DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : V, June - 2014


Vikash Kumar, None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

This article discusses how there exist a symbiotic relationship between Santals and forest further how changing access to nature impacted an adivasi people. This paper explores how their access to nature gradually diminished under colonial rule through governmental policies and restriction of the forests to the indigenous population. This paper shows that how jungle is integral part of Santal lives and their social, cultutal, religious and economic activities revolves in and around the forest only

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Vikash Kumar, None(2014). SANT ALS AND JUNGLEIN COLONIAL INDIA. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. V, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  2. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  3. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  4. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  5. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  6. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  7. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  8. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  9. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  10. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  11. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  12. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  13. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  14. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  15. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  16. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  17. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  18. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  19. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  20. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  21. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  22. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  23. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  24. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  25. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  26. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  27. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  28. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  29. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  30. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  31. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  32. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  33. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  34. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  35. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  36. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  37. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  38. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  39. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  40. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  41. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  42. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  43. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  44. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  45. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  46. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  47. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  48. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.
  49. Archer, W.G (1974), The hill of flutes life, love and poetry in tribal India a portrait of the Santals, Allen and Unwin, London.
  50. Carrin-Bouez (1991), Inner frontiers: Santal responses to acculturation, Bergen; Chr, Michelsen Institute.

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