DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : VII, August - 2014


A. D. Gade, R. A. Todkar

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Cooperative sector is playing very crucial role in the development of India. The main focus of the study is to find out the present scenario co-operative sector of Maharashtra by considering quantitative indicators and some selected aggregate indicators. The present research paper is entirely based on secondary data. Study found that co-operative sector has spread in all the major economic activities in general and rural area in particular. The study also reveals that the cooperative sector of Maharashtra is growing rapidly and continuously since last 50 years. Finally it concluded that in order to sustain and develop in this competitive era the cooperative sector has to be properly protected and assisted by the Government. In other words there is an urgent need of Government assistance and protection for cooperative sector.

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A. D. Gade, R. A. Todkar(2014). A SCENARIO OF CO-OPERATIVE SECTOR OF MAHARASHTRA. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. VII, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Maharashtratil Sahakari Chalval- Eka Drishtiksepat, Sahakar Ayukt va Nibandhak, Sahakari Sanstha,
  2. Patil J.F.- Suvarn Mohatsavi Maharashtrachi Badalti Arthvyavastha, Sakal Paper Prakashan, Pune, May-2010
  3. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  4. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  5. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  6. Maharashtratil Sahakari Chalval- Eka Drishtiksepat, Sahakar Ayukt va Nibandhak, Sahakari Sanstha,
  7. Patil J.F.- Suvarn Mohatsavi Maharashtrachi Badalti Arthvyavastha, Sakal Paper Prakashan, Pune, May-2010
  8. Maharashtratil Sahakari Chalval- Eka Drishtiksepat, Sahakar Ayukt va Nibandhak, Sahakari Sanstha,
  9. Maharashtratil Sahakari Chalval- Eka Drishtiksepat, Sahakar Ayukt va Nibandhak, Sahakari Sanstha,
  10. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  11. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  12. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  13. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  14. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  15. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  16. Patil J.F.- Suvarn Mohatsavi Maharashtrachi Badalti Arthvyavastha, Sakal Paper Prakashan, Pune, May-2010
  17. Patil J.F.- Suvarn Mohatsavi Maharashtrachi Badalti Arthvyavastha, Sakal Paper Prakashan, Pune, May-2010
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  20. Patil J.F.- Suvarn Mohatsavi Maharashtrachi Badalti Arthvyavastha, Sakal Paper Prakashan, Pune, May-2010
  21. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  22. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  23. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  24. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  25. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  26. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  27. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  28. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  29. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  30. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  31. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  32. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  33. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  34. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  35. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  36. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  37. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  38. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  39. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  40. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  41. Maharashtratil Sahakari Chalval- Eka Drishtiksepat, Sahakar Ayukt va Nibandhak, Sahakari Sanstha,
  42. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  43. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  44. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  45. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  46. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  47. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  48. Maharashtratil Sahakari Chalval- Eka Drishtiksepat, Sahakar Ayukt va Nibandhak, Sahakari Sanstha,
  49. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  50. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  51. Patil J.F.- Suvarn Mohatsavi Maharashtrachi Badalti Arthvyavastha, Sakal Paper Prakashan, Pune, May-2010
  52. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  53. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  54. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  55. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  56. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  57. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  58. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  59. Patil J.F.- Suvarn Mohatsavi Maharashtrachi Badalti Arthvyavastha, Sakal Paper Prakashan, Pune, May-2010
  60. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  61. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  62. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  63. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  64. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  65. Maharashtratil Sahakari Chalval- Eka Drishtiksepat, Sahakar Ayukt va Nibandhak, Sahakari Sanstha,
  66. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  67. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  68. Maharashtratil Sahakari Chalval- Eka Drishtiksepat, Sahakar Ayukt va Nibandhak, Sahakari Sanstha,
  69. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  70. Maharashtratil Sahakari Chalval- Eka Drishtiksepat, Sahakar Ayukt va Nibandhak, Sahakari Sanstha,
  71. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  72. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  73. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  74. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  75. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  76. Patil J.F.- Suvarn Mohatsavi Maharashtrachi Badalti Arthvyavastha, Sakal Paper Prakashan, Pune, May-2010
  77. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  78. Maharashtratil Sahakari Chalval- Eka Drishtiksepat, Sahakar Ayukt va Nibandhak, Sahakari Sanstha,
  79. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  80. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  81. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  82. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  83. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  84. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  85. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  86. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  87. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  88. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  89. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  90. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  91. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  92. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  93. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  94. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  95. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  96. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  97. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  98. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  99. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  100. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  101. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  102. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  103. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  104. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  105. Maharashtratil Sahakari Chalval- Eka Drishtiksepat, Sahakar Ayukt va Nibandhak, Sahakari Sanstha,
  106. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  107. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  108. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  109. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  110. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  111. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  112. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  113. Maharashtratil Sahakari Chalval- Eka Drishtiksepat, Sahakar Ayukt va Nibandhak, Sahakari Sanstha,
  114. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  115. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  116. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  117. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  118. Patil J.F.- Suvarn Mohatsavi Maharashtrachi Badalti Arthvyavastha, Sakal Paper Prakashan, Pune, May-2010
  119. Patil J.F.- Suvarn Mohatsavi Maharashtrachi Badalti Arthvyavastha, Sakal Paper Prakashan, Pune, May-2010
  120. Maharashtratil Sahakari Chalval- Eka Drishtiksepat, Sahakar Ayukt va Nibandhak, Sahakari Sanstha,
  121. Patil J.F.- Suvarn Mohatsavi Maharashtrachi Badalti Arthvyavastha, Sakal Paper Prakashan, Pune, May-2010
  122. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  123. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  124. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  125. Patil J.F.- Suvarn Mohatsavi Maharashtrachi Badalti Arthvyavastha, Sakal Paper Prakashan, Pune, May-2010
  126. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  127. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  128. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  129. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  130. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  131. Patil J.F.- Suvarn Mohatsavi Maharashtrachi Badalti Arthvyavastha, Sakal Paper Prakashan, Pune, May-2010
  132. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  133. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  134. Maharashtratil Sahakari Chalval- Eka Drishtiksepat, Sahakar Ayukt va Nibandhak, Sahakari Sanstha,
  135. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  136. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  137. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  138. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  139. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  140. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  141. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  142. Maharashtratil Sahakari Chalval- Eka Drishtiksepat, Sahakar Ayukt va Nibandhak, Sahakari Sanstha,
  143. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  144. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  145. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  146. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  147. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  148. Patil J.F.- Suvarn Mohatsavi Maharashtrachi Badalti Arthvyavastha, Sakal Paper Prakashan, Pune, May-2010
  149. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  150. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  151. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  152. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  153. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  154. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  155. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  156. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  157. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  158. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  159. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  160. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  161. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  162. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  163. Patil J.F.- Suvarn Mohatsavi Maharashtrachi Badalti Arthvyavastha, Sakal Paper Prakashan, Pune, May-2010
  164. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  165. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  166. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  167. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  168. Patil J.F.- Suvarn Mohatsavi Maharashtrachi Badalti Arthvyavastha, Sakal Paper Prakashan, Pune, May-2010
  169. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  170. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  171. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  172. Maharashtratil Sahakari Chalval- Eka Drishtiksepat, Sahakar Ayukt va Nibandhak, Sahakari Sanstha,
  173. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  174. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  175. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  176. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  177. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  178. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  179. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  180. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  181. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  182. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  183. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  184. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  185. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  186. Patil J.F.- Suvarn Mohatsavi Maharashtrachi Badalti Arthvyavastha, Sakal Paper Prakashan, Pune, May-2010
  187. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  188. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  189. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  190. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  191. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  192. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  193. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  194. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  195. Patil J.F.- Suvarn Mohatsavi Maharashtrachi Badalti Arthvyavastha, Sakal Paper Prakashan, Pune, May-2010
  196. Maharashtratil Sahakari Chalval- Eka Drishtiksepat, Sahakar Ayukt va Nibandhak, Sahakari Sanstha,
  197. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  198. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  199. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  200. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  201. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  202. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  203. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  204. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  205. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  206. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  207. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  208. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  209. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  210. Maharashtratil Sahakari Chalval- Eka Drishtiksepat, Sahakar Ayukt va Nibandhak, Sahakari Sanstha,
  211. Gertler, M. (2001): Rural Co-operatives and Sustainable Development, Saskatoon SK: Centre for the Study of
  212. Gibson, R (2005): The Role of Cooperatives in Community Economic Development, RDI
  213. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  214. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  215. Maharashtra Rajya, Pune. 2005-2008.
  216. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  217. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  218. Cooperatives, University of Saskatchewan
  219. Ghatage L.N. & Vaware A.K. - Indian Economy, Nirali Prakashan, Pune, First Edition-2010.
  220. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.
  221. Economic Survey of Maharashtra - 2011-12.

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