DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : V, June - 2014


Hiramani Kashyap , None

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

Himachal Pradesh is also known as the land of god and goddess. It is situated in lap of western Himalaya and full of natural and cultural beauty . Budi Diwali fair is held on Maghar Amawasya for three days in Village Nirmand of Kullu district. It is associated with the battle of Mahabharta which is said to have started on that day . It is also associated to commemorate the killing of two demons Dano and Asur, who resided at Nirmand in the form of snake. It starts with a brief recital of Mahabharta and story of Raja Bali through folk songs. Present study is based on that how this Budi Diwali fair is celebrated, what are the religious beliefs behind it and why this is important to celebrate in Nirmand area.

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Hiramani Kashyap , None(2014). FAIR FESTIVAL AND THERE RELIGIOUS BELIEF IN HIMACHAL HIMALA Y A- ASTUDYOF BUDI DIW ALI OFNIRMAND. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. V, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  2. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  3. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  4. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  5. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  6. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  7. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  8. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  9. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  10. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  11. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  12. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  13. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  14. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  15. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  16. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  17. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  18. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  19. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  20. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  21. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  22. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  23. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  24. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  25. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  26. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  27. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  28. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  29. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  30. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  31. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  32. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  33. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  34. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  35. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  36. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  37. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  38. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  39. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  40. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  41. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  42. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  43. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  44. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  45. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  46. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  47. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  48. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  49. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  50. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  51. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  52. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  53. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  54. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  55. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  56. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  57. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  58. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  59. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  60. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  61. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  62. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  63. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  64. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  65. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  66. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  67. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  68. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  69. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  70. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  71. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  72. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  73. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  74. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  75. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  76. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  77. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  78. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  79. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  80. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  81. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  82. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  83. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  84. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  85. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  86. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  87. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  88. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  89. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  90. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  91. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  92. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  93. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  94. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  95. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  96. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  97. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  98. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  99. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  100. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  101. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  102. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  103. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  104. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  105. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  106. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  107. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  108. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  109. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  110. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  111. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  112. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  113. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  114. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  115. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  116. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  117. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  118. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  119. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  120. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  121. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  122. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  123. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  124. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  125. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  126. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  127. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  128. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  129. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  130. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  131. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  132. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  133. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  134. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  135. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  136. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  137. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  138. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  139. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  140. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  141. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  142. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  143. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  144. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  145. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  146. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  147. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  148. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  149. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  150. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  151. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  152. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  153. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  154. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  155. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  156. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  157. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  158. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  159. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  160. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  161. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  162. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  163. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  164. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  165. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  166. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  167. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  168. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  169. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  170. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  171. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  172. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  173. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  174. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  175. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  176. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  177. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  178. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  179. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  180. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  181. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  182. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  183. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  184. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  185. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  186. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  187. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  188. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  189. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  190. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  191. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  192. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  193. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  194. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  195. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  196. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  197. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  198. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  199. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  200. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  201. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  202. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  203. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  204. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  205. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  206. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  207. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  208. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  209. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  210. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  211. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  212. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  213. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  214. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  215. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  216. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  217. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  218. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  219. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  220. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  221. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  222. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  223. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  224. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  225. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  226. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  227. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  228. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  229. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  230. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  231. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  232. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  233. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  234. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  235. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  236. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  237. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  238. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  239. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  240. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  241. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  242. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  243. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  244. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  245. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  246. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  247. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  248. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  249. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  250. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  251. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  252. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  253. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  254. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  255. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  256. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  257. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  258. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  259. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  260. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  261. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  262. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  263. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  264. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  265. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  266. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  267. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  268. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  269. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  270. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  271. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  272. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  273. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  274. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  275. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  276. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  277. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  278. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  279. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  280. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899
  281. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  282. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  283. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  284. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  285. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  286. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  287. B Weiler, C Hall (1992) Special Interest T ourism. Belhaven, London
  288. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  289. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  290. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  291. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  292. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  293. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  294. B Hill (1993) The Future of Rural T ourism. Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington DC
  295. C T assell, M T assell (1990) The T asmanian Rural Landscape. Heritage Australia, 9 (4), pp. 12–15
  296. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  297. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  298. A.J. McIntosh, H. Johnson (2005) Exploring the nature of the Maori experience in New Zealand: views from hosts and tourists. T ourism, 52 (2), pp. 117–129
  299. Cohen, E. (2001) Ethnic tourism in south Asia. T ourism Anthropology. China, White Lotus Press.
  300. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  301. A.Pritchard, N. Morgan (2001) Culture, identity and tourism representation: Marketing Cymru or Wales? T ourism Management, 22 (2), pp. 167–179
  302. A Fleischer, D Felsenstein (2000) Support for Rural T ourism: Does it make a Difference? Annals of T ourism Research, 27, pp. 1007–1024
  303. Ceballos-Lascurain, H. (1987) The Future of Eco-tourism. Mexico Journal (January):13–14
  304. J Ruiz-Baudrihaye (1997) El turismo cultural: luces y sombras. Estudios Turisticos, 134 , pp. 43–54
  305. C. Ryan, M. Aicken (2005) Indigenous tourism: The commodification and management of culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  306. C. Santos, G. Y an (2008) Representational politics in Chinatown: The ethnic other . Annals of T ourism Research, 35 (4), pp. 879–899

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