DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : VI, July - 2014


Prashant Thote, -

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Like skills are abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enables individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life .They are that facilitate the physical, mental and emotional well-being of individuals. Life skills abilities that helps students to be successful in living a productive life. Learning and practicing Life Skills help students to improve theirs personal and social qualities. Central Board of Secondary include life skill education in curriculum since 2009 and teachers were new to this concept to acquainted them with the concept author conducted in-serving training programme in private English Medium School .The Present study conducted to find out teachers attitude towards it. A Study of Attitude of Teachers towards In-services Training Programmes of Life Skill Education has been dealt with in this paper. The sample included 100 primary school teaches of Central India selected by using random sampling technique, “The attitude of secondary school teachers towards different aspects of in-service training programmes” developed by authors tool was used for the collection of required data. 't-test' technique was adopted for data analysis. It is concluded that there is no significant difference between Rural and Urban, Male and Female and Teaching Experience (1-10 and11-20+) teachers attitude towards in-service training programs of Life Skill Education

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References :

  1. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  2. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  3. Education.
  4. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  5. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  6. NCERT (1986), Report of working Group on In-Serivce Education of Teachers, New Delhi.
  7. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  8. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  9. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  10. Education.
  11. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  12. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  13. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  14. Education.
  15. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  16. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  17. Education.
  18. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  19. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  20. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  21. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  22. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  23. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  24. NCERT (1986), Report of working Group on In-Serivce Education of Teachers, New Delhi.
  25. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  26. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  27. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  28. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  29. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  30. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  31. Education.
  32. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  33. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  34. Education.
  35. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  36. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  37. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  38. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  39. Indian
  40. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  41. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  42. Indian
  43. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  44. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  45. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  46. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  47. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  48. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  49. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  50. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  51. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  52. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  53. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  54. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  55. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  56. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  57. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  58. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  59. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  60. Indian
  61. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  62. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  63. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  64. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  65. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  66. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  67. Education.
  68. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  69. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  70. NCERT (1986), Report of working Group on In-Serivce Education of Teachers, New Delhi.
  71. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  72. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  73. Education.
  74. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  75. Indian
  76. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  77. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  78. Indian
  79. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  80. Indian
  81. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  82. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  83. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  84. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  85. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  86. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  87. Education.
  88. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  89. Indian
  90. NCERT (1986), Report of working Group on In-Serivce Education of Teachers, New Delhi.
  91. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  92. Indian
  93. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  94. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  95. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  96. Indian
  97. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  98. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  99. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  100. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  101. Education.
  102. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  103. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  104. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  105. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  106. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  107. Education.
  108. NCERT (1986), Report of working Group on In-Serivce Education of Teachers, New Delhi.
  109. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  110. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  111. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  112. Education.
  113. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  114. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  115. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  116. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  117. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  118. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  119. Education.
  120. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  121. Education.
  122. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  123. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  124. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  125. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  126. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  127. Indian
  128. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  129. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  130. Education.
  131. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  132. Indian
  133. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  134. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  135. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  136. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  137. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  138. Education.
  139. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  140. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  141. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  142. NCERT (1986), Report of working Group on In-Serivce Education of Teachers, New Delhi.
  143. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  144. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  145. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  146. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  147. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  148. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  149. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  150. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  151. NCERT (1986), Report of working Group on In-Serivce Education of Teachers, New Delhi.
  152. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  153. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  154. Education.
  155. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  156. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  157. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  158. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  159. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  160. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  161. Indian
  162. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  163. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  164. NCERT (1986), Report of working Group on In-Serivce Education of Teachers, New Delhi.
  165. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  166. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  167. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  168. NCERT (1986), Report of working Group on In-Serivce Education of Teachers, New Delhi.
  169. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  170. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  171. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  172. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  173. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  174. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  175. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  176. NCERT (1986), Report of working Group on In-Serivce Education of Teachers, New Delhi.
  177. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  178. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  179. Education.
  180. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  181. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  182. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  183. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  184. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  185. Education.
  186. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  187. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  188. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  189. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  190. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  191. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  192. Indian
  193. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  194. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  195. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  196. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  197. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  198. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  199. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  200. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  201. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  202. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  203. NCERT (1986), Report of working Group on In-Serivce Education of Teachers, New Delhi.
  204. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  205. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  206. Education.
  207. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  208. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  209. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  210. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  211. Education.
  212. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  213. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  214. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  215. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  216. Education.
  217. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  218. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  219. Education.
  220. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  221. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  222. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  223. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  224. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  225. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  226. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  227. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  228. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  229. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  230. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  231. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  232. Education.
  233. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  234. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  235. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  236. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  237. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  238. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  239. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  240. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  241. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  242. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  243. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  244. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  245. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  246. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  247. Education.
  248. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  249. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  250. Education.
  251. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  252. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  253. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  254. Education.
  255. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  256. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  257. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  258. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  259. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  260. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  261. Indian
  262. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  263. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  264. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  265. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  266. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  267. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  268. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  269. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  270. Education.
  271. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  272. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  273. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  274. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  275. Education.
  276. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  277. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  278. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  279. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  280. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  281. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  282. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  283. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  284. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  285. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  286. Education.
  287. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  288. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  289. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  290. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  291. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  292. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  293. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  294. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  295. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  296. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  297. Education.
  298. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  299. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  300. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  301. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  302. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  303. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  304. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  305. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  306. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  307. Education.
  308. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  309. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  310. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  311. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  312. Education.
  313. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  314. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  315. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  316. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  317. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  318. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  319. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  320. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  321. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  322. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  323. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  324. NCERT (1986), Report of working Group on In-Serivce Education of Teachers, New Delhi.
  325. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  326. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  327. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  328. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  329. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  330. Education.
  331. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  332. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  333. Education.
  334. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  335. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  336. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  337. Education.
  338. Education.
  339. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  340. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  341. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  342. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  343. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  344. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  345. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  346. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  347. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  348. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  349. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  350. NCERT (1986), Report of working Group on In-Serivce Education of Teachers, New Delhi.
  351. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  352. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  353. Education.
  354. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  355. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  356. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  357. NCERT (1986), Report of working Group on In-Serivce Education of Teachers, New Delhi.
  358. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  359. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  360. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  361. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  362. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  363. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  364. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  365. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  366. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  367. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  368. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  369. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  370. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  371. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  372. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  373. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  374. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  375. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  376. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  377. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  378. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  379. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  380. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  381. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  382. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  383. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  384. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  385. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  386. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  387. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  388. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  389. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  390. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  391. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  392. Education.
  393. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  394. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  395. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  396. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  397. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  398. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  399. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  400. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  401. Education.
  402. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  403. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  404. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  405. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  406. Indian
  407. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  408. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  409. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  410. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  411. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  412. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  413. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  414. Education.
  415. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  416. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  417. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  418. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  419. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  420. Indian
  421. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  422. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  423. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  424. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  425. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  426. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  427. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  428. Education.
  429. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  430. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  431. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  432. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  433. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  434. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  435. Education.
  436. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  437. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  438. Education.
  439. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  440. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  441. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  442. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  443. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  444. Education.
  445. NCERT (1986), Report of working Group on In-Serivce Education of Teachers, New Delhi.
  446. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  447. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  448. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  449. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  450. Education.
  451. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  452. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  453. Education.
  454. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  455. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  456. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  457. NCERT (2009) Indian Educational Review, Vol. (38)
  458. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  459. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  460. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  461. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  462. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  463. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  464. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  465. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  466. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  467. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  468. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  469. Education.
  470. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  471. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  472. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  473. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  474. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  475. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  476. Education.
  477. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  478. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  479. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  480. NCERT (1986), Report of working Group on In-Serivce Education of Teachers, New Delhi.
  481. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  482. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  483. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  484. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  485. Education.
  486. NCTE (2011), Indian Journal of Teachers Education, Volume 1, Dec.
  487. Learning, 11 (3), 335-46
  488. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  489. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  490. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  491. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  492. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  493. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  494. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  495. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  496. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  497. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  498. Indian
  499. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  500. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  501. Education.
  502. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  503. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  504. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  505. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  506. NCERT (1986), Report of working Group on In-Serivce Education of Teachers, New Delhi.
  507. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  508. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  509. Education.
  510. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  511. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  512. Education.
  513. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  514. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  515. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  516. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  517. Indian
  518. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  519. Indian
  520. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  521. Sharma,D.P.(2002). Teacher education Programme of IGNOU: Student teachers perception, Indian Journal of Open
  522. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  523. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  524. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  525. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  526. Indian
  527. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  528. Indian
  529. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  530. Education.
  531. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  532. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  533. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  534. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  535. Indian
  536. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  537. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  538. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  539. Indian
  540. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  541. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  542. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  543. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  544. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  545. NCERT (1986), Report of working Group on In-Serivce Education of Teachers, New Delhi.
  546. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  547. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  548. ABEL 2 clearing house for Basic Education, Academy for Educational development, abel aed. Org.
  549. Tamil Nadu, India” center for International Development, Harvard University.
  550. NCTE (1998). Policy perspective on teacher education : Critique and Discussion. New Delhi; National Council for Teacher
  551. Education.
  552. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  553. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  554. Dash, Nirod Kumar, (2000). Impact of face to face workshop on the achievement of distance teacher trainees, IGNOU,
  555. Kraft, R. (1995) An International curricular perspective on decentralization: An introduction to its problems, prospects and
  556. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  557. Education.
  558. New Delhi, Arya Book Depot
  559. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  560. Srivastava .S. 1966 “ Growth and Organization of In-Service Programme in India and its Impact on Secondary Schools,
  561. evaluation. Paper presented at Ethiopian curriculum policy workshop, Addis Ababa October, 23-25,1999, Washington ,DC :
  562. Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India.
  563. Prasad, S.N. (2005) ICT IN In-service Teacher training. India Case Study.
  564. Grovers. and Singh,N.H.(2002) “The Quality of Primary Education: A case study of Madhuri and Villupuran Districts in
  565. Indian

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