Volume : IV, Issue : X, November - 2014 BIOCONVERSION OF FICUS RELIGIOSAINTO ECO – FRIENDL YMANURE BYUSING EPIGEIC EARTHWORM EISENIAFETIDAB. Jayanthi , M. Jayanthi By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : V ermibeds were prepared in three different concentrations. E.fetida worms were inoculated into the F .r eligiosa vermibed in all the concentration except
control. The conversion ratio of F .religiosa into vermicompost was found to be more or less similar in all the concentration. The reproductive potential and physicochemical parameters were analyzed in the vermicompost. The results of the present study reveals that the equal proportion of F .r eligiosa leaf litter with cured cowdung can be used for highest value added vermicompost production by using E.fetida. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : B. Jayanthi , M. Jayanthi(2014). BIOCONVERSION OF FICUS RELIGIOSAINTO ECO – FRIENDL YMANURE BYUSING EPIGEIC EARTHWORM EISENIAFETIDA. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. X, http://isrj.org/UploadedData/5540.pdf References : - Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Anderson JM, Ingram JS (1993). Tropical soil biology and fertility . A handbook of methods. Commonwealth agriculture Bureau, Oxan
- Dominguez J, Edwards C.A (2010). Relationships between composting and vermicomposting: relative values of the products. In: Edwards CA (ed) V ermiculture technology , I st edn. CRC Press, USA, pp 11-25
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- Jackson ML (1975). Soil chemical analysis. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Lee K.E. (1985). Earthworms: Their ecology and relationships with soil and land use (Academic press, Sydney).
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- 8.Satchell J.E., Martin K. (1984). Phosphatase activity in earthworm faeces. Soil Biol. Biochem.
- Nanda S.S, Swain K.C, Panda S.C, Mohanty A.K, and Alim M.A (1995). Effect of nitrogen and biofertilizers in fodder rainfed upland conditions of orisa. Current agricultural Res 8:45-47
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Ravi.S, Channel H.T, Hebsur N.S, Patil B.N, Dharmatti P .R (2008). Effect of sulphur, zinc and iorn nutrition on growth, yield, nutrient uptake and quality of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.). Karnataka J Agric sci 21:382-385
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
- Lunt E.E., Jacobson G.M. (1944). The chemical composition of earthworm casts. Soil Sci.58:367
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