DOI Prefix : 10.9780 | Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
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Volume : IV, Issue : IV, May - 2014


Rama Chandra Dhir, -

DOI : 10.9780/22307850, By : Laxmi Book Publication

Abstract :

E-learning ensures flexibility and efficacy whereas face to face learning environment provides the social interaction which is otherwise known as on line and traditional instruction or blended learning. E-learning teaching technology improves students learning where faculty members associated with e-learning methods can teach well in order to achieve desired course goals as well as objectives of education more effectively

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Rama Chandra Dhir, -(2014). E-LEARNING: A TTITUDE OFGRADUA TING STUDENTSACASE STUDYOFKENDRP ARA(AUTO)COLLEGE. Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol. IV, Issue. IV, DOI : 10.9780/22307850,

References :

  1. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  2. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  3. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  4. Educational T echnology and Society .
  5. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  6. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  7. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  8. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  9. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  10. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  11. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  12. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  13. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  14. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  15. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  16. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  17. today .
  18. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  19. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  20. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  21. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  22. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  23. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  24. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  25. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  26. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  27. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  28. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  29. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  30. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  31. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  32. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  33. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  34. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  35. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  36. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  37. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  38. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  39. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  40. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  41. Educational T echnology and Society .
  42. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  43. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  44. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  45. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  46. today .
  47. today .
  48. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  49. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  50. today .
  51. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  52. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  53. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  54. today .
  55. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  56. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  57. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  58. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  59. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  60. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  61. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  62. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  63. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  64. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  65. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  66. today .
  67. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  68. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  69. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  70. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  71. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  72. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  73. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  74. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  75. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  76. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  77. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  78. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  79. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  80. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  81. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  82. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  83. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  84. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  85. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  86. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  87. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  88. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  89. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  90. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  91. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  92. today .
  93. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  94. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  95. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  96. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  97. Educational T echnology and Society .
  98. Educational T echnology and Society .
  99. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  100. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  101. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  102. Educational T echnology and Society .
  103. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  104. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  105. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  106. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  107. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  108. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  109. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  110. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  111. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  112. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  113. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  114. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  115. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  116. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  117. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  118. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  119. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  120. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  121. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  122. Educational T echnology and Society .
  123. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  124. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  125. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  126. today .
  127. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  128. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  129. today .
  130. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  131. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  132. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  133. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  134. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  135. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  136. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  137. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  138. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  139. Educational T echnology and Society .
  140. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  141. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  142. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  143. today .
  144. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  145. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  146. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  147. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  148. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  149. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  150. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  151. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  152. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  153. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  154. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  155. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  156. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  157. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  158. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  159. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  160. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  161. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  162. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  163. Educational T echnology and Society .
  164. Educational T echnology and Society .
  165. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  166. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  167. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  168. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  169. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  170. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  171. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  172. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  173. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  174. today .
  175. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  176. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  177. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  178. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  179. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  180. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  181. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  182. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  183. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  184. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  185. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  186. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  187. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  188. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  189. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  190. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  191. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  192. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  193. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  194. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  195. today .
  196. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  197. today .
  198. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  199. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  200. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  201. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  202. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  203. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  204. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  205. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  206. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  207. today .
  208. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  209. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  210. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  211. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  212. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  213. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  214. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  215. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  216. Educational T echnology and Society .
  217. Educational T echnology and Society .
  218. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  219. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  220. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  221. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  222. Educational T echnology and Society .
  223. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  224. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  225. Educational T echnology and Society .
  226. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  227. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  228. today .
  229. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  230. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  231. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  232. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  233. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  234. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  235. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  236. today .
  237. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  238. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  239. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  240. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  241. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  242. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  243. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  244. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  245. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  246. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  247. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  248. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  249. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  250. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  251. today .
  252. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  253. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  254. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  255. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  256. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  257. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  258. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  259. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  260. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  261. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  262. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  263. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  264. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  265. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  266. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  267. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  268. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  269. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  270. Educational T echnology and Society .
  271. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  272. today .
  273. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  274. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  275. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  276. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  277. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  278. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  279. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  280. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  281. today .
  282. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  283. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  284. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  285. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  286. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  287. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  288. today .
  289. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  290. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  291. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  292. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  293. today .
  294. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  295. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  296. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  297. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  298. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  299. Educational T echnology and Society .
  300. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  301. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  302. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  303. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  304. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  305. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  306. today .
  307. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  308. Educational T echnology and Society .
  309. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  310. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  311. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  312. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  313. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  314. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  315. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  316. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  317. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  318. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  319. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  320. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  321. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  322. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  323. Educational T echnology and Society .
  324. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  325. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  326. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  327. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  328. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  329. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  330. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  331. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  332. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  333. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  334. Educational T echnology and Society .
  335. Educational T echnology and Society .
  336. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  337. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  338. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  339. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  340. today .
  341. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  342. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  343. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  344. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  345. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  346. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  347. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  348. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  349. today .
  350. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  351. today .
  352. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  353. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  354. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  355. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  356. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  357. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  358. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  359. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  360. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  361. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  362. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  363. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  364. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  365. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  366. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  367. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  368. Educational T echnology and Society .
  369. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  370. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  371. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  372. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  373. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  374. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  375. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  376. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  377. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  378. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  379. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  380. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  381. today .
  382. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  383. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  384. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  385. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  386. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  387. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  388. Educational T echnology and Society .
  389. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  390. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  391. today .
  392. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  393. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  394. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  395. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  396. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  397. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  398. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.
  399. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  400. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  401. today .
  402. Education. Communication of the ACM.
  403. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  404. Hiltz,S.R & Turoff, M.(2005).Education goes digital :The evolution of the online learning and the revolution in Higher
  405. Educational T echnology and Society .
  406. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  407. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  408. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  409. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  410. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  411. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  412. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  413. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  414. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  415. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  416. Higher Education. 26(3),263-272
  417. and Resident Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education
  418. Dean, P ., Stahl, M, Sylwester, D, & Pear, J.(2001).Effectiveness of Combined Delivery Modalities for Distance Learning
  419. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  420. Flvin, S.(2001),E-learning Advantages in a T ough Economy, Retrieved from http/www
  421. Delacey, B.J. & Leonard, D.A.(2002). Case study on T echnology and Distance in Education at the Harvad Business School,
  422. today .
  423. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  424. S.S.Willams, C.(2002).Learning online :A Review of Recent Literature in a rapidly Expanding Field. Journal of Further and
  425. A ycock, A, Garaham, C. and Kaleta, R.(2002),Lessons Learned from the Hybrid course project. T eaching with T echnology
  426. Mc Combs, B.& V akili, D.(2005).A learner-centered frame work for e-learning. T eachers College Record.
  427. Spika, P .(2002).Approximately ”Real World” Learning with the Hybrid Model. T eaching with T echnology T oday
  428. T wingg, C.A (2003) Improving Learning and reducing costs: New models for online learning. EDUCAUSE Review.

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