Volume : IV, Issue : VI, July - 2014 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF PHYSICAL LAYER OF MOBILE WIMAX USING CONVOLUTIONAL CODE AND REED SOLOMON CODE UNDER DIFFERENT MODULATION TECHNIQUES AND COMMUNICATION CHANNELS Archana Patil, Prateek Soni By : Laxmi Book Publication Abstract : The Worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) based on IEEE 802.16. It
has been one of the most popular technologies in communication. WiMAX provides voice, data and
video services with various types of QoS (Quality of Service). In this paper, the performance of the
mobile WiMAX physical layer is analyzed with the help of Convolutional code (CC) and Reed
Solomon(RS) code under AWGN, Rayleigh and Rician communication channel and different digital
modulation techniques (BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM) The size of the cyclic prefix (CP) for this
analysis¼. Signal-to Noise Ratio (SNR) vs. Bit Error Rate (BER) analysis has been done. Keywords : Article : Cite This Article : Archana Patil, Prateek Soni(2014). PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF PHYSICAL LAYER OF MOBILE WIMAX USING CONVOLUTIONAL CODE AND REED SOLOMON CODE UNDER DIFFERENT MODULATION TECHNIQUES AND COMMUNICATION CHANNELS. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. VI, http://isrj.org/UploadedData/5129.pdf References : - INC.,2003
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- INC.,2003
- IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part16: Air Interface for Fixed and
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part16: Air Interface for Fixed and
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- INC.,2003
- IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part16: Air Interface for Fixed and
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part16: Air Interface for Fixed and
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- INC.,2003
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- INC.,2003
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part16: Air Interface for Fixed and
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- INC.,2003
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- INC.,2003
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part16: Air Interface for Fixed and
- IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part16: Air Interface for Fixed and
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- INC.,2003
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- INC.,2003
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- INC.,2003
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- INC.,2003
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- INC.,2003
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- INC.,2003
- IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part16: Air Interface for Fixed and
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part16: Air Interface for Fixed and
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part16: Air Interface for Fixed and
- INC.,2003
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- INC.,2003
- INC.,2003
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- INC.,2003
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part16: Air Interface for Fixed and
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- INC.,2003
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- INC.,2003
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- INC.,2003
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part16: Air Interface for Fixed and
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part16: Air Interface for Fixed and
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part16: Air Interface for Fixed and
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- INC.,2003
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part16: Air Interface for Fixed and
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- INC.,2003
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part16: Air Interface for Fixed and
- INC.,2003
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part16: Air Interface for Fixed and
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- INC.,2003
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- IEEE standard 802.16-2005, IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks-Part16: Air Interface for Fixed and
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- INC.,2003
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- INC.,2003
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- INC.,2003
- mobile and multimedia networks , 2007, pp.117 – 120.
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- INC.,2003
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- INC.,2003
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- M. Nadeem Khan, S. Ghauri,“The WiMAX 802.16e Physical Layer Model”, IET International Conference On wireless,
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- Communication channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security,Vol. 5, No.1, 2009
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- V. Erceg, K.V.S. Hari, M.S. Smith, D.S. Bauml, “Channel Models for Fixed Wireless Applications”, IEEE 802.16.3 Task
- 20-22 Sept. 2012, Pages: 1-4, ISSN-2125-7681
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- WiMAX Forum,“Fixed, Nomadic, Portable and Mobile Applications for 802.16-2004 and 802.16e WiMAX
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- IEEE standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks- Part 16: Air interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access
- Mukesh Patidar, Rupesh Dubey, Nitin Kumar Jain, Sarita Kulpariya, “Performance Analysis of WiMAX 802.16e Physical
- Mobile Broadband wireless Access system system, Feb 2006.
- A. Yarali, B. Mbula, A. Tumula, “WiMAX: A Key to Bridging the Digital Divide”, IEEE Volume, 2007, pp.159 – 164.
- Layer Model” Ninth International conference on Wireless and optical communication network (WOCN), Date of conference:
- Gazi Faisal Ahmed Jubair, Muhammad Imran Hasan, Md. Obaid Ullah,”Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.16e (Mobile
- Systems, IEEE Std. 802.16, Oct. 2004.
- Md. Ashraful Islam, “Performance Evaluation of Wimax Physical Layer under Adaptive Modulation Techniques and
- Group Contributions 2001, Feb. 01
- WiMAX) in OFDM Physical layer”, August 2009
- Networks”,November, 2005.
- T. TAN BENNY BING,"The World Wide Wi- Fi:Technological Trends and Business Strategies", JOHN WILEY & SONS,
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