DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : V, June - 2014


Pervaz Ahmad Mir, -

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The focus of this paper has been the role of the opposition in ventilation of grievances and criticism of the Government and bureaucracy and so. The importance of opposition in Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly from 1996 to 2002 is an important phase of history in the politics of Jammu and Kashmir. The 1996 and 2002 is the period of political crisis and restoration of the political process. Secondly, the politics of Jammu and Ladakh with reference to widely prevailing interregional and sub-regional discontent. This deals it electoral politics of both these regions in the context of assertion of multiple identities operating both at the regional and Sub-regional level. Finally, the significant shift that has taken place in the politics of the state with the 2002 assembly elections gives insight into the future politics of the state. An attempt will be made in his study to find out answer to the following questions. How far and what to extent the opposition parties in Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly during 1996-2002

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Pervaz Ahmad Mir, -(2014). A STUDY ON OPPOSITION IN JAMMU AND KASHMIR LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DURING 1996- 2002. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. V, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  2. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  3. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  4. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  5. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  6. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  7. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  8. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  9. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  10. 1997
  11. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  12. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  13. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  14. 1997
  15. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  16. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  17. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  18. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  19. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  20. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  21. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  22. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  23. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  24. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  25. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  26. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  27. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  28. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  29. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  30. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  31. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  32. 1997
  33. 1997
  34. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  35. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  36. 1997
  37. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  38. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  39. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  40. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  41. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  42. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  43. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  44. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  45. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  46. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  47. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  48. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  49. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  50. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  51. Committee.
  52. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  53. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  54. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  55. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  56. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  57. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  58. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  59. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  60. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  61. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  62. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  63. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  64. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  65. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  66. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  67. 1997
  68. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  69. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  70. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  71. Committee.
  72. Committee.
  73. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  74. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  75. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  76. 1997
  77. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  78. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  79. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  80. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  81. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  82. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  83. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  84. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  85. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  86. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  87. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  88. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  89. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  90. 1997
  91. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  92. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  93. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  94. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  95. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  96. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  97. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  98. 1997
  99. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  100. Committee.
  101. 1997
  102. Committee.
  103. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  104. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  105. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  106. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  107. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  108. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  109. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  110. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  111. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  112. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  113. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  114. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  115. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  116. Committee.
  117. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  118. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  119. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  120. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  121. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  122. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  123. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  124. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  125. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  126. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  127. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  128. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  129. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  130. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  131. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  132. 1997
  133. 1997
  134. Committee.
  135. Committee.
  136. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  137. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  138. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  139. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  140. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  141. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  142. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  143. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  144. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  145. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  146. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  147. 1997
  148. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  149. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  150. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  151. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  152. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  153. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  154. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  155. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  156. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  157. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  158. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  159. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  160. 1997
  161. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  162. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  163. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  164. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  165. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  166. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  167. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  168. 1997
  169. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  170. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  171. 1997
  172. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  173. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  174. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  175. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  176. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  177. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  178. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  179. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  180. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  181. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  182. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  183. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  184. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  185. 1997
  186. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  187. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  188. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  189. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  190. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  191. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  192. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  193. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  194. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  195. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  196. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  197. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  198. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  199. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  200. 1997
  201. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  202. 1997
  203. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  204. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  205. 1997
  206. 1997
  207. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  208. 1997
  209. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  210. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  211. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  212. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  213. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  214. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  215. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  216. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  217. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  218. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  219. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  220. 1997
  221. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  222. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  223. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  224. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  225. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  226. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  227. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  228. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  229. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  230. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  231. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  232. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  233. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  234. 1997
  235. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  236. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  237. 1997
  238. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  239. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  240. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  241. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  242. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  243. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  244. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  245. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  246. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  247. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  248. 1997
  249. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  250. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  251. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  252. 1997
  253. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  254. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  255. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  256. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  257. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  258. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  259. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  260. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  261. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  262. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  263. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  264. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  265. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  266. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  267. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  268. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  269. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  270. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  271. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  272. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  273. 1997
  274. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  275. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  276. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  277. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  278. 1997
  279. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  280. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  281. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  282. 1997
  283. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  284. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  285. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  286. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  287. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  288. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  289. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  290. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  291. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  292. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  293. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  294. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  295. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  296. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  297. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  298. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  299. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  300. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  301. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  302. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  303. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  304. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  305. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  306. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  307. 1997
  308. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  309. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  310. 1997
  311. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  312. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  313. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  314. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  315. 1997
  316. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  317. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  318. Committee.
  319. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  320. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  321. 1997
  322. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  323. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  324. Committee.
  325. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  326. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  327. 1997
  328. Committee.
  329. Committee.
  330. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  331. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  332. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  333. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  334. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  335. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  336. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  337. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  338. Committee.
  339. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  340. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  341. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  342. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  343. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  344. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  345. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  346. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  347. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  348. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  349. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  350. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  351. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  352. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  353. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  354. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  355. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  356. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  357. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  358. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  359. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  360. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  361. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  362. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  363. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  364. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  365. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  366. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  367. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  368. 1997
  369. Committee.
  370. 1997
  371. 1997
  372. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  373. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  374. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  375. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  376. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  377. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  378. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  379. 1997
  380. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  381. 1997
  382. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  383. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  384. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  385. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  386. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  387. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  388. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  389. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  390. 1997
  391. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  392. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  393. 1997
  394. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  395. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  396. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  397. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  398. 1997
  399. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  400. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  401. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  402. 1997
  403. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  404. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  405. 1997
  406. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  407. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  408. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  409. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  410. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  411. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  412. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  413. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999
  414. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  415. 1997
  416. 1997
  417. 1997
  418. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  419. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  420. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  421. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  422. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  423. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  424. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  425. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  426. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  427. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  428. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  429. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  430. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  431. Committee.
  432. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  433. 1997
  434. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  435. 1997
  436. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  437. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  438. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  439. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  440. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  441. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  442. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  443. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  444. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  445. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  446. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  447. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  448. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  449. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  450. Wani Gull Mohammad, Kashmir Politics and Problem perspective, New Delhi: Ansari Publishers, 2001.
  451. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  452. Committee.
  453. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  454. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  455. Committee.
  456. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  457. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  458. 1997
  459. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  460. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  461. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  462. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  463. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  464. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  465. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  466. Akter Muhammad Yeahia, Electoral corruption in Jammu and Kashmir, New Delhi: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2001.
  467. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  468. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  469. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  470. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  471. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  472. Chowdhary Rekha, Autonomy Demand: Kashmir at Crossroads, Economic and Political Weekly, 22 July 2000.
  473. Elizabeth House, University of Oxford, 1998.
  474. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  475. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  476. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  477. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  478. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  479. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  480. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  481. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  482. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  483. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  484. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  485. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  486. 1997
  487. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  488. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  489. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  490. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  491. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  492. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  493. Committee.
  494. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  495. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  496. Bose Sumantra, The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self Determination and a Just Peace, New Delhi: Sage Publishers,
  497. C. Subash, Kashyap, The Politics of Power Defection and State Politics in India, New Delhi, National Publishing, 1998.
  498. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  499. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  500. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  501. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  502. Committee.
  503. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election 1996-Election Manifesto, 24 Akbar Road New Delhi, All India Congress
  504. Chowdhary Rekha, Muslim identity and Politics of Fundamentalism in Kashmir, Working Paper, Published by Queen
  505. Gupta N.S and Prabhakar, N C, socio-economic development in Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar, Jay Kay Book House1988.
  506. 1997
  507. Bazaz Prem Nath, History of Freedom struggle in Kashmir, Srinagar: Gulshan Publishers, 1996.
  508. Government of Jammu and Kashmir; Report on the 8th Assembly election 1996, Jammu and Kashmir General Administrate
  509. Noorani A.G. Article 370; Law and Politics, Magazine volume 17 issue 19, September, 16-29-2000.
  510. Election Commission of India - General Elections, 1996 to the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir.
  511. 1997
  512. (election department) 1997- volume I.
  513. Swami, Praveen, Jammu and Kashmir, A communal divide, frontline 1999

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