DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : X, November - 2014


Shobha. G, -

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The Oldest Old (80 years and over) are the fastest growing segment of the World’s population and this segment is increasing in both number and proportion. The relative increase in oldest old population could be attributed to several factor, however a vast majority of the oldest old suffer from multiple ailments with many diseases being chronic and having no cure (Siegel, 1996). The present study aimed to look into the health profile of the oldest old and the family support. The sample comprised of 50 elderly men and women in the 80 plus age category from four residential localities of Bangalore City Urban. The tool consisted of a structured questionnaire designed for the purpose with questions related to current health conditions, incidence of ailments, frequency of hospitalization, disease pattern and the care and support given by the family. The study revealed that the oldest old suffer from wide range of multiple chronic ailments like joint problems, hypertension, urinary problems, diabetes, cardiac problems and cancer. The incidence of most of the ailments, excepting cardiac problems, lung disease and urinary problems was found to be higher among females than males. The study revealed that better family support is required in the care of the elderly. The present research calls for better health care facilities and for the oldest old and underlines the need for greater family support for the elderly who are at the ripe age of 80+.

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Shobha. G, -(2014). HEALTH PROFILE OF THE OLDEST OLD AND SUPPORTIVE CARE. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. X, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

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  2. Nayar, PKB (2009) WHO cares of the oldest old? Plight of the Eighty-Plus in Global Perspective, International Colloquium on the Oldest Old (80+),
  3. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  4. Nayar, PKB (2009) WHO cares of the oldest old? Plight of the Eighty-Plus in Global Perspective, International Colloquium on the Oldest Old (80+),
  5. Nayar, PKB (2009) WHO cares of the oldest old? Plight of the Eighty-Plus in Global Perspective, International Colloquium on the Oldest Old (80+),
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  7. Nayar, PKB (2009) WHO cares of the oldest old? Plight of the Eighty-Plus in Global Perspective, International Colloquium on the Oldest Old (80+),
  8. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
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  24. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  25. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
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  27. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  28. Kanitkar and Shukla, (2009), Demographic Profile of Elderly in India,
  29. Nayar, PKB (2009) WHO cares of the oldest old? Plight of the Eighty-Plus in Global Perspective, International Colloquium on the Oldest Old (80+),
  30. Nayar, PKB (2009) WHO cares of the oldest old? Plight of the Eighty-Plus in Global Perspective, International Colloquium on the Oldest Old (80+),
  31. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  32. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  33. Kanitkar and Shukla, (2009), Demographic Profile of Elderly in India,
  34. Kanitkar and Shukla, (2009), Demographic Profile of Elderly in India,
  35. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  36. Kanitkar and Shukla, (2009), Demographic Profile of Elderly in India,
  37. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  38. Kanitkar and Shukla, (2009), Demographic Profile of Elderly in India,
  39. Nayar, PKB (2009) WHO cares of the oldest old? Plight of the Eighty-Plus in Global Perspective, International Colloquium on the Oldest Old (80+),
  40. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  41. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  42. Nayar, PKB (2009) WHO cares of the oldest old? Plight of the Eighty-Plus in Global Perspective, International Colloquium on the Oldest Old (80+),
  43. Kanitkar and Shukla, (2009), Demographic Profile of Elderly in India,
  44. Kanitkar and Shukla, (2009), Demographic Profile of Elderly in India,
  45. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  46. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  47. Kanitkar and Shukla, (2009), Demographic Profile of Elderly in India,
  48. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  49. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  50. Kanitkar and Shukla, (2009), Demographic Profile of Elderly in India,
  51. Nayar, PKB (2009) WHO cares of the oldest old? Plight of the Eighty-Plus in Global Perspective, International Colloquium on the Oldest Old (80+),
  52. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  53. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  54. Nayar, PKB (2009) WHO cares of the oldest old? Plight of the Eighty-Plus in Global Perspective, International Colloquium on the Oldest Old (80+),
  55. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  56. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  57. Kanitkar and Shukla, (2009), Demographic Profile of Elderly in India,
  58. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  59. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  60. Nayar, PKB (2009) WHO cares of the oldest old? Plight of the Eighty-Plus in Global Perspective, International Colloquium on the Oldest Old (80+),
  61. Kanitkar and Shukla, (2009), Demographic Profile of Elderly in India,
  62. Nayar, PKB (2009) WHO cares of the oldest old? Plight of the Eighty-Plus in Global Perspective, International Colloquium on the Oldest Old (80+),
  63. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  64. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  65. Kanitkar and Shukla, (2009), Demographic Profile of Elderly in India,
  66. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  67. Kanitkar and Shukla, (2009), Demographic Profile of Elderly in India,
  68. Kanitkar and Shukla, (2009), Demographic Profile of Elderly in India,
  69. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  70. Nayar, PKB (2009) WHO cares of the oldest old? Plight of the Eighty-Plus in Global Perspective, International Colloquium on the Oldest Old (80+),
  71. Nayar, PKB (2009) WHO cares of the oldest old? Plight of the Eighty-Plus in Global Perspective, International Colloquium on the Oldest Old (80+),
  72. Kanitkar and Shukla, (2009), Demographic Profile of Elderly in India,
  73. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  74. Kanitkar and Shukla, (2009), Demographic Profile of Elderly in India,
  75. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  76. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:
  77. Siegel (1996) The Oldest-Old, AGeneration of Change: AProfile of the Older Population, Oxford University Press New York:

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