Impacts of sewage containing domestic
- Anu. (2008), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste in Akhnoortown, Jammu”.
- Bhawna. (2001), “Generation, composition and management of solid waste inRehari area,
- Jammu”. M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- M.Sc. Dissertationsubmitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Assam”. Indian Journal of Environmental Biology, 20(4):343-345.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- wastes and heavy metals on the chemistryof V aruna river water”. Poll. Res., 19(3),491-494.
- INSDC, New Delhi.
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- waste pollution andbreeding potential of dengue vectors in an urban and industrial environment of
- M.Sc. Dissertation submitted to the University of Jammu, Jammu.
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- Bhide, A. D. and Sundarsen, B. B. (2004), “Solid waste management indeveloping countries”.
- Dutta, P ., Khan, S. A., Khan, M. A., Sharma, C. K., Dolii, P . K. and Mahanta, J. (1999), “Solid
- Dubey . S. (2006), “Generation of domestic solid waste in small plot area, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu”.
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