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Volume : IV, Issue : V, June - 2014


Nayakawadi S.A., None

By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Sugar industry is one of the biggest industry in state of Maharashtra, there is an labour intensive employment of about thousands of workman. The occupational health problems in this sector are many and are attributable to variety of occupational stresses such as high concentration of dust ( viz. clay dust, bagasse dust, sugar dust), excessive temperature, high intensity noise, inadequate light and space, night work, shift work, high concentration of Nox, sulphur dioxide etc. In present investigation the sampling of dust, gases viz. sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides were done, at the selected spots of various processing units of work place environment of sugar industry . It was found that the concentration of sulphur dioxide in juice section near sulphur furnace is significantly high i.e 87.17µg/Nm3.The concentration of nitrogen oxide is comparatively high at cane yard section i.e. 105.54µg/Nm3.The workers working in vicinity of sulphur furnace complain of eye and throat irritation, suffocation, cough, etc. The workers working in cane yard boiler, Bagasse, Baling sections complaints for eye irritation, cough, sputum production may be due to increased concentration of NoX and dust and or interaction of both.

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    References :

    1. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    2. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    3. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    4. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    5. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    6. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    7. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    8. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    9. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    10. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    11. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    12. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    13. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    14. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    15. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    16. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    17. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    18. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    19. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    20. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    21. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    22. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    23. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    24. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    25. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    26. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    27. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    28. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    29. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    30. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    31. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    32. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    33. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    34. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    35. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    36. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    37. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    38. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    39. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    40. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    41. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    42. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    43. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    44. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    45. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    46. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    47. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    48. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    49. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    50. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    51. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    52. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    53. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    54. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    55. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    56. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    57. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    58. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    59. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    60. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    61. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    62. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    63. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    64. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    65. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    66. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    67. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    68. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    69. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    70. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    71. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    72. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    73. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    74. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    75. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    76. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    77. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    78. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    79. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    80. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    81. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    82. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    83. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    84. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    85. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    86. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    87. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    88. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    89. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    90. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    91. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    92. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    93. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    94. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    95. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    96. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    97. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    98. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    99. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    100. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    101. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    102. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    103. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    104. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    105. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    106. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    107. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    108. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    109. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    110. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    111. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    112. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    113. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    114. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    115. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    116. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    117. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    118. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    119. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    120. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    121. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    122. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    123. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    124. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    125. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    126. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    127. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    128. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    129. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    130. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    131. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    132. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    133. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    134. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    135. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    136. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    137. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    138. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    139. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    140. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    141. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    142. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    143. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    144. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    145. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    146. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    147. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    148. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    149. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    150. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    151. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    152. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    153. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    154. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    155. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    156. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    157. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    158. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    159. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    160. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    161. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    162. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    163. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    164. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    165. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    166. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    167. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    168. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    169. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    170. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    171. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    172. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    173. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    174. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    175. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    176. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    177. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    178. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    179. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    180. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    181. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    182. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    183. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    184. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    185. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    186. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    187. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    188. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    189. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    190. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    191. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    192. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    193. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    194. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    195. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    196. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    197. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    198. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    199. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    200. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    201. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    202. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    203. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    204. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    205. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    206. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    207. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    208. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    209. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    210. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    211. Agarwal S.P . and Agarwal M.K.(1994) :Impact of dust pollution ,IJSP 14(7),486-489.
    212. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    213. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    214. Norwood W.D.,W isehart D.E.,Earl C.A.,Adly F .E.and Anderson D.E. (1966): Nitrogen dioxide poisoning due to metal cutting with oxyacetylene torch. J. occup.Med. 8, 301-306
    215. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    216. Carl Zenz,(1994): In “occupational Medicine”3rdEd.O.BruceDickerson,EdwardP .horvath, Jr .
    217. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    218. Federal (1975): Chemical hazards in work place. Ed.G.Choudhary(1981) , ASC Symposium series, American chemical society , Washington D.C
    219. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    220. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    221. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    222. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    223. W ark (1981):GerardKiely , environmental Engineering ISBN 0-07-709127-2.
    224. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    225. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    226. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India
    227. Ross D. S.(1974):W elders metal fume fever , J. Indus. Med., 31, 220-223.
    228. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    229. Carl Zenz,M.D.,SC. D., Bruce J.Poitrast, M.D., M.P .H.(1994):Oxides of nitrogen (Nitrogen dioxide and nitric oxide).Occupational medicine, 3rd edition, 668-670
    230. Sanandam M.R. (2002): Phyological studies of rats exposed to cotton dust . A ph.D thesis submitted to Shivaji University, Kolhapur -416004, India

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