DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : V, June - 2014


Ritesh T. Palimkar, U. L. Bombale

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

The modernization in electronics and Embedded systems has made dramatic change in world. This systems are broadly used in automation, data monitoring, process control, remote jumbo display, etc. These products are manufactured by various companies. These companies have installed their products at various location as per their client's necessity. Controller based application products are manufactured by particular manufacturer and installed its clients company, which may be anywhere in the world. There is a serious problem when these manufacturers have to change the software of the microcontroller based product at remote location site, then support team of product manufacturer need to send one man to that location for changing the program. We have developed a system which have the program downloading facility from remote location for serially programmable microcontrollers. This system will be kept at that location. This system is connected to Internet and HEX file of controller will be changed in remote application unit.

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Ritesh T. Palimkar, U. L. Bombale(2014). REMOTE PROGRAMMING FOR INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. V, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  2. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  3. Jun. 2008
  4. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  5. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  6. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  7. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  8. 72–80, 2009.
  9. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  10. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  11. 72–80, 2009.
  12. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  13. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  14. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  15. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  16. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  17. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
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  21. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
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  26. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  27. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  28. No. 10, October2010
  29. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  30. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  31. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  32. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  33. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  34. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  35. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  36. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  37. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  38. 72–80, 2009.
  39. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  40. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  41. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  42. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  43. 72–80, 2009.
  44. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  45. Jun. 2008
  46. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  47. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  48. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  49. Jun. 2008
  50. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
  51. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  52. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  53. 72–80, 2009.
  54. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  55. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  56. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  57. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  58. 72–80, 2009.
  59. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  60. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  61. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  62. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  63. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  64. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  65. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
  66. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  67. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  68. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  69. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  70. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  71. Jun. 2008
  72. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  73. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  74. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  75. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  76. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  77. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  78. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  79. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  80. 72–80, 2009.
  81. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  82. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  83. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  84. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  85. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  86. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  87. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  88. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  89. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  90. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  91. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  92. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  93. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  94. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  95. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  96. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  97. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  98. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  99. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  100. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  101. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  102. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  103. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  104. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  105. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  106. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  107. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  108. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  109. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  110. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  111. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  112. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  113. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  114. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
  115. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  116. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  117. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  118. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  119. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  120. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  121. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  122. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  123. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  124. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  125. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  126. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  127. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  128. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  129. 72–80, 2009.
  130. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  131. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  132. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  133. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  134. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  135. 72–80, 2009.
  136. Jun. 2008
  137. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  138. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  139. 72–80, 2009.
  140. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  141. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  142. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  143. 72–80, 2009.
  144. No. 10, October2010
  145. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  146. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  147. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  148. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  149. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  150. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  151. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  152. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  153. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  154. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  155. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  156. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  157. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
  158. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  159. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  160. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  161. 72–80, 2009.
  162. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  163. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  164. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  165. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  166. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  167. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  168. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  169. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  170. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  171. No. 10, October2010
  172. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  173. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  174. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  175. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  176. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  177. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  178. 72–80, 2009.
  179. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  180. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  181. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  182. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  183. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  184. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  185. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  186. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  187. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  188. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  189. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  190. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  191. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  192. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  193. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  194. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  195. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  196. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  197. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  198. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  199. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  200. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  201. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  202. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  203. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  204. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  205. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  206. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  207. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  208. 72–80, 2009.
  209. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  210. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  211. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  212. 72–80, 2009.
  213. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  214. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  215. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  216. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  217. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  218. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  219. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  220. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  221. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  222. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  223. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  224. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  225. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  226. No. 10, October2010
  227. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  228. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  229. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  230. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  231. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
  232. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  233. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  234. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  235. 72–80, 2009.
  236. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  237. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  238. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  239. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  240. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  241. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  242. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  243. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  244. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  245. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  246. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  247. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  248. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  249. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  250. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  251. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  252. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  253. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  254. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  255. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  256. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  257. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  258. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  259. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  260. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  261. 72–80, 2009.
  262. Jun. 2008
  263. No. 10, October2010
  264. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  265. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  266. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  267. 72–80, 2009.
  268. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  269. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  270. No. 10, October2010
  271. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  272. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  273. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  274. 72–80, 2009.
  275. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  276. No. 10, October2010
  277. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  278. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  279. Jun. 2008
  280. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  281. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  282. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  283. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  284. 72–80, 2009.
  285. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  286. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  287. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  288. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  289. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  290. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
  291. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  292. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  293. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  294. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  295. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  296. 72–80, 2009.
  297. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  298. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  299. Jun. 2008
  300. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  301. No. 10, October2010
  302. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  303. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  304. No. 10, October2010
  305. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  306. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  307. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  308. 72–80, 2009.
  309. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  310. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  311. 72–80, 2009.
  312. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  313. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  314. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  315. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  316. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  317. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  318. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  319. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  320. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  321. 72–80, 2009.
  322. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  323. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  324. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  325. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  326. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  327. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  328. 72–80, 2009.
  329. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  330. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  331. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
  332. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  333. No. 10, October2010
  334. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  335. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  336. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  337. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  338. 72–80, 2009.
  339. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  340. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  341. No. 10, October2010
  342. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  343. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  344. Jun. 2008
  345. No. 10, October2010
  346. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  347. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  348. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  349. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  350. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  351. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  352. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  353. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  354. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  355. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  356. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  357. 72–80, 2009.
  358. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  359. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  360. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  361. 72–80, 2009.
  362. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  363. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  364. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  365. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  366. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  367. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  368. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  369. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
  370. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  371. No. 10, October2010
  372. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  373. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  374. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  375. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  376. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  377. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  378. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
  379. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  380. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  381. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  382. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  383. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  384. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  385. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  386. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  387. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  388. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  389. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  390. 72–80, 2009.
  391. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  392. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  393. 72–80, 2009.
  394. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  395. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  396. 72–80, 2009.
  397. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  398. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  399. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  400. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  401. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  402. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  403. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  404. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  405. 72–80, 2009.
  406. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  407. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  408. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  409. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  410. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  411. Jun. 2008
  412. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  413. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  414. 72–80, 2009.
  415. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  416. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  417. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  418. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  419. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  420. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  421. No. 10, October2010
  422. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  423. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  424. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  425. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
  426. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  427. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  428. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  429. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  430. 72–80, 2009.
  431. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
  432. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  433. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  434. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  435. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  436. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  437. 72–80, 2009.
  438. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  439. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  440. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  441. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  442. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  443. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  444. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  445. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  446. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  447. 72–80, 2009.
  448. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  449. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  450. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  451. No. 10, October2010
  452. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  453. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  454. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  455. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  456. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  457. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  458. 72–80, 2009.
  459. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  460. No. 10, October2010
  461. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  462. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  463. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  464. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  465. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  466. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  467. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  468. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  469. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  470. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  471. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  472. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  473. No. 10, October2010
  474. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  475. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  476. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  477. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  478. 72–80, 2009.
  479. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  480. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  481. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  482. 72–80, 2009.
  483. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  484. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  485. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  486. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  487. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  488. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  489. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  490. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  491. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  492. No. 10, October2010
  493. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  494. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  495. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  496. No. 10, October2010
  497. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  498. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
  499. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  500. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  501. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  502. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  503. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  504. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  505. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  506. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  507. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  508. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  509. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  510. 72–80, 2009.
  511. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
  512. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  513. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  514. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  515. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  516. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  517. No. 10, October2010
  518. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  519. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  520. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  521. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  522. No. 10, October2010
  523. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  524. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  525. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  526. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  527. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  528. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  529. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  530. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  531. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  532. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  533. No. 10, October2010
  534. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  535. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  536. 72–80, 2009.
  537. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  538. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  539. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  540. Jun. 2008
  541. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  542. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  543. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  544. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  545. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  546. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  547. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  548. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  549. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  550. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  551. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  552. 72–80, 2009.
  553. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
  554. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  555. No. 10, October2010
  556. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  557. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  558. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  559. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  560. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  561. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  562. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  563. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  564. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  565. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  566. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  567. 72–80, 2009.
  568. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  569. No. 10, October2010
  570. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  571. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  572. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  573. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  574. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  575. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  576. No. 10, October2010
  577. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  578. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  579. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  580. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  581. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  582. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
  583. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  584. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  585. 72–80, 2009.
  586. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  587. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  588. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  589. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  590. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  591. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  592. 72–80, 2009.
  593. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  594. Jun. 2008
  595. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  596. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  597. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  598. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  599. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
  600. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  601. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  602. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  603. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  604. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  605. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  606. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  607. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  608. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  609. 72–80, 2009.
  610. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  611. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  612. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  613. No. 10, October2010
  614. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  615. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  616. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  617. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  618. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  619. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  620. No. 10, October2010
  621. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  622. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  623. No. 10, October2010
  624. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  625. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  626. Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor Users Manual.
  627. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  628. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  629. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  630. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  631. 72–80, 2009.
  632. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  633. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  634. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  635. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  636. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  637. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  638. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  639. 72–80, 2009.
  640. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  641. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  642. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  643. No. 10, October2010
  644. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  645. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  646. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  647. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  648. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  649. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  650. No. 10, October2010
  651. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  652. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  653. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  654. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  655. 72–80, 2009.
  656. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  657. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  658. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  659. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  660. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  661. 72–80, 2009.
  662. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  663. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  664. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  665. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  666. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  667. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  668. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  669. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  670. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  671. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  672. 72–80, 2009.
  673. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  674. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  675. Jun. 2008
  676. No. 10, October2010
  677. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  678. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  679. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  680. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  681. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  682. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  683. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  684. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  685. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  686. 72–80, 2009.
  687. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  688. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  689. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
  690. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  691. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  692. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  693. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  694. Jun. 2008
  695. Jun. 2008
  696. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  697. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  698. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  699. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  700. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  701. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  702. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  703. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  704. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  705. 72–80, 2009.
  706. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  707. M. Martínez and J. V. Salcedo, “ProPID: An interactive CAD tool for control education,”Int. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 24, no. 4, pp.
  708. H. Soumare, R. Shroff, J. L. Hardison, J. A. del Alamo, V. Judson Harvard, P. H. Bailey, and K. K. Delong, “A versatile
  709. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  710. 1191–1198, Dec. 2008
  711. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  712. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  713. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  714. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  715. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  716. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  717. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  718. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  719. R. Dormido, H. Vargas, N. Duro, J. Sanchez, S. Dormido-Canto, G. Farias,F. Esquembre, and S. Dormido, “Development of
  720. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  721. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  722. 72–80, 2009.
  723. Alfredo Gardel Vicente, Ignacio Bravo Munoz, Member, IEEE, Jose Luis Lazaro Galilea, and Pedro A. Revenga del Toro,
  724. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  725. “Remote Automation Laboratory Using a Cluster of Virtual Machines,” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 57,
  726. No. 10, October2010
  727. 35–44, Feb. 2008.
  728. platform,” in Proc. 2nd ICDIM, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 762–767.
  729. Luis Gomes, Senior Member, IEEE, and Seta Bogosyan, Senior Member, IEEE, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories,”
  730. 72–80, 2009.
  731. P. Coquar, M. Guillemot, D. Noterman, A. Leleve, and H. Benmohamed, “Remote laboratories: AIP-Primeca RAO
  732. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  733. Internet-accessible electronics workbench with troubleshooting capabilities,”Int. J. Online Eng. (iJOE), vol. 5, no. SI1, pp.
  734. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  735. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  736. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  737. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  738. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  739. a Web-based control laboratory for automation technicians: The three-tank system,” IEEE Trans. Educ., vol. 51, no. 1, pp.
  740. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Vol. 56, No. 12, December2009
  741. H. Hassan, C. Dominguez, J. M. Martinez, A. Perles, and J. Albaladejo, “Remote laboratory architecture for the validation of
  742. C. Lazar and S. Carari, “A remote-control engineering laboratory,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2368–2375,
  743. J. Ligus, J. Ligusova, and I. Zolotova, “Distributed remote laboratories in automation education,” in Proc. 16th EAEEIE
  744. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  745. R. Marques, J. Rocha, S. Rafael, and J. F. Martins, “Design and implementation of a reconfigurable remote laboratory, using
  746. oscilloscope/PLC network for WWW access,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 2425–2432, Jun. 2008
  747. Annu. Conf. Innov. Educ. Elect. Inf. Eng., 2005, ID: 56, pp. 1–6
  748. industrial control applications,”IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 3094–3102, Dec. 2007
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