DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : IX, October - 2014


K.Rizwana Sultana, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The story of Count Dracula remains a fascination for every one irrespective of age and place. Ever since the publication of Dracula as a novel by Bram Stoker in 1897, it led to tremendous translations in to films, adaptation as children’ s comic, plays, short story and what not. It is true to say that a literary work of worth with stands the passage of time. Not only the novel of Bram Stoker but the story of the Count Dracula which is also regarded a legend has conquered the world of vampire stories; where Dracula is termed as the King of the vampire world. Though an associate of Satan, at times Dracula finds a place for a romantic hero too. Dracula has enjoyed enormous popularity since its publication and has spawned an extraordinary vampire subculture in the second half of the 20th century . More than 200 films have been made that feature Count Dracula. At the centre of this subculture is the legend of Transylvania, which has become almost synonymous with vampires. The present paper is an attempt to discuss how Dracula was represented in the novel and some film versions of the same. The films focused at are F .W .Murnu’ s Nosferatu, the Symphony of Horror (1922), Dracula (1931) and Bram Stoker’ s Dracula 1992) and Bram Stoker’ s Dracula (1992).

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References :

  1. Print.
  2. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  3. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  4. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  5. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  6. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.
  7. Print.
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  9. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  10. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  11. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  12. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.
  13. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.
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  15. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.
  16. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  17. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  18. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  19. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  20. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  21. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  22. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  23. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  24. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  25. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  26. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  27. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  28. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  29. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  30. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
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  32. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
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  34. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  35. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  36. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  37. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  38. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  39. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
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  42. printing) Print.
  43. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  44. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  45. printing) Print.
  46. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  47. printing) Print.
  48. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  49. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  50. Print.
  51. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  52. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  53. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.
  54. Print.
  55. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  56. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  57. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  58. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  59. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  60. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  61. printing) Print.
  62. printing) Print.
  63. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  64. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.
  65. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  66. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  67. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  68. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  69. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  70. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  71. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  72. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  73. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  74. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  75. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  76. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  77. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  78. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.
  79. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  80. Print.
  81. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  82. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  83. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  84. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  85. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  86. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  87. Print.
  88. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  89. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  90. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  91. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  92. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  93. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  94. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  95. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  96. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  97. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  98. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  99. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  100. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  101. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  102. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  103. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  104. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  105. Print.
  106. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  107. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  108. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  109. printing) Print.
  110. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  111. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  112. Print.
  113. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  114. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  115. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  116. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  117. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  118. printing) Print.
  119. printing) Print.
  120. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.
  121. Print.
  122. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  123. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  124. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  125. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  126. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.
  127. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.
  128. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  129. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  130. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.
  131. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  132. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  133. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  134. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  135. printing) Print.
  136. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  137. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  138. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  139. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  140. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.
  141. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  142. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  143. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  144. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  145. printing) Print.
  146. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  147. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  148. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  149. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  150. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  151. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  152. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  153. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  154. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.
  155. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  156. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  157. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  158. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  159. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  160. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  161. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  162. printing) Print.
  163. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  164. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  165. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  166. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  167. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.
  168. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.
  169. printing) Print.
  170. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  171. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  172. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  173. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  174. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  175. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  176. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  177. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  178. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  179. printing) Print.
  180. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  181. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  182. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  183. Browning , T od. Dracula. Bela Lugosi and Dwight Frye. Universal Pictures 1931.
  184. Print.
  185. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  186. printing) Print.
  187. Print.
  188. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  189. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  190. printing) Print.
  191. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  192. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.
  193. printing) Print.
  194. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  195. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  196. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  197. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.
  198. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  199. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  200. Print.
  201. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  202. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  203. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  204. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  205. Bellin, Joshua David. Framing Monsters: Fantasy Film and Social Alienation. Carbondale:
  206. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  207. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  208. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.
  209. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  210. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  211. Print.
  212. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  213. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  214. Print.
  215. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  216. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  217. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  218. Print.
  219. Print.
  220. Print.
  221. Coppola, Francis Ford. Bram Stoker’ s Dracula. Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder and Anthony
  222. Carroll, Noel. The philosophy of horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New Y ork: Routledge, 1990.
  223. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  224. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  225. Print.
  226. printing) Print.
  227. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  228. Southern Illinois University Press, 2005. Print.
  229. Hopkins. Columbia Pictures, 1992.
  230. Bluestone, George. Novels into Film. London: University of California Press, Ltd. 1973 (6th
  231. Chaudhuri, Shohini. Feminist Film Theorists. Print.

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